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The Peripheral
Nervous System
The Peripheral Nervous System
What we already know… the PNS is/has
– Nervous structures outside the brain and spinal cord
– Nerves allow the CNS to receive information and take action
– Functional components of the PNS
• Afferent (Sensory)
– Has somatic and visceral components
» Each with a general and special functional subdivision
• Efferent (Motor)
– Has somatic and visceral components
» Somatic efferent – voluntary skeletal muscles
» Visceral efferent – Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
divided into the Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Divisions
The Peripheral Nervous System
• Basic structural components of the PNS
– Sensory receptors
• Respond by transducing the stimulus into an action potential
– Motor endings
• The interface between the efferent neurons and the effector (neuromuscular junctions, neuroglandular junctions)
– Nerves & Ganglia
The Peripheral Nervous System
Peripheral Sensory Receptors
• Structures that pick up sensory stimuli
– Initiate signals in sensory axons
• Classification of peripheral sensory receptors may be
– By location
– By stimulus detected
– By structure
Classification by Location
• Exteroceptors
– located at or near body surfaces
• sensitive to stimuli arising from outside the body
• Include receptors for touch, pressure, pain, and temperature as well as receptors of special senses
• Interoceptors
– located in the viscera (visceroceptors) • receive stimuli from internal viscera
• monitor a variety of stimuli
– Pain (visceral), hunger & satiety, nausea
• Proprioceptors
– located in musculoskeletal organs
• monitor degree of stretch
Classification by Structure
• Peripheral Sensory Receptors are divided into two groups
– Free nerve endings
– Encapsulated nerve endings
• Both types are general sensory receptors with. . .
– Wide distribution – Nerve endings that monitor:
• Touch, pressure, vibration, stretch, pain, temperature and proprioception Three Types of Proprioceptors
• Muscle spindles
– Imbedded in the perimysium between muscle fascicles
– measure the changing length of a muscle
• Golgi tendon organs
– located near the muscle‐tendon junction
– Monitor tension within tendons • Joint kinesthetic receptors – Sensory nerve endings within the joint capsules
Neural Junctions in the PNS
• Neuromuscular
• Neuroglandular
• Neuralneural
The PNS Nerves & Ganglia
• Cranial Nerves
• Spinal Nerves
• Autonomic Nervous System
Cranial Nerves
• Attach to the brain and pass through foramina of the skull
• Numbered from I–XII
• Cranial nerves I and II attach to the forebrain
– All others attach to the brain stem
• Primarily serve head and neck structures
– The vagus nerve (X) extends into the abdomen The 12 Pairs of Cranial Nerves
Figure 14.8
Cranial Nerve Mnemonic Devices
• Name
– Oh, Oh, Oh To Touch And Feel Very Green Vegetables, Always Heavenly
• Function
– Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Bad Boys Marry Money
I. Olfactory
• Sensory‐ Smell
– Passes through cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
– Origin in olfactory bulbs
II. Optic
• Sensory‐ sight
• Signals terminate in occipital lobe via lateral geniculate nucleus in thalamus
• Optic chiasma‐
optic nerves cross (Named for the Greek letter Chi X)
III. Oculomotor
• Somatic motor‐eye movement: controls 4 of 6 eye muscles (superior, inferior & medial rectus muscles and inferior oblique) and upper eyelid
IV. Trochlear
• trochlea= pully
• Somatic motor‐ controls superior oblique of eye (this muscle has a pulley)
V. Trigeminal
• Mixed(sensory & motor)
• Three branches
– Opthalmic branch‐ sensory(orbit, nose, sinuses, forehead, eyelids & eyebrows)
– Maxillary branch‐ sensory(lower eyelid, upper lip, nose, cheek, gums & teeth)
– Mandibular branch‐ mixed(motor & sensory)
• Motor‐ muscles of mastication
• Sensory‐ proprioception, temples, salivary glands, teeth & gums, anterior tongue
V. Trigeminal
VI. Abducens
• Somatic motor‐ eye movement: lateral rectus
VII. Facial
• Mixed(sensory & motor)
– Sensory‐
proprioception of face, and taste
– Somatic Motor‐
superficial muscles of face & scalp, – Autonomic motor‐
lacrimal gland, nasal cavity & pharynx, salivary glands
Bells palsy- paralysis of facial nerve
(the most common acute mononeuropathy)
VIII. Vestibulocochlear
Sensory‐ balance, equilibrium, (vestibule/semicircular canals) hearing(cochlea)
IX. Glossopharyngeal
• Mixed (sensory & motor)
– Sensory‐ posterior tongue pharynx & palate, carotid arteries(blood pressure & pH
– Somatic motor‐
X. Vagus
• Mixed (sensory & motor)
– Visceral sensory‐
pharynx, auricle, external auditory meatus, diaphragm and visceral organs
– Visceral motor‐
autonomic: heart, respiratory tract, stomach and intestines
XI. Accessory
• Somatic Motor‐
swallowing and vocal cords
• Note that some motors fibers originate from spinal cord in the neck(spinal root & merge with the cranial root
XII. Hypoglossal
• Somatic Motor‐
Gloss= tongue
Hypo= below
Spinal Nerves
• 31 pairs – contain thousands of nerve fibers
• Connect to the spinal cord
• Named for point of issue from the spinal cord
– 8 pairs of cervical nerves (C1‐C8)
– 12 pairs of thoracic nerves (T1‐T12)
– 5 pairs of lumbar nerves (L1‐L5)
– 5 pairs of sacral nerves (S1‐S5)
– 1 pair of coccygeal nerves (Co1)
Spinal Nerves Posterior View
Figure 14.9
Spinal Nerves
• Branch into dorsal ramus and ventral ramus
• Rami communicantes connect to the base of the ventral ramus
– Lead to the sympathetic chain ganglia
• Dorsal and ventral rami contain sensory and motor fibers
Spinal Nerves
Figure 14.10a
Innervation of the Back
Figure 14.10b
Nerve Plexuses
• Nerve plexus – a network of nerves
• Ventral rami (except T2‐T12)
– Branch and join with one another – Form nerve plexuses
• In cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral regions
– Primarily serve the limbs
– Fibers from ventral rami crisscross The Cervical Plexus
• Buried deep in the neck
– Under the sternocleidomastoid muscle
• Formed by ventral rami of first four cervical nerves
• Most are cutaneous nerves
• Some innervate muscles of the anterior neck
• Phrenic nerve – the most important nerve of the cervical plexus
Cervical Plexus Nerves
The Brachial Plexus and Innervation of the Upper Limb
• Brachial plexus lies in the neck and axilla
• Formed by ventral rami of C5‐C8
• Cords give rise to main nerves of the upper limb Figure 14.12d
Brachial plexus & nerves
The Lumbar Plexus and Innervation of the Lower Limb
• Lumbar plexus – Arises from L1‐L4
– Smaller branches innervate the posterior abdominal wall and psoas muscle
– Main branches innervate the anterior thigh
• Femoral nerve – innervates anterior thigh muscles
• Obturator nerve – innervates adductor muscles
The Sacral Plexus
• Arises from spinal nerves L4‐S4
• Caudal to the lumbar plexus
• Often considered with the lumbar plexus
– Lumbosacral plexus
Innervation of the Skin: Dermatomes
• Dermatome –
– an area of skin that is innervated by cutaneous branches of a single spinal nerve
• Upper limb
– skin is supplied by nerves of the brachial plexus
• Lower limb – Lumbar nerves – anterior surface
– Sacral nerves – posterior surface
Map of Dermatomes
Figure 14.17a,b
The Autonomic Nervous System and Visceral Sensory Neurons
The Autonomic Nervous System and Visceral Sensory Neurons
• The ANS – a system of motor neurons
– The general visceral motor division of the PNS
– Innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands
– Regulates visceral functions
• Heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, urination . . .
The Autonomic Nervous System and Visceral Sensory Neurons
Comparison of Autonomic and Somatic Motor Systems
• Somatic motor system
– One motor neuron extends from the CNS to skeletal muscle
– Axons are well myelinated, conduct impulses rapidly
• Visceral Motor (Autonomic nervous) system
– Chain of two motor neurons
• Preganglionic neuron
• Ganglionic neuron
– Conduction is slower due to thinly or unmyelinated axons
Comparison of Autonomic and Somatic Motor System Pathways
Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System
• Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
– Chains of two motor neurons
• Exhibits dual innervation
– Nerves of both divisions innervate mostly the same structures
• Cause opposite effects
• Sympathetic – “fight, flight, or fright”
– Activated during exercise, excitement, and emergencies
– Concerned with liberating energy resources
• Parasympathetic – “rest and digest”
– Concerned with conserving and storage of energy
Differences in ANS Divisions
• From different regions of the CNS
– Sympathetic – also called the thoracolumbar division
– Parasympathetic –
also called the craniosacral division
Differences in ANS Divisions
• Length of postganglionic fibers
– Sympathetic – long postganglionic fibers
– Parasympathetic – short postganglionic fibers
• Branching of axons
– Sympathetic axons – highly branched • Influences many organs
– Parasympathetic axons – few branches • Localized effect
• Neurotransmitter released by postganglionic axons
– Sympathetic – most release norepinephrine (adrenergic)
– Parasympathetic – release acetylcholine
Sympathetic Pathway
Parasympathetic Pathway
The Parasympathetic Division
• Cranial outflow – Comes from the brain
– Innervates organs of the head, neck, thorax, and abdomen
• Sacral outflow – Supplies remaining abdominal and pelvic organs
The Sympathetic Division
• Basic organization
– Issues from T1‐L2
– Preganglionic fibers form the lateral gray horn
– Supplies visceral organs and structures of superficial body regions
– Contains more ganglia than the parasympathetic division
• Sympathetic trunk ganglia
• Prevertebral ganglia
The Role of the Adrenal Medulla in the Sympathetic Division
• Major organ of the sympathetic nervous system
• Constitutes largest sympathetic ganglia • Secretes great quantities of norepinephrine and adrenaline • Stimulated to secrete by preganglionic sympathetic fibers
Visceral Sensory Neurons
• General visceral sensory neurons monitor:
– Stretch, temperature, chemical changes, and irritation
• Cell bodies are located in the dorsal root ganglia
• Visceral pain – perceived to be somatic in origin
– Referred pain
A Map of Referred Pain
Visceral Reflexes
• Visceral sensory and autonomic neurons
– Participate in visceral reflex arcs
• Defecation reflex
• Micturition reflex
• Some are simple spinal reflexes
• Others do not involve the CNS – Strictly peripheral reflexes
Visceral Reflex Arc
Special Senses
• Senses that have specific concentration of receptors
– Vision
– Hearing/Equilibrium
– Smell
– Taste
Visual Pathway
• Optic nerve
• Optic chiasma
• Optic radiations
– Lateral geniculate body radiates to visual cortex
– Pulvinar (lateral thalamic mass) radiates to visual association areas
– Other radiations to various nuclei involved in visual reflexes Vision
• The Eye
• Retinal Layers
– Outer
• Photoreceptors
– Inner
• bipolar, horizontal and amacrine cells
– Ganglion layer
• Ganglion cells
– Optic fiber layer
• Forms the optic nerve
The Ear – Hearing & Equilibrium
waves enter
parsed &
The Ear – Cochlea Detail
1. scala vestibuli
2. scala media
(chochlear duct)
3. scala tympani
4. hair cells
5. tectorial
6. cochlear nerve
7. basilar membrane
8. spiral lamina
Basilar Membrane Resonance Frequencies
The Ear – Vestibule & Semicircular Canals
Relationship between bony and membranous labyrinth in the inner ear