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Author: Petra Zedníčková
A protein
• A protein is a
complex, highmolecular-weight
organic compound
that consists of amino
acids joined by
peptide bonds
• Proteins are essential to the structure and
function of all living cells and viruses
• Many proteins are enzymes or subunits
• Other proteins play structural or
mechanical roles
• Proteins are broken down into
polypeptides to provide amino acids for
the organism
(bílkoviny jsou rozštěpeny na polypeptidů a tak poskytují aminokyseliny pro organismus)
• Pepsinogen is converted into the enzyme pepsin
when it comes into contact with hydrochloric acid
• Pepsin is the only proteolytic enzyme that
digests collagen, the major protein of connective
• Proteins are one of
the classes of biomacromolecules,
polysacharides, lipids,
and nucleic acids, that
make up the primary
constituents of living
Protein regulation
• Various molecules and ions are able to bind to
specific sites on proteins
• These sites are called binding sites
• They exhibit (vykazují) chemical specificity
specifiku, přesnost
• The particle that binds is called a ligand
• The strength of ligand-protein binding is a
property of the binding site known as affinity
„Stabilita / síla vazby ligand-bílkovina je schopnost vazebného místa nazývaná afinita“
• Proteins are generally
large molecules, having
molecular masses of up
to 3,000,000
• Long chains of amino
acids are almost
universally referred to as
proteins, but shorter
strings of amino acids are
referred to as
"polypeptides," „peptides"
or rarely, "oligopeptides"
Role of protein
• Proteins are involved in practically every
function performed by a cell, including
regulation of cellular functions such as
signal transduction and metabolism
• The protein involved in functions control
almost all the molecular processes of the
Bílkoviny řídí téměř všechny molekulové procesy v těle.
Role of protein
• Protein is an important
macronutrient to the human
diet, supplying the body's
needs for nitrogen and amino
acids, the building blocks of
• Protein deficiency can lead to
symptoms such as fatigue
(vyčerpanost, únava), insulin
resistance, hair loss, loss of
hair pigment, loss of muscle
mass, low body temperature,
hormonal irregularities,…
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