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Mock Exam 2
BY330 Summer 2014
1. Assume that 4 molecules of pyruvate enter the Krebs cycle and are
completely oxidized. Also allow oxidation of all electron carriers through the
electron transport chain. How many protons are pumped from the matrix of
the mitochondria to the inner membrane space? How many ATPs are created
as a result of only the ETC? How many water molecules are formed? What
enzyme allows for the production of ATP in the inner membrane of the
2. The cytochrome complexes in the mitochondria have _______________ ions in
their core, normally present in the (oxidized, reduced) state.
3. Which of the following proteins can be used to synthesize ribosomal RNA in
eukaryotes? Circle all that apply.
a). RNA polymerase I
b). RNA polymerase II
c). RNA polymerase III
d). none of the above
4. ____________________________ RNA is usually about 100 nucleotides in length, and
functions in the nucleus. It can act as an enzyme catalyst and has been found
to have a lot of the __________________ nucleotide present.
5. Below is a prokaryotic mRNA gene. The second conserved sequence (closest
to the gene) in the promoter region is present here. The gene begins 10
nucleotides downstream of this region (on nucleotide number 11), and it is
10 nucleotides in length. Underline the conserved sequence, circle the gene,
identify the coding and template strands, and transcribe the gene in the 5’ to
3’ direction.
5’ A G C T G C A A G C C T G C A G C G C T A G A G C G T A G A A T A T A G C G 3’
3’ T C G A C G T T C G G A C G T C G C G A T C T C G C A T C T T A T A T C G C 5’
6. Which RNA polymerase has the ability to transcribe all genes found in a
eukaryotic cell?
7. ______________________ is the termination sequence present on a gene for
prokaryotic mRNA. This is the (same, different) as the termination sequence
present on a gene coding for eukaryotic mRNA.
Mock Exam 2
BY330 Summer 2014
8. _______________________, components of the cytoskeleton, are distributed
uniformly across the cytoplasm. Another component,
___________________________, are found mostly in the interior of the cell.
9. Describe the “9 + 2 arrangement” of microtubules. In what two structures
can this arrangement be found?
10. Communicating cell junctions allow two cells to share which of the following?
Circle all that apply.
a). Cytoplasm
b). Organelles
c). Water
d). Small molecules
e). Electrical impulses
11. Describe the major difference between an adhering cell junction and an
impermeable cell junction.
12. True or False: All RNA transcripts in eukaryotes undergo post-transcriptional
13. _____________________ is the sequence of nucelotides present on the template
strand of the gene for eukaryotic mRNA that signals UsnRNP to remove the
over-transcript produced. This sequence is about ________ nucelotides
upstream of the end of the gene.
14. Give two functions of a spliceosome.
Mock Exam 2
BY330 Summer 2014
15. True or False: All mature eukaryotic mRNA transcripts have a G-cap and a
poly-A tail.
16. List the two conserved sequences found in the promoter region of the gene
for eukaryotic mRNA and describe their locations in relation to each other
and the gene.
17. Eukaryotes have _______ S ribosomes, while prokaryotes have _______ S
ribosomes. The eukaryotic ribosome is made of a large subunit that is ______ S
and a small subunit that is _______ S. (True or False): The large subunit is
made exclusively of large ribosomal RNA.
18. Draw and label a “Christmas tree.” What gene transcripts are being produced
and in what ratio? What is the significance of the regions in between each
Christmas tree?
19. Eukaryotic ribosomal subunits are assembled in the _______________________
region of the ______________________. Each subunit is made up of some
combination of 4 _________ molecules and about ________ proteins.
_________________ ribosomal RNA is synthesized in the __________________ region of
the nucleolus, while _______________ ribosomal RNA is synthesized in the
_________________. The proteins that are incorporated into the structure of a
ribosome are synthesized in the _____________________. Once these parts are all
assembled into ribosomal subunits, they are exported to the
20. Which of the following gene types have both a promoter and associated
“promoter-like” regions? Circle all that apply.
a). 5S rRNA
b). large rRNA
Mock Exam 2
BY330 Summer 2014
c). eukaryotic mRNA
d). tRNA
e). prokaryotic mRNA
21. A typical 5S rRNA gene is about ________ nucleotides in length and is
transcribed using RNA polymerase _______. Its promoter region is present
(upstream, inside, downstream) of the gene and is also known as the
_______________________________. RNA polymerase is attracted to the gene after the
binding of _________________ to the promoter region of this gene. The same
molecule combines with the 5S rRNA transcript to form a _________________
molecule that will be transported to the ______________________ region of the
22. A cell has 8 O type genes, 2 S types genes, and 4 transcription factors
available that can only bind once. What percentage of each gene type will be
present after transcription?
23. A eukaryotic mRNA transcript has a G-cap, a 40 nucelotide 5’ noncoding
region, a 50 nucleotide 3’ noncoding region, a 100 nucelotide poly-A tail, 3
exons that are 20 nucelotides each in length, and 2 introns that are 10
nucleotides each in length. What is the maximum length of the immature
mRNA before removal of intervening sequences? What is the length of the
mature mRNA transported to the cytoplasm? What is the length of the gene?
What is the length of the protein that could be translated?
24. What is the name of the enzyme that will attach an amino acid to a molecule
of tRNA? What are the two reactions that take place at its binding sites?
25. The three nucleotides always present at the 3’ end of a molecule of tRNA are
_______________. The ______________ loop also contains three nucleotides called the
Mock Exam 2
BY330 Summer 2014
________________________, that are complementary to the codon on a molecule of
26. ______________________ factors help to begin the process of protein synthesis in a
eukaryotic ribosome. ___________ aligns the first codon, __________, in its proper
position. _________ and _________ act as escorts for the first tRNA molecule
bringing in the first amino acid, _______________________. __________ can be
phosphorylated to block the process of protein synthesis.
27. True or False: The full 80S ribosome is assembled prior to the introduction of
an mRNA molecule.
28. List and describe the function of the four proteins used during the elongation
phase of translation.
29. ______________________ factors will bind to stop codons to terminate protein
synthesis. What are the three stop codons and which factors will bind to
30. ___________________ is a single message that contains multiple ribosomes. One
ribosome can bind every ___________ nucelotides.