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Materials needed:
1 - sheet of wax paper
1 - licorice rope
1 - piece of bread
1 - part of Petri dish
6 - pieces of licorice
5 - sticks of gum
2 - M & M’s
8 - Chewy Sweethearts (skittles or runts)
To make the NEURON: Use the Petri dish to cut out a round circle from the piece of
bread. This is the CELL BODY. The cell body contains the NUCLEUS which controls what
action will be taken. Shape the round piece of bread to look like a CELL BODY by pinching the
bread in five places in order to place DENDRITES. The CELL BODY processes the impulse.
Place an M&M in the bread in any location to indicate the CELL BODY NUCLEUS. The CELL
BODY NUCLEUS controls the actions of the NEURON. Break one piece of licorice into tiny
pieces and place in the CELL BODY to show NISSL BODIES. NISSL BODIES help make
protein to replace worn out CELL BODY structures and are important in PNS neuron
regeneration. DENDRITES receive impulses and take them to the CELL BODY for processing.
To make the DENDRITES, cut all the licorice (not the rope) in half (not lengthwise). Using five
of the halves, tear the licorice almost in half, so it looks like tree branches. Place the licorice
around the CELL BODY. The AXON transmits the impulse away from the CELL BODY. The
AXON is the licorice rope. SCHWANN CELLS are myelin-covered cells located along the
AXON. They help to speed up the transmission of the impulse. For the SCHWANN CELLS,
wrap one piece of gum (LEAVING THE WRAPPER ON—it represents the MYELIN SHEATH
that speeds up the transmission of the impulse) around the licorice rope, then wrap another and
another, leaving about an inch between pieces of gum. The spaces between SCHWANN CELLS
are called the NODES OF RANVIER. NODES OF RANVIER help to speed up the transmission
of impulses. The AXON TERMINAL is where NEUROTRANSMITTERS are stored in
structures called AXON TERMINAL BUDS. NEUROTRANMITTERS help the impulse to
travel across the SYNAPSE. The SYNAPSE is a small space between neurons and neurons or
neurons and other structures. Make the AXON TERMINAL using the other halves of the
licorice cut for the DENDRITES (these are shaped like dendrites). Shape theses to look like
AXON TERMINAL. Use the chewy sweethearts to make the AXON TERMINAL BUDS.
Review the parts of the neuron with your table partner. This means that you tell your
partner what each thing is and what each thing does. They then do the same to you. Repeat
until you can say what things are and what they do with out looking at your paper. DO NOT
Label the Neuron Diagram. You will find the diagram on page 239 in your textbook.
Now complete the Graphic Organizer including the functions of each part of the