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STUDY GUIDE – Cell Cycle, Cell Differentiation, and Cell Regulation 1. What are the 3 phases of the cell cycle?
Interphase, Mitosis and Cytokinesis
2. What occurs in the cell cycle (in general)?
The Cell cycle is all about growing and dividing, growing and dividing. The purpose of the cell cycle is
to create more cells to repair and growh
3. Know the order of the 3 phases and the phases within the 3 phases.
1. Interphase (G1, S, G2) 2. Mitosis (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase)
4. Describe what happens in each part of interphase:
a. Gap 1 à growth
b. Synthesis à replicating DNA
c. Gap 2 à growth
5. What are the 4 phases of mitosis? Describe each phase.
Prophase à nuclear envelope disappears, chromatin condenses to become chromosomes, spindle
fibers form, and centrioles prepare for cell division
Metaphase à spindle fibers attach to centromeres and move chromosomes to middle of cell
Anaphase à spindle fibers pull the centromeres causing the chromosomes to split apart and move to
opposite ends of cell
Telophase à nuclear envelope reforms, chromosomes uncoil and become chromatin, spindle fibers
disassemble and centrioles move back together
6. What is the purpose of mitosis?
Specifically to split the nucleus
In general to help create more cells for growth and repair of the organism
7. True/False. Mitosis produces two different daughter cells.
False. Mitosis produces two IDENTICAL daughter cells
8. Where would a cell plate be found? What is its purpose?
A cell plate is found in plant cells during cytokinesis to help finish creating 2 new cells
9. Draw a cell in prophase and label the following: cell membrane, nuclear membrane, centrioles, spindle
fibers, and chromosomes.
10. Describe cytokinesis. Differentiate between cytokinesis in plants and animals
cytokinesis is when the cytoplasm and all of the organelles within the cytoplasm split. At the end of
cytokinesis you will have 2 distinct cells. Cytokinesis starts with the creation of the cleavage furrow
during telophase. In plants, cytokinesis can’t pinch in the cell wall, so a cell plate is formed within that
cell. In animals, the cell membrane can be pinched so it forms a cleavage furrow to pinch the one large
cell into two smaller ones.
11. Label the structure on the right with the following terms: centromere, telomere, sister chromatid and
12. Label the diagram below with the correct phase and write a sentence about what is happening in that
phase. #1 is done for you as an example.
Prophase: Nuclear
membrane breaks
down, chromatin turns
line up along
equator of cell
Chromosomes pulled
Cytokinesis: 2 new
cells made and
cytoplasm is split
DNA and organelles
replicate, cell
prepares to divide
chromosomes turn to
chromatin; nuclear
envelope reforms;
B 2.7
13. Define cancer.
Uncontrolled cell division
14. Describe how benign and malignant tumors differ.
Benign: harmless
Malignant: harmful
15. What do internal signals do?
Regulate cell division, turn it off and on
Example enzymes
16. What do external signals do?
Regulate cell division, turn it off and on
Example: hormones and growth factors
17. Define checkpoints. What do they do and when do they occur (3 of them)?
Regulates cell division, critical points in the cell cycle, determines if cell can move onto the next phase
G1, G2, Mitosis
18. What is differentiation for?
To create cells that have different functions and structures
19. Do all cells contain the same DNA or different DNA?
All contain same DNA except for sperm and egg
20. What are stem cells? Where can they be found?
Unspecialized cells, found in embryos, umbilical cords, and bone marrow
21. What makes cells unique from each other?
Different genes (sections of DNA) are activated