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Biology Lesson Plan
Topic: Cell Organelle
Your Name: Joe Carstensen
Subject/Course: Biology
Level: 10
Time allotted:
Standards, Goals and Objectives
 Standard:
Students demonstrate an understanding of how living systems function
and how they interact with the physical environment. This includes the
cycling of matter and flow of energy in living systems. An understanding
of the characteristics, structure, and function of cells, organisms and living
systems will be developed. Students also develop a deeper understanding
of principals of heredity, biological evolution, and the diversity and
interdependence of life. Students demonstrate an understanding of how
different historical perspectives, scientific approaches and emerging
scientific issues associate with life science.
 Benchmark A:
Explain that cells are the basic unit of structure and function of living
organisms, that once originated all cells come from pre-existing cells, and
that there are a variety of cell types.
 Objectives
 When shown a picture of a cell, students should be able to recognize key
organelle and list their functions.
 Students are able to diagram a cell showing at least 5 of organelle learned
about in lesson development.
 Students are able to identify the 4 different functions of organelles learned
about lesson development.
Materials and Resources
Handouts, which diagrams cell but organelles needs to be labeled (15)
Colored Pencils, Markers, Crayons, or Pencils
Pre-assessment test sheet (15)
Biology. Neil Campbell, Jane Reece. 2002. Benjamin Cummings. Pg. 112-130
Pizza Activity (15)
Definition sheets (15)
Biology Lesson Plan
Lesson Procedures
Set –Induction (aka: Readiness/Motivation/Engagement for topic/lesson)
Allotted Time: 10 minutes
 Set Induction
 Introduce Myself
 Pre-assessment test with reward
 Questions, such as “What is the smallest component in the body?”, “Why are
cells so small?”, “Who first discovers the cell?” “How long till inside of cell
could be described?” “What are some things that cells can do for us?”
 After small discussion, mention cell organelle if it has not been brought up
 All life as we know it is survives because of the functions of cell organelles,
whether it be growing up or recovering after an injury. In our next session, we
will learn about several organelle of the cell and what their functions are.
 After the next lesson students should be able to fill out the handout with out
making more than one mistake.
Lesson Development
Allotted Time: 10 minutes
 Remind students about the previous topic.
 Introduce seven organelles that will be taught. The organelles are cell
membrane, mitrochondrion, nucleus, smooth and rough endoplasmic
reticulum (ER), golgi apparatus, and lysosome. (1 minute)
 Describe the function of the aforementioned organelle. (3minute)
 Pizza Activity, in which students draw a pizza that represents a cell with at
least 5 organelle (6 minutes)
 “So next time you order your pizza, order some organelles on it.”
 Overall, students should learn the difference between the cell’s organelle well
enough to be able to label at least 6 of them correctly.
Lesson Closure
Allotted Time: 10
 Start off by revisiting the Pizza Activity, have students tell why they chose
certain topping for a certain organelle. Each student should name one. It is
alright if they repeat organelle but not topping.
 Students draw pizza with the toppings describe on the board.
 “So next time you order your pizza, order some organelles on it.”
 Remind students to study for the test.
Biology Lesson Plan
 Students are able to draw at least one topping on the group pizza, and have a
reason why they chose that topping to represent a specific organelle.
 Student can correctly label 6 of 7 organelle taught when shown a diagram of a
 If there is extra time, start lecture on ribosome and their functions of cells.
Lesson Adaptations/Differentiation:
 For slow learners, offer time after school or time during study periods for
extra help. Also depending on the circumstances, allow them to turn in
homework a day later.
 For quick learner, suggest extra reading, and if possible try to find
competitions that they could enter.
Biology Lesson Plan
Cell Labeling
Word Bank
Cell Membrane
Golgi Apparatus
Rough ER
Smooth ER
Biology Lesson Plan
Cell Membrane: The membrane at the boundary of every
cell that acts as a selective barrier, thereby regulating the
cell’s chemical composition.
Nucleus: The chromosome containing organelle.
Golgi Apparatus: An organelle consisting of stacks of flat
membranous sacs that modify, store, and route products of
the endoplasmic reticulum.
Lysosome: A membrane-enclosed bag of hydrolytic
enzymes found in the cytoplasm.
Mitochondrion: An organelle that serves as the site of
cellular respiration.
Endoplasmic Reticulum: An extensive membranous
network continuous with the outer nuclear membrane
composed of two parts rough and smooth.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): This portion of the
ER is studded with Ribosome.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): This portion of
the ER is studded with Ribosome.
Biology Lesson Plan
Make a Cellular Pizza!!!
In the space below draw a pizza that represents a cell and at least five organelles.
Make sure to label which topping is which organelle, and be prepared to explain why you
choose that topping for that specific organelle. Have fun and Happy St. Patty’s
Biology Lesson Plan