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Multiply, Divide and Survive-Pg 102-105
1. What are the 2 stages of Cell Division?
Mitosis and cell division
2. Tell 3 things about chromosomes: They are seen only in cell division; The same material as
chromatin, They are made of DNA and are found in the nucleus.
3. When do chromosomes become visible? Prophase
4. How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have in each cell?23 How many total in each cell? 46
Write 2 things about Interphase. The longest part of the cell cycle… this is when the cell is
working and doing its job.
What is chromatin? The relaxed and elongated form of the genetic material that is able to
produce mRNA to build proteins.
How many stages does mitosis have? 4
What is cytokinesis?
The division of the cytoplasm and organelles.
8. Draw and label the cell cycle in your science notebook ---OMM p.105