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The Nervous System
The Nervous System
The Nervous System
The Nervous System
The Nervous System
The Nervous System
The Nervous System
• Nervous System
–Central Nervous System (CNS)
–Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
• Nerves
The Peripheral Nervous System
• Somatic Nervous System
• Autonomic Nervous System
–Sympathetic nervous system
–Parasympathetic nervous system
Types of Neurons:
• Sensory Neurons: Collect messages from
sense organs & carry those messages to the
spinal cord or brain.
• Motor Neurons: Carry messages from the
spinal cord or brain to muscles and glands
• Interneurons: Carry messages from one
neuron to another
A Simple Reflex
A Simple Reflex
A Simple Reflex
The Endocrine System: the body’s “slow”
chemical communication system: a set of
glands that secrete hormones into the
Glands we need to know:
Gonads (Sex Glands)
Glands: Units of the body
that secrete hormones.
The Endocrine System
The Glands
The Pituitary Gland: The Master Gland; It
activates other glands and controls the
growth hormone.
Hormones: Chemical
regulators that control
bodily processes in
the bloodstream such
as emotional
responses, growth,
and sexuality.
The Endocrine System
The Glands
The Thyroid Gland: The gland that controls
and regulates the speed of bodily processes
called metabolism.
Metabolism: The speed
at which the body
operates or the speed at
which it uses up energy.
Parathyroid GlandsRegulates the calcium
levels in the blood
The Endocrine System
The Glands
The Adrenal Glands: Glands
that cause excitement in order
to prepare the body for an
emergency or for some
important activity.
Adrenaline (Epinephrine):
Chemical that prepares the
body for emergency activity
by increasing blood pressure,
breathing rate, and energy
The Endocrine System
The Glands
The Gonads: The sex glands; They make
sperm or eggs for reproduction.
Testosterone: The
male sex hormone.
Estrogen: The
female sex hormone.
Nervous System
= the body’s speedy, electrochemical
communication network, consisting of all
the nerve cells of the peripheral and
central nervous systems.
Central Nervous System
= the brain and spinal cord.
Peripheral Nervous System
= the sensory and motor neurons that
connect the central nervous system (CNS)
to the rest of the body.
= bundled axons that form neural “cables”
connecting the central nervous system
with muscles, glands, and sense organs.
Somatic Nervous System
= the division of the peripheral nervous
system that controls the body’s skeletal
muscles. It allows for the voluntary control
of our muscles.
• Also called the skeletal nervous system.
• Walking, running, and jumping- You are
using your somatic nervous system.
Autonomic Nervous System
= the part of the peripheral nervous system
that controls the glands and the muscles
of the internal organs (such as the heart).
• Controlling involuntary muscles. “Those
that are on autopilot”
Sympathetic Nervous System
= the division of the autonomic nervous
system that arouses the body, mobilizing
its energy in stressful situations.
Parasympathetic Nervous
= the division of the autonomic nervous
system that calms the body, conserving its