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Study Cell Structure Vocabulary
Cell Structure and Questions Assignment
Review Notes
Think about your cell analogy project
What is the brain of the cell?
What is the post office of the cell?
What is the highway of the cell?
What are the garbage collectors of the
5. What is the jello of the cell?
Cell Country
What is an analogy?
 An analogy is a way to describe
something by comparing it point by point
to something else.
 It is drawing a comparison in order to
show a similarity between items.
Cell Wall
The cell wall is a rigid covering found
outside the cell membrane of plant. It
helps maintain the shape of plant cells.
What does the cell wall resemble in the
Cell Country?
Cell Wall= The U.S. Borders
Cell membrane
The cell membrane is a thin, flexible
covering that surrounds the cell. It
allows the cell to change shape and
controls what goes into and out of the
What does the cell membrane
resemble in the Cell Country?
Cell Membrane=
The harbors or
The jelly-like area between the nucleus
and the cell membrane is called the
cytoplasm. It helps organelles move
throughout the cell.
What does the cytoplasm resemble in
the Cell Country?
The land or environment
 The nucleus is a large, round/oval
structure usually located near the center
of the cell. It is the control center for all
the activities of the cell.
 What does the nucleus resemble in the
Cell Country?
President Obama/Washington D.C.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
The endoplasmic reticulum consists
of a network of tube-like passageways
that proteins made by the ribosomes
are transported through.
What does the endoplasmic reticulum
resemble in the Cell Country?
Endoplasmic Reticulum=
The ribosomes are small grain-like
bodies made mostly of RNA and are
produced in the nucleus. The
ribosomes make or construct proteins
for the cell.
What does the ribosome resemble in
the Cell Country?
Ex. Construction workers
Golgi Body
The Golgi Bodies (also known as Golgi
Apparatus or Golgi Complex) are responsible
for modifying, packaging and transporting
molecules to other locations inside the cell or
outside the cell.
What does the Golgi Complex resemble in
the Cell Country?
Golgi Body= U.S. Post Office
The mitochondria are tiny bean-shaped
structures in the cytoplasm with a smooth
outer membrane, and a greatly folded inner
membrane. They supply the energy for the
cell by changing sugars into “cell energy”.
What does the mitochondria resemble in the
Cell Country?
Power Plants
The chloroplast is an oval, green structure
found in the cytoplasm. It contains
chlorophyll. It captures the sun’s light energy
and uses it to produce sugars in a process
called photosynthesis.
What does the chloroplast resemble in the
Cell Country?
The vacuole is a large, round, sac
found in the cytoplasm. It stores food,
water, wastes, or other materials
needed by the cell.
What does the vacuole resemble in the
Cell Country?
Lakes, water tanks,
or grocery stores
The lysosome is a small, round
structure responsible for digesting large
food particles or worn-out cell parts to
be reused or exported from the cell.
What does the lysosome resemble in
the Cell Country?
Waste Management or recycling centers
Independent activity
 With your table partners create an
analogy for Sunnymead Middle School.
 Match the cell name to its analogies part.
 Write it on page 31 with your