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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the
1) What limits the resolving power of a light microscope?
A) the type of heavy metal or dye that is used to stain the specimen
B) the ratio of an object's image to its real size
C) the shortest wavelength of light used to illuminate the specimen
D) the type of lens used to magnify the object under study
E) the type of lens that focuses a beam of electrons through the specimen
2) When biologists wish to study the internal ultrastructure of cells, they most likely would use
A) a scanning electron microscope.
B) a light microscope.
C) a transmission electronic microscope.
D) both A and C.
E) A, B, and C.
3) A primary objective of cell fractionation is
A) to crack the cell wall so the cytoplasmic contents can be released.
B) to identify the enzymes outside the organelles.
C) to view the structure of cell membranes.
D) to separate the major organelles so their particular functions can be determined.
E) to determine the size of various organelles.
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
Figure 7.1
Cell fractionation can be accomplished by a series of increasingly rapid spins in a centrifuge. The figure above
shows the results of such a series of spins. Match the letter of the cell fractions that would be obtained by the
numbered steps.
4) fraction number 1
5) fraction number 2
6) fraction number 3
7) fraction number 4
8) fraction number 5
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the
9) Which of the following are prokaryotic cells?
A) fungi
B) bacteria
C) plants
D) animals
E) both B and C
10) Which of the following is not found in a prokaryotic cell?
A) cell wall
B) endoplasmic reticulum
C) plasma membrane
D) ribosomes
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
For the following questions, use the lettered answers to match the structure to its proper cell type. Choose the most
inclusive category. Each answer may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
a feature of all cells
found in prokaryotic cells only
found in eukaryotic cells only
found in plant cells only
found in animal cells only
11) plasma membrane
12) tonoplast
13) nucleoid
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the
14) Large numbers of ribosomes are present in cells that specialize in producing which of the following molecules?
A) steroids B) proteins C) starches D) lipids E) glucose
15) Which of the following does not contain functional ribosomes?
A) a plant mitochondrion
B) a prokaryotic cell
C) a nucleolus
D) a chloroplast
E) an animal mitochondrion
16) Which of the following is not a part of the endomembrane system?
A) lysosomes
B) Golgi apparatus
C) mitochondria
D) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
E) rough endoplasmic reticulum
17) Which type of organelle is primarily involved in the synthesis of oils, phospholipids, and steroids?
A) lysosomes
B) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
C) mitochondria
D) ribosomes
E) contractile vacuoles
18) Which structure is the site of the synthesis of proteins that may be exported from the cell?
A) Golgi vesicles
B) lysosomes
C) plasmodesmata
D) tight junctions
E) rough ER
19) To which structure would you assign the function of secretion activities leading, for example, to the formation
of a new cell wall in plants?
A) tight junctions
B) smooth ER
C) plasmodesmata
D) lysosomes
E) Golgi vesicles
20) Of the following, which is probably the most common route for membrane flow in the endomembrane system?
A) ER  chloroplasts  mitochondrion  cell membrane
B) Golgi  lysosome  ER  plasma membrane
C) rough ER  vesicles  Golgi  plasma membrane
D) nuclear envelope  lysosome  Golgi  plasma membrane
E) tonoplast  plasma membrane  nuclear envelope  smooth ER
21) Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A) nucleolus¹ribosomal RNA
B) lysosome¹protein synthesis
C) cytoskeleton¹microtubules
D) nucleus¹DNA replication
E) cell membrane¹lipid bilayer
22) Which of the following cell components is not directly involved in synthesis or secretion?
A) ribosomes
B) Golgi bodies
C) rough endoplasmic reticulum
D) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
E) lysosome
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
Refer to the following five terms to answer the following questions. Choose the most appropriate term for each
phrase. Each term may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Golgi apparatus
23) secretes many polysaccharides
24) contains hydrolytic enzymes
25) helps to recycle the cell's organic material
26) one of the main energy transformers of cells
27) involved in Pompe's disease, in which the liver is damaged by an accumulation of glycogen due to the absence
of an enzyme needed to break down glycogen
28) contains its own DNA and ribosomes
29) detoxifies alcohol in the liver
30) contains enzymes that transfer hydrogen from various substrates to oxygen, producing H 2O2
31) a membrane that encloses a versatile plant compartment that may hold reserves of organic compounds or
inorganic ions
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the
32) Of the following, what do both mitochondria and chloroplasts have in common?
A) ATP is produced.
B) DNA is present.
C) Ribosomes are present.
D) Only B and C are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.
33) Grana, thylakoids, and stroma are all components found in
A) cilia and flagella.
B) nuclei.
C) chloroplasts.
D) lysosomes.
E) mitochondria.
34) Organelles that contain DNA include
A) ribosomes.
B) chloroplasts.
C) mitochondria.
D) Only B and C are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.
35) An animal secretory cell and a photosynthetic leaf cell are similar in all of the following ways except:
A) They both have chloroplasts.
B) They both have transport proteins for active transport of ions.
C) They both have a Golgi apparatus.
D) They both have mitochondria.
E) They both have a cell membrane.
36) Which of the following is capable of converting light energy to chemical energy?
A) mitochondria
B) Golgi bodies
C) chloroplasts
D) peroxisomes
E) leucoplasts
37) A biologist ground up some plant cells and then centrifuged the mixture. She obtained some organelles from
the sediment in the test tube. The organelles took up CO2 and gave off O2. The organelles are most likely
A) nuclei.
B) ribosomes.
C) mitochondria.
D) chloroplasts.
E) Golgi apparatuses.
38) Which of the following relationships between cell structures and their respective functions is not correct?
A) chromosomes: genetic control information
B) chloroplasts: chief site of cellular respiration
C) mitochondria: formation of ATP
D) ribosomes: site of protein synthesis
E) cell wall: support, protection
39) Of the following, which cell structure would most likely be visible with a light microscope that had been
manufactured to the maximum resolving power possible?
A) mitochondrion
B) ribosome
C) largest microfilament
D) microtubule
E) nuclear pore
40) In animal cells, hydrolytic enzymes are packaged to prevent general destruction of cellular components. Which
of the following organelles functions in this compartmentalization?
A) peroxisome
B) lysosome
C) glyoxysome
D) chloroplast
E) central vacuole
41) Cells can be described as having a cytoskeleton of internal structures that contribute to the shape, organization,
and movement of the cell. All of the following are part of the cytoskeleton except
A) microtubules.
B) actin.
C) intermediate filaments.
D) microfilaments.
E) the cell wall.
42) Which of the following is not a known function of the cytoskeleton?
A) to hold mitochondria and other organelles in place within the cytosol
B) to provide mechanical support to the cell
C) to maintain characteristic shape of the cell
D) to maintain a critical limit on cell size
E) to assist in cell motility by interacting with specialized motor proteins
43) Which of the following possesses a microtubular structure similar in form to a basal body?
A) nucleolus
B) peroxisome
C) ribosome
D) centriole
E) lysosome
44) What structure is often deposited in several laminated layers and has a strong and durable matrix that affords
the cells protection and support?
A) secondary cell wall
B) primary cell wall
C) middle lamella
D) tonoplast
E) glycocalyx
45) Microfilaments are well known for their role in which of the following?
A) contracting of muscle cells
B) ameboid movement
C) formation of cleavage furrows
D) A and B only
E) A, B, and C
46) All of the structures listed below are associated with movement in cells or by cells except
A) cilia.
B) flagella.
C) peroxisomes.
D) dynein.
E) myosin.
47) When a potassium ion (K+) passes from the soil into the vacuole of a root cell, it encounters some cellular
barriers. Which of the following is the most direct path the K+ would take through these barriers?
A) secondary cell wall  plasma membrane  thylakoid
B) primary cell wall  secondary cell wall  tonoplast
C) primary cell wall  plasma membrane  tonoplast
D) cell wall  plasma membrane  grana
E) cell wall  plasma membrane  tonoplast  grana
48) Plasmodesmata in plant cells are most similar in function to which of the following structures in animal cells?
A) glycocalyx
B) gap junctions
C) peroxisomes
D) tight junctions
E) desmosomes
49) A cell has the following molecules and structures: enzymes, DNA, ribosomes, plasma membrane, and
mitochondria. It could be a cell from
A) a bacterium.
B) a plant or an animal.
C) a plant, but not an animal.
D) an animal, but not a plant.
E) any kind of organism.
50) Which of the following contain the 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules?
A) flagella
B) centrioles
C) cilia
D) A and C only
E) A, B, and C
51) A cell lacking the ability to make and secrete glycoproteins would most likely be deficient in its
A) nuclear DNA.
B) Golgi apparatus.
C) extracellular matrix.
D) B and C only.
E) A, B, and C.
52) The extracellular matrix is thought to participate in regulation of animal cell behavior by communicating via
A) plasmodesmata.
B) the nucleus.
C) DNA and RNA.
D) integrins.
E) lipoproteins in the membrane.
53) Ions can travel directly from the cytoplasm of one animal cell to the cytoplasm of an adjacent cell through
A) intermediate filaments.
B) desmosomes.
C) plasmodesmata.
D) gap junctions.
E) tight junctions.
54) All of the following are associated with the extracellular matrix of animal cells except
A) proteoglucans.
B) cellulose.
C) fibronectins.
D) collagen.
E) integrins.
55) Cells would be unable to form cilia or flagella if they do not have
A) ribosomes.
B) plastids.
C) chloroplasts.
D) actin.
E) centrioles.
56) Which of the following intercellular junctions are common in epithelial tissue?
A) desmosomes
B) tight junctions
C) gap junctions
D) both A and B
E) A, B, and C
1) Answer: C
2) Answer: C
3) Answer: D
4) Answer: D
5) Answer: E
6) Answer: B
7) Answer: A
8) Answer: C
9) Answer: B
10) Answer: B
11) Answer: A
12) Answer: D
13) Answer: B
14) Answer: B
15) Answer: C
16) Answer: C
17) Answer: B
18) Answer: E
19) Answer: E
20) Answer: C
21) Answer: B
22) Answer: E
23) Answer: D
24) Answer: A
25) Answer: A
26) Answer: C
27) Answer: A
28) Answer: C
29) Answer: E
30) Answer: E
31) Answer: B
32) Answer: E
33) Answer: C
34) Answer: D
35) Answer: A
36) Answer: C
37) Answer: D
38) Answer: B
39) Answer: A
40) Answer: B
41) Answer: E
42) Answer: D
43) Answer: D
44) Answer: A
45) Answer: E
46) Answer: C
47) Answer: C
48) Answer: B
49) Answer: B
50) Answer: D
51) Answer: D
52) Answer: D
53) Answer: D
54) Answer: B
55) Answer: E
56) Answer: E