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Cell Transformation
During transformation, a cell takes in DNA from
outside the cell, and the external DNA becomes
a part of the cell’s DNA
Bacterial DNA
Recombinant DNA/plasmid
Quick Review
Different enzymes can be used to cut, copy, and move
segments of DNA.
Characteristics produced by the segments of DNA may
be expressed when these segments are inserted into
new organisms, such as bacteria.
Inserting, deleting, or substituting DNA segments can
alter genes. (mutations)
An altered gene may be passed on to every cell that
develops from it.
Transforming Bacteria
Bacteria can be transformed using recombinant
Foreign DNA joins to a small circular DNA called
a plasmid, which are naturally found in some
It serves as a bacterial origin of replication (it will be
replicated if it gets inside the bacteria cell)
It has a genetic marker (a gene that is distinguishable
between bacteria with/without the foreign DNA)
Figure 13-9 Making Recombinant DNA
Section 13-3
Gene for human
growth hormone
Gene for human
growth hormone
Human Cell
Bacterial Cell
Go to
Bacterial cell for
containing gene for
human growth hormone
Transforming Plant Cells
In nature, there’s a bacteria that can insert
plasmid into plant cells, producing tumors.
Scientists use this same bacteria, but
insert foreign DNA, producing a
recombinant plasmid that can infect plants.
OR, DNA can be injected into some cells.
OR, scientists can remove the cell wall
and allow plant cells to take up the DNA
on their own
Transforming Plant Cells
Either way, if transformation is successful, the
recombinant DNA is integrated into one of the
chromosomes of the cell, the cell can be cultured (to
make more cells) to produce adult plants.
Transforming Animal Cells
DNA can be injected into egg cells and
enzymes in the cell will insert the foreign
DNA into the chromosomes of that cell.
Are They “Designer” Scientists?
Scientists can insert foreign
DNA that will recombine with
specific sequences in a host
chromosome, “knocking out”
or replacing the host gene
with a new gene.
Used to study specific functions
of genes, possibly treat
disorders caused by single
genes (gene therapy), or
possibly design babies, etc…