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Final Exam Review (Spring 2010)
Ramshaw – Biology
Complete this review for 3% added to your final exam grade!
1. Names what happens in each stage.
2. The purpose and the result of mitosis.
3. How does cancer relate to mitosis?
4. Terminology and definitions.
 Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase (Pictures of each stage)
 Cytokinesis!
 Asexual reproduction
1. Names what happens in each stage.
2. The purpose and the result of meiosis.
3. Terminology and definitions.
 Prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I,
telophase I (Pictures of each stage)
 Prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase
II, telophase II (Pictures of each
 Cytokinesis!
 Synapsis
 Tetrad
Crossing over
Independent assortment
Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis
Polar Bodies
Sexual reproduction
1. Who is Mendel and what did his studies include?
2. What are his principles and patterns of inheritance?
3. State Mendel’s Laws and how to apply them to different genetic crosses.
4. Make a Punnett Square and analyze the results (give genos and phenos).
5. Describe how to construct and interpret a pedigree.
6. Why they are used and how they can predict who has (or chance of) a genetic disorder.
7. What do the different symbols stand for on a pedigree?
8. List the advantages of using them over a written passage.
9. Complete all genetic terminology and definitions.
 Genotype
 Polygenic
 Phenotype
 Monohybrid cross
 Dominant
 Incomplete dominance
 Recessive
 Down’s Syndrome
 Gene
 Homologous chromosomes
 Punnett Square
 Autosomes
 Heterozygous
 Sex linked traits
 Homozygous
 Pedigree
DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis:
1. Tell the structure and function of DNA and RNA.
2. Identify the purpose of DNA, RNA, and protein translation.
3. Tell how DNA codes for protein (DNA  mRNA  construction of a protein).
4. Describe the history of how DNA was discovered and studied, including the names of the
scientists and what year its structure was identified.
5. Construct a chain of DNA (12 bases), and then translate the message into a chain of amino
6. Define all terminology and definitions associated with DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis.
 4 Nitrogenous Bases
 RNA – types and functions of the 3
 Sugar and Phosphate – location
 Transcription
 Structure of DNA - nucleotides
 Translation
 Shape of DNA
 Codon
 Complementary strands
 Protein
 Replication
 Amino Acids
1. Tell about Darwin, his studies, and his theory.
2. Describe the patterns of evolution that include: coevolution, convergent evolution, divergent
evolution, and natural, artificial, and sexual selection.
3. Define all terminology and definitions associated with evolution.
 Geologic time scale, basic
 Biogeography
knowledge of eras and time periods
 Comparing
 Age of the Earth (estimated)
 Fossils
 Fitness
 Law of Superposition
 Decent with Modification &
Modification by Natural Selection
 How fossils form
 Galapagos Islands
 Cast & mold and trace fossils
 Absolute age and Relative age
 Homologous structures
 Sediment
 Analogous structures
 Strata or stratum
 Vestigial structures
 Embryology
 Acquired trait
 Adapt
Stem Cells:
1. Describe these 2 types of stem cells or processes involved with stem cells:
 Embryonic and Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
 Adult and iPS cells
2. How is each type retrieved (where it comes from)?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of stem cell?
4. Define terms:
 Human Therapeutic Cloning  Inner cell mass
Somatic cell nuclear transfer
 Differentiation
 Embryonic Stem Cells
 Pluripotent
 Adult Stem Cells
 Teratoma
 Blastocyst