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Microtubule cortical array organization and plant cell
Alex Paradez1,2, Amanda Wright3 and David W Ehrhardt1
Plant cell cortical microtubule arrays attain a high degree of
order without the benefit of an organizing center such as a
centrosome. New assays for molecular behaviors in living cells
and gene discovery are yielding insight into the mechanisms by
which acentrosomal microtubule arrays are created and
organized, and how microtubule organization functions to
modify cell form by regulating cellulose deposition. Surprising
and potentially important behaviors of cortical microtubules
include nucleation from the walls of established microtubules,
and treadmilling-driven motility leading to polymer interaction,
reorientation, and microtubule bundling. These behaviors
suggest activities that can act to increase or decrease the local
level of order in the array. The SPIRAL1 (SPR1) and SPR2
microtubule-localized proteins and the radial swollen 6 (rsw-6)
locus are examples of new molecules and genes that affect
both microtubule array organization and cell growth pattern.
Functional tagging of cellulose synthase has now allowed the
dynamic relationship between cortical microtubules and the
cell-wall-synthesizing machinery to be visualized, providing
direct evidence that cortical microtubules can organize
cellulose synthase complexes and guide their movement
through the plasma membrane as they create the cell wall.
Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution, 260 Panama Street,
Stanford, California 94305, USA
Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305,
Section of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of California San
Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093-0116, USA
Corresponding author: Ehrhardt, David W ([email protected])
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2006, 9:571–578
This review comes from a themed issue on
Cell biology
Edited by Laurie G Smith and Ulrike Mayer
Available online 28th September 2006
1369-5266/$ – see front matter
# 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
DOI 10.1016/j.pbi.2006.09.005
Plant cell growth is achieved by cell wall expansion that is
driven by high internal pressure, or turgor. To acquire
specific shapes that are important for cell function and
organized multicellular development, the cell wall has to
yield to uniformly applied internal pressure in a
uniform, or anisotropic, pattern. Plant cell morphogenesis
is influenced by both the microtubule and actin cytoskeletal networks and the signaling mechanisms that control
their organization. Interphase microtubule cortical arrays
assume a variety of configurations that vary by cell type
and shape. In cells that are destined to undergo rapid axial
elongation, such as those in the root axis or the etiolated
hypocotyl, the cortical array assumes a high degree of
order, with polymers lying roughly in parallel to each
other and oriented transversely or obliquely relative to
the cell axis [1]. By contrast, in highly lobed pavement
cells, there is no global orientation of microtubules but
rather local and periodic patches of parallel polymers that
are correlated with the sinuses of the undulating cell
perimeter [2]. It is likely that basic mechanisms for
the creation of cortical array organization apply in all
cell types, and that modifications and variations of these
mechanisms operate in cells that have specialized
shape. The molecular mechanisms by which cortical
microtubule patterns are established and maintained
are not yet known, but new insights are arriving from
a combination of genetic, biochemical, and live-cellimaging studies.
What are the functions of the plant cortical microtubule
array? In 1962, Paul Green [3] reported that colchicine, a
drug known to disrupt the fibers in mitotic spindles,
caused uniform swelling of algal cells and loss of cell wall
birefringence as measured by polarization microscopy.
He hypothesized that colchicine-sensitive fibers were
somehow responsible for organizing the direction in
which the major structural polymers in the cell wall were
deposited, the orientation of these wall fibers being the
basis of the material anisotropy responsible for the direction of cell wall expansion. A year later, Ledbetter and
Porter [4] observed the first cortical microtubules in plant
cells, noting that they lay just under the plasma membrane and were often parallel to each other, and coining
the name ‘microtubule’ because of their annular appearance in cross section. These authors and others observed
that microtubules were often parallel to fibers in the cell
wall [5,6], supporting Green’s original idea. Many studies
with both drugs and mutants have supported the microfibril guidance hypothesis (reviewed in [7]), but microtubule orientation and cellulose orientation can become
uncoupled [7,8], and cellulose microfibrils can be laid
down in a parallel fashion without an intact cortical
array [9]. These observations suggest that the function
of microtubules in cell wall organization might be
more complicated than simple one-on-one guidance of
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2006, 9:571–578
572 Cell biology
cellulose orientation. Here, we review recent progress in
our understanding of interphase cortical microtubule
organization and the function of this array in building
the cell wall and regulating cell wall expansion pattern.
Cortical array creation and organization
Cortical microtubule nucleation
Most current evidence suggests that interphase microtubules are first polymerized then organized into the
cortical array. In the course of normal root axis development, microtubules appear at the cortex of post-mitotic
cells in random orientations before the array attains a high
degree of order. Likewise, when cortical microtubules are
depolymerized with drugs then allowed to recover, the
array is initially disorganized and gradually regains an
ordered appearance, showing that microtubules are not
polymerized into their final position [10–12]. Plant cells
lack an obvious central microtubule nucleating center,
such as a centrosome or basal body. Instead, nucleation
activity appears to be distributed in the plant cell [13–
15,16], with cortical polymers originating at multiple
sites on the cortex itself [17,18,19]. Plant microtubule
nucleation activity was recently confirmed to require
g-tubulin [16], which also appears to be distributed
widely at the cell cortex, being prevalent along the walls
of existing microtubules [13,15,16]. In a breakthrough
study, Murata et al. [19] demonstrated that new microtubules can be nucleated from sites along microtubule
walls that are marked by g-tubulin. Remarkably, these
microtubules arise at a fixed angle of about 40 degrees to
the wall of the existing polymer, both in vitro and in vivo
[19]. These observations demonstrated that new
microtubules can be created at specific angles, but in
relation to other polymers rather than the cell axis. As
microtubules have also been observed to arise within
bundles [20], it will be interesting to investigate whether
the angle of new polymerization with respect to the
subtending polymer is a point of regulation. New polymers arising at zero degrees would tend to maintain
current array structure whereas nucleation at 40 degrees
would be expected to disrupt current array organization, a
potentially useful property for making array transitions
in response to signals or for remodeling arrays that continuously change their orientation over the course of
cell growth.
Polymer treadmilling, bundling and self organization
If microtubules are not generally polymerized into an
ordered array [21–24], how is interphase organization
created? The prevalent alternative theories have been
that microtubules of diverse orientations and positions are
selectively stabilized or that polymers are moved by
motor activities from one location and orientation to
another [6,21]. Live cell-imaging studies have effectively
ruled out the latter hypothesis, provided support for
selective stabilization in some cells, and have revealed
a third possible mechanism for array remodeling.
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2006, 9:571–578
Once initiated, many cortical microtubules do not remain
attached to their presumed sites of nucleation, instead
they are often observed to detach from these locations
and to move across the cell cortex [17]. Photobleaching
experiments showed that this migration is the result of a
hybrid polymer treadmilling mechanism. The leading
end of the microtubule alternates between episodes of
growth, shrinking and pause, a pattern called dynamic
instability, with subunit gain being greater over time than
subunit loss. The lagging end of the microtubule mainly
shows episodes of shrinking and pause [17]. The net
result is apparent translocation of the microtubule, not
by motor activity but by biased polymerization activity.
These treadmilling polymers appear be tightly associated
with the cell membrane, as judged by a lack of lateral
translocation in cells that have rapidly streaming cytosol
[17]. Together, these results suggest that the translocation of microtubules by motor activity is not a significant
mechanism in cortical array organization [25].
Microtubule attachment to the plasma membrane
[17,18,26,27], possibly mediated by a phospholipase
D-dependent mechanism [28], confines migrating microtubules to a two-dimensional space where growing plus
ends can encounter and interact with other microtubules
[25]. Dixit and Cyr [29] showed that one consequence of
these interactions in tobacco tissue culture cells is that
when growing microtubule ends encounter other polymers at steep angles, complete microtubule depolymerization (i.e. catastrophe) often results. These authors
predicted that, over time, this behavior selects against
polymers of discordant orientation, producing a more
uniformly aligned array. Similar behavior is not obvious
in the microtubule arrays of Arabidopsis hypocotyl cells
(SL Shaw, DW Ehrhardt, unpublished), but interactionsensitive catastrophe might play a role in the arrays of
other cell types in Arabidopsis.
Microtubule interactions that are driven by treadmilling
result in a second important outcome: reorientation of
polymer growth and apparent bundling with the encountered polymer [17,29]. Interestingly, this bundling interaction shows a strong dependence on the angle of polymer
encounter, with bundling being very efficient at angles
below 30 degrees and rare at angles steeper than 40
degrees ([29]; SL Shaw, DW Ehrhardt, unpublished).
Once assimilated into a bundle, single polymers tend
to remain associated with that bundle [17,25], and thus
bundles seem to act as positional and orientational traps.
Together, polymer migration and angle-dependent interaction that leads to bundling have properties of a selforganizing behavior that might increase order in the array
at a local level [25,29]. Candidates for proteins that might
participate in or facilitate bundling interactions include
proteins that reside at the growing polymer end, such as
SPIRAL1 (SPR1) [30,31] and the Arabidopsis homologs of
the plus-end-associated proteins EB1/BIM1 [18,32].
Microtubule cortical array organization and plant cell morphogenesis Paradez, Wright and Ehrhardt 573
Additional candidates are proteins that form cross bridges
between polymer walls, such as members of the microtubule-associated family MAP65, which have been shown
to promote bundling of microtubules in vitro and in vivo
variable and independent orientations from cell to
cell [45]. Identification of the product of rsw-6 should
provide an interesting part of the microtubule cortical
array story.
Local control of cortical array organization
Orientation of cortical microtubule arrays
Although potentially important, the significance of treadmilling-mediated bundling in the creation and maintenance of cortical array organization remains to be
determined. On their own, these activities cannot account
for how the net orientation of the cortical microtubule
array is selected. Other inputs must feed into the control
of array orientation, which appears to be a dynamic
process in many cells. Array orientation is known to
change steadily along a developmental gradient in the
root axis [7]. Moreover, recent studies in sunflower [39]
suggest that cortical arrays in hypocotyls cells undergo
continuous rotation or oscillation, patterns also recently
observed by Clive Lloyd and colleagues in observations of
live Arabidopsis hypocotyl cells (C Lloyd, pers. comm.).
Cortical array orientation is also well known to respond to
extrinsic cues such as light and hormones [7].
Insight into the molecular mechanisms that control the
orientation of cortical microtubule arrays has begun to
emerge from genetic studies. Mutations in the plantspecific plus-end-localized protein SPR1 [30,31,40],
and in another novel protein SPR2 [40,41,42], cause
cortical array orientation in root cells to become pitched
in a left-hand helix [41]. By contrast, suppressing mutations at the a–b dimer interface of a-tubulin drives the
orientation of the same arrays in the opposite direction,
toward a right-handed helix [43]. Likewise, modification
of a-tubulin at its carboxyl terminus with either green
fluorescent protein (GFP) or a short epitope tag, or
mutation of residues in a-tubulin that are hypothesized
to promote GTP hydrolysis, caused arrays to pitch to the
left [44]. These studies suggest that there is a dynamic
balance between mechanisms that drive cortical arrays to
either a left- or right-handed pitch [41]. Do these mutations affect array formation primarily by acting on microtubule dynamics, thus affecting the outcome of possible
self-organizing mechanisms, or do they modify the ability
of microtubules to perceive or respond to cellular cues
that direct array orientation? Analysis of how some of
these mutations affect basic microtubules properties,
such as polymerization and depolymerization rates
[44], has begun but it remains to be determined if other
potentially important polymer behaviors, such as membrane association and bundling interactions, are changed.
A mutant reported by Baskin and colleagues [45], radial
swollen 6 (rsw-6), might provide a new tool for teasing
apart the mechanism of array orientation. rsw-6 mutants
are able to maintain arrays of parallel microtubules in
root epidermal cells, but the orientation of these arrays is
no longer coordinated with the cell axis and displays
Cortical microtubules in cells that have complex shapes,
such as pavement cells in the leaf epidermis, are arranged
in more complicated patterns that suggest regional control
of cytoskeletal organization within the cell. An exciting
study by Fu and colleagues [2] shed new light on the
mechanisms of regional regulation of microtubule organization in pavement cells. In lobed pavement cells,
microtubule organization has a periodic pattern, only
achieving marked co-alignment in the sinuses. Yang’s
group [2] found that gain- and loss-of-function mutations in the small G-protein ROP2 (Rho of plants 2), the
wildtype version of which localizes to cell lobes, both
created a more uniform transverse array and reduced the
amplitude of cell lobes. In addition, overexpression of
RIC1, a ROP2-interacting protein that binds microtubules in a ROP2-dependent manner, virtually eliminated
cell lobing while promoting a highly organized transverse
microtubule array [2]. Together, these result suggest
that ROP2 modifies microtubule organization through the
local modification of RIC1 activity [2]. As with a host of
other mutated proteins and molecular manipulations that
affect cytoskeletal organization, it will be informative
to determine what specific microtubule behaviors are
targeted by RIC1.
Interaction of the cortical microtubule array
with cell wall biosynthetic machinery
Visualization of dynamic cellulose synthase
As described in the introduction to this review, it is
proposed that cortical array organization is important
because it guides the deposition of cell wall cellulose
microfibrils, thus generating material anisotropy in the
cell wall that is the basis for directional cell expansion
during turgor-driven growth. Although parallelism
between microtubules and cellulose has long been noted
[7], the uncoupling of these polymer arrays has also been
observed [9]. A limitation to understanding the true
relationship between the cortical cytoskeleton and cellulose deposition has been the ability to observe cellulose
synthase itself. Cellulose is not secreted but is synthesized from a large protein complex in the plasma membrane. Freeze-fracture scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) has revealed that the cellulose synthase complex
is a hexagonal rosette 25 nm in diameter [46]. These
rosettes are thought to be comprised of about 36 catalytic
subunits of the CESA protein, of which at least three
isoforms appear to be required for activity [46]. Although
SEM and transmission electron microscopy have revealed
details of cellulose synthase and microtubule organization
in plant cells, they are limited in their ability to reveal the
dynamic relationships among molecules.
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2006, 9:571–578
574 Cell biology
Imaging of a functional yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)
fusion to CESA6 (YFP<CESA6) has allowed the
dynamic relationship between cortical microtubules
and cellulose synthase itself to be observed in living cells
[47]. As revealed by spinning disk confocal microscopy,
YFP<CESA6 localized to the plasma membrane of etiolated hypocotyl cells in linear arrays of distinct particles
(Figure 1). These particles translocated along linear paths
Figure 1
with steady velocities (averaging 330 nm/min) and were
sensitive to the cellulose synthesis inhibitor isoxaben,
suggesting that the particles were active cellulose
synthase rosettes or collections of rosettes. Consistent
with the alignment hypothesis, the trajectories of the
particles traced the paths of microtubules labeled
with co-expressed CFP<TUBULIN (CFP<TUA1).
YFP<CESA6 particles followed microtubules even along
curved polymers. Furthermore, when microtubules underwent rapid rearrangement, the pattern of YFP<CESA6
was coordinately rearranged, with new microtubule
polymerization preceding new arrangements and trajectories of particles. The colocalization of YFP<CESA6
complexes and microtubules was often tightly coordinated but was not absolute: approximately 60% of the
YFP<CESA6 label overlapped with CFP<TUA1 label.
Considering the large difference in the dynamic properties of these two systems, it is not surprising that CESA
and microtubule localization patterns are not completely
coupled. Elements of the cortical microtubule array were
frequently observed to depolymerize or translocate by
treadmilling, leaving much slower CESA6 complexes
behind. CESA6 complexes remained mobile after abandonment by microtubules, consistent with earlier studies
that indicated that cellulose production itself does not
require microtubules [48].
Observation of YFP<CESA6 complexes suggests an
important role for the polymer bundles that are created
by treadmilling microtubules. Treadmilling allows polymers to be repositioned, giving the array organizational
flexibility, but individual microtubules tend not to remain
in a single position long enough to serve as guides for
slowly translocating CESA6 complexes [47]. Microtubule bundles, on the other hand, have much longer lifetimes [25], providing the positional stability that is
needed to guide cellulose synthase.
Co-localization of YFP<CESA6 and CFP<TUA1 in etiolated hypocotyl
cells of Arabidopsis. Images were acquired every 10 s on a spinning
disk confocal microscope system. The top row of images are the
average of three image frames, showing particulate YFP<CESA6
localization along cortical microtubules. The bottom row shows an
average of 60 frames to visualize the trajectories of YFP<CESA6
complexes as they move through the cell membrane [47].
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2006, 9:571–578
It is likely that the relationship between the cortical
microtubule array and cellulose synthase is under developmental control, changing over the life of a cell and
varying among different cell types. For example, the
correlation between microtubule and cellulose microfibril
orientation breaks down near the end of the expansion
zone in Arabidopsis roots, with cellulose deposition patterns remaining roughly transverse whereas microtubules
become longitudinally arranged [8]. Moreover, microtubules are not parallel to the observed cellulose deposition
pattern in root hairs [49], suggesting that cellulose
synthase complexes in these cells do not associate with
cortical microtubules. There are ten CESA genes in
Arabidopsis and active cellulose synthase complexes are
predicted to contain at least three cellulose isoforms
[50,51]. Functional tagging of additional CESA proteins
should reveal if complexes of different subunit composition have different abilities to associate with the cortical
Microtubule cortical array organization and plant cell morphogenesis Paradez, Wright and Ehrhardt 575
What is the mechanism of CESA guidance?
Models for the guidance of cellulose synthase by cortical
microtubules fall into two general categories: those that
postulate direct or indirect molecular binding of the
cellulose synthase complex to microtubules, and those
that postulate that microtubules simply act as passive
barriers that constrain the trajectories of translocating
complexes. Any model needs to take into account the
observation that YFP<CESA6 particles were observed to
move bi-directionally along every measured track defined
by a single microtubule bundle. Pauses in particle movement were not observed, indicating that particles moving
in opposite directions might be efficiently segregated to
avoid collision.
If CESA complexes are associated directly with microtubules by molecular linkers, uninterrupted bi-directional
movement could be accommodated by lateral interactions
between microtubule bundles and CESA complexes,
with one set of complexes moving ‘north’ on one side
of a microtubule bundle and one set moving ‘south’ on
the other side. Motor proteins, such as kinesins, would be
well suited to the task of a linker, as they would allow the
constant association of moving CESA complexes with the
microtubule wall through coordinated cycles of attachment and de-attachment by the motor domains. The
Arabidopsis genome is also blessed with a plethora of
kinesin motors, with at least 61 identified by molecular
homology to date [52]. Kinesins and other microtubule
motors are directional: capable of translocating towards
one pole of the microtubule or the other. If all microtubule bundles consisted of microtubules that have
anti-parallel polarity, a motor linker would account
nicely for the segregation of bidirectional movement
by CESA complexes. Cortical bundles have been
observed to have both parallel and anti-parallel polarity
[17,53], however, raising a challenge to the development of a simple model for bidirectional movement
involving motor-based linkers. Models in which a nondirectional linker protein is postulated to provide lateral
stabilization of CESA-complexes with microtubules
face a similar challenge. It should be emphasized that
the translocation of the CESA complex itself does not
require a motor protein. Cellulose synthesis and deposition proceed in the absence of microtubules [48], and
YFP<CESA6 complexes continue to move through the
cell membrane when microtubules are depolymerized
[47]. The motive force for complex movement is most
likely provided by cellulose synthesis and microfibril
crystallization [46,48].
Given the observation that YFP<CESA6 complexes can
easily track curved microtubules, passive constraint models that involve more than one microtubule must be
applicable to narrow channels between polymers in
microtubule bundles or bundles that are spaced below
the optical resolution limit of the light microscope.
Polymers within bundles have been observed to be
associated with each other by 25 nm cross bridges, probably provided by MAP65 proteins [33], and so the channels formed between adjacent polymers would be only
just large enough to accommodate a single, unadorned
25 nm cellulose synthase rosette. The possibility that the
rosette complex might extend further into the cytosol
because of the association of accessory proteins ([46]; M
Brown, pers. comm.) posses a challenge to this model, as
does the observation of uninterrupted bidirectional
movement of complexes. The possibility that sets of
parallel bundles below the optical resolution limit might
guide CESA complexes cannot be ruled out, but these
polymer arrangements would need to be created at a high
efficiency to account for both the high correlation between
YFP<CESA6 tracks and resolved microtubule bundles
and the concerted re-orientation of YFP<CESA6 tracks
with rapid cortical array re-orientation [47].
Another class of passive restraint model is one in which
there is an inherent curvature to the direction of unrestrained complex movement. If complexes follow a curved
path with a constant handedness, to the left for example,
they will tend to be pressed up against a microtubule fence
when they travel in one direction along the barrier, but will
curve away from the fence when travelling in the opposite
direction. The net result would be the accumulation of
complexes moving in one direction on one side of a single
microtubule bundle and complexes moving in the opposite direction on the other side of the barrier, just as
observed. While curved microfibrils have often been
observed [54], it is not known whether this is the natural
path of an unrestrained complex. At present, neither class
of model, passive constraint or molecular linker, can be
ruled out and further work is needed to distinguish among
these hypotheses.
YFP<CES6 organization in the absence of
microtubules and hypotheses for the function of
microtubule guidance
Near-complete disassembly of microtubules did not
cause a randomization of YFP<CESA6 organization.
Indeed, in the absence of microtubules, YFP:CESA6
was observed to trace roughly parallel trajectories at
oblique angles to the cell axis. Similarly, microfibrils have
been observed to remain transverse in elongating root
cells after disruption of the cortical cytoskeleton by
mutation or drug treatment [9]. These results suggest
that there is a default pattern for CESA6 organization in
the absence of microtubules. This pattern might depend
on a self-organizing mechanism similar to that proposed
by Emons and colleagues [49] or alternatively, might
be the result of interaction with a backup guidance
mechanism. These results also raise the question of
whether microtubules have functions in cellulose or
cell wall biosynthesis besides the tuning of microfibril
deposition pattern. There are at least four alternative
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2006, 9:571–578
576 Cell biology
Figure 2
that are required to perform work required for cell morphogenesis, such as localization and guidance of cellulose
synthase. The mechanisms by which particular array
structures are created, how the microtubules and actin
cytoskeletons interact and are coordinated, the means by
which cell signaling pathways feed into and reorganize
these structures at both a cellular and tissue-wide scale,
and how intracellular organization is converted into cell
shape remain challenging and exciting problems. The
next few years should prove to be exciting ones for
exploring the molecular mechanisms by which plant cells
create form as new tools for live-cell observation and
experimentation are created, new mutants are discovered,
and genomic and proteomic analyses yield a growing list
of possible molecular players [57–59].
The authors would like to thank Jordi Chan and Clive Lloyd and R
Malcolm Brown Jr for sharing data before publication, and Clive Lloyd,
Malcom Brown, Herman Höfte, Andrew Staehelin, Sid Shaw, Tim Stearns,
Chris Somerville and John Sedbrook for stimulating discussions about
microtubule organization and cellulose biosynthesis.
References and recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of
review, have been highlighted as:
of special interest
of outstanding interest
Schematic of alternative hypotheses for the function of cellulose
synthase guidance by the microtubule cortical array.
hypotheses (Figure 2). First, microtubules might be
required for synthase processivity. In the absence of
microtubules, cellulose synthase complexes might have
shorter lives and produce shorter microfibrils that fail to
regulate wall expansion normally [55]. Second, microtubules might be required to coordinate cellulose deposition with the delivery of other proteins or molecules that
are required for cell wall function [56]. Third, microtubules might be required to concentrate and organize
synthetic complexes so that their products can more
readily assemble into higher order fibers or clusters of
fibers. These macro-fibers or clusters might have mechanical or organizational properties that are important for cell
wall growth. Last, it is possible that dynamic remodeling
of the cellulose deposition pattern is important for wall
expansion and that microtubule guidance allows the cell
greater control in creating these changing patterns.
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Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2006, 9:571–578
578 Cell biology
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Modifications of the C-terminus of a-tubulin act dominantly to reduce
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The authors present evidence that these alterations might reduce the rate
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KORRIGAN protein is shown to localize to a variety of intracellular compartments including Golgi, an early endosomal compartment, the tonoplast, and a fourth compartment that is distinct from the others. This fourth
compartment appears to be localized at the cell cortex and accumulates in
response to treatment with the cellulose synthase inhibitor isoxoben. The
compartment exhibits microtubule-dependent motility. It is proposed that
KORRIGAN activity might be regulated by intracellular recycling.
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of genes required for cellulose synthesis by regression
analysis of public microarray data sets. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
2005, 102:8633-8638.
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Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2006, 9:571–578