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Cells Notes
 Robert Hooke First observed cells in __________
 Examined a thin piece of ___________
 Described the image like looking at little boxes.
 These reminded him of the _________ _________ in which monks lived called
__________, so he called them cells
 Came up with _________ _________
Cell Theory
Two Types of Cells – Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic
Prokaryotic cells –
Eukaryotic cells-
-_____ nucleus
-_____ organelles
-________ and _________
-has a __________
-has _____________
-_________ and __________
 Prokaryotes have:
 NO ___________
 NO organelles
 Are SMALL and _________
 Prokaryotic organisms are
 ___________: composed of one cell
 Example: BACTERIA
 No nucleus
 DNA floats around inside cell
 Eukaryotes have
 Nucleus
 ______________
 Are large and ______________
 Eukaryotic organisms may be either
 Unicellular: one cell
 Multicellular: _________ __________
 Examples:
 ___________ CELLS
Formative Review
Which of the following is a characteristic of eukaryotes?
A. No nucleus
B. No organelles
C. Large and complex
T/F Eukaryotes have no nucleus
Which of the following is not part of the cell theory
A. Basic unit of life
B. Come from pre-existing cells
C. Are non living
Levels of Organization
 Cell Specialization:
 Multicellular organisms are able to___________ which allows the cells
to ___________ _____________ ________________.
 For example, a cell can become a nerve cell or muscle
 Groups of these cells then combine to form systems: _________ ___
 ________Tissue_________Organ System
 Cell: Are the __________ ______ of structure and function in living things
 Tissue: Made up of _______ that are ___________ in structure and function
that work together to perform a specific function
Ex. Bone and muscle tissue
 Organ: Made up of ______________ that ______ __________ to perform a
specific activity or function
 Ex. Heart, Brain
 Organ System: Groups of ______ ___ _______ ________ that work together to
perform a specific function for the organism.
 Ex. Digestive System, Nervous System
Parts of Animal Cells
 Cell Membrane
 _______________
 Organelles: small specialized structures
inside cell
 ______________
 Ribosome
 Endoplasmic Reticulum
 Rough and Smooth
 Golgi apparatus
 ________________
 Centriole
 _______________
Plasma (Cell) Membrane
 Outer _____________ of cell
 ___________ and supports cell
 Selectively permeable: ________ which substances
_________ and leave the cell
 Also called phospholipid ________
Plasma Membrane - Phospholipid Bilayer
 Phospholipids
 Phosphate head
 ___________: ________ water (“water loving”)
 Interacts with water
 Two fatty acid tails (lipid)
 _____________: _______ water (“water fearing”)
 Bilayer: Cell membrane is arranged in ___ _________ of phospholipids
 Cytoplasm – _____ ________
 Located between the cell membrane and the nucleus
 Contains all the _____________ of the cell
 “_________ __________”
 Function: makes ___________ (ATP) for cell
 Has a smooth outer membrane and folded
inner membrane
 Function: __________ __________ for the cell
 Locations
 _______________
 Attached to the (Rough ER)
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
 Usually connected to the nuclear membrane
 “Rough” because it has ___________ on it
 Function: Takes __________ made by ribosomes to the Golgi Apparatus or
the cell membrane
 ______________________ within cell
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
 Function: Makes ___________ sends them to the Golgi Apparatus or the cell
 ______________________ within cell
 __________ _________ toxic substances
Golgi Apparatus
 Function: modifies, sorts, and packages substances from the ER and stores or
exports them
 _________ ________
 Spherical
 Function: ________ ___________
 proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, DNA, RNA, etc.
 Function: Help separate chromosomes during ______ ___________
 Function: Contains _________
 Keeps DNA separate from the rest of cell
 _________ center of cell
 Small dense region in the ______________
 Function: where assembly of _______________ begins.
Plant Cells ONLY
 Have ALL of the previous organelles seen in animal cells….plus 3 more!!!!!!!!
 _______ _________
 Chloroplasts
 _________
 Again, animal cells ____ _____ have these 3!
Cell Wall
 Stiff
 Outside the cell membrane
 Function: ______ _________ and protect the plant
 Function: Site of ______________ (food making)
 Capture _____ from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy (food).
 Contains light capturing pigments including chlorophyll (makes them green)
 Fluid-filled organelle
 Function: that _______ _________, enzymes and wastes