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Organelle Stations
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Welcome! 11/12/13
¡  OBJECTIVE: Students will distinguish between plant and animal cells and
practice identifying functions of organelles by cooperatively
completing station activities.
¡  CATALYST: (HSA Questions)
Which cell structure contains molecules that direct cell activities?
A. Chloroplast
B. nucleus
C. Ribosome
D. mitochondrion
2. Which organelle in mangrove cells converts solar energy into useable
A. Nucleus
B. ribosome
C. chloroplast
D. mitochondrion
¡  HW 2.1 Organelles DUE Thursday, 11/14/13
¡  Check the class website to try the BONUS RIDDLE
Read the question
Underline key words
1.  Which cell structure contains molecules
that direct cell activities?
A. Chloroplast
B. nucleus
Identify what topic it
C. Ribosome
D. mitochondrion
is asking about
Eliminate answer
Select the correct
2. Which organelle in mangrove cells
converts solar energy into useable energy?
A. Nucleus
B. ribosome
C. chloroplast
D. mitochondrion
Cell Organelle Review
¡ For each clue…
¡  THINK: What organelle could this be?
¡  Turn-and-Talk to your neighbor:
¡  What organelle do they think it is?
¡  What is the function?
¡  What characteristic of life does it show?
Cell Organelle Review
¡ CLUE #1: Organelle made of lipids
¡  THINK: What organelle is this?
¡  TURN and TALK:
¡  What organelle do they think it is?
¡  What is the function?
¡  What characteristic of life does it show?
¡  ANSWER: Cell Membrane
¡  Controls what enters and exits the cell
¡  Shows sensitivity/homeostasis
Cell Organelle Review
¡ CLUE #2: Organelle that links amino acids
together to make proteins
¡  THINK: What organelle is this?
¡  TURN and TALK:
¡  What organelle do they think it is?
¡  What is the function?
¡  What characteristic of life does it show?
¡  ANSWER: Ribosome
¡  Synthesizes proteins
Cell Organelle Review
¡  CLUE #3: Found in PLANT cells. Requires
¡  THINK: What organelle is this?
¡  TURN and TALK:
¡  What organelle do they think it is?
¡  What is the function?
¡  What characteristic of life does it show?
¡  ANSWER: Chloroplast
¡  Converts solar energy into sugars
¡  Nutrition (getting energy)
Cell Organelle Review
¡  CLUE #4: Used to break down waste
¡  THINK: What organelle is this?
¡  TURN and TALK:
¡  What organelle do they think it is?
¡  What is the function?
¡  What characteristic of life does it show?
¡  ANSWER: Lysosome
¡  Breaks down wastes using enzymes
¡  Excretion (removing wastes)
Cell Organelle Review
¡ CLUE #5: Contains nucleic acids.
¡  THINK: What organelle is this?
¡  TURN and TALK:
¡  What organelle do they think it is?
¡  What is the function?
¡  What characteristic of life does it show?
¡  ANSWER: Nucleus
¡  Control center for cell activities
¡  Sensitivity/Homeostasis (responding to environment)
Finish Notes from Yesterday
¡  Take out your “Cells! Notes” from yesterday.
(page 2 in your new orange folder)
¡  We will be starting on the back, “VI. Cell
movement & Classification”
Cell Movement and
¡ Function: Small,
structures that
vibrate to help the
cell move
¡ Analogy: Small
vibrating hairs
Function: Whiplike tail that
helps the cell
Analogy: Whip
Flagella and Cilia Video
“Pseudo” = false
“pod”= foot
¡ Means “false
¡ Function:
moves the cell
Analogy: the blob
Video of Amoeba
II. Classification of Cells
¡ 2 classifications
¡ Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
¡ Pro= before
¡ Eu= true
¡ Kary = nucleus
¡ Prokaryote= before nucleus
¡  It is a cell that does not contain a nucleus
¡ Eukaryote = True nucleus
¡  Type of cell that contains a nucleus and
membrane bound organelles
Thought Question
¡ Looking at your notes about cell organelles,
and the diagrams of the plant, animal, and
bacterial cells…
¡  Which of these types of cells are prokaryotes?
¡  Which are eukaryotes?
¡  What evidence do you have to support your choice?
Animal and Plant Cells
Prokaryotic Cells
¡ Prokaryotic cells are generally less
complex than eukaryotic cells.
¡ They do not contain as many organelles,
but they are still considered a cell
¡  They contain-
¡  Cell wall
¡  Cell membrane
¡  Ribosomes
¡  Cytoplasm
¡  DNA
Cell Organelle Stations
¡  You will further explore cell organelles by completing station
activities. Stay with your group at each of the 8 stations. You
will have 5 minutes at each station—stay on task!
¡  DO NOT write on any of the cards, models, or booklets!!
Station 1: Animal Cell Drawing
Station 2; Plant Cell Drawing
Station 3: Human Cheek vs. Leaf Cells
Station 4: Animal Cell Model
Station 5: Plant Cell Model
Station 6: Animal Cell under Microscope
Station 7: Plant Cell under Microscope
Station 8: Structural Comparison of Plant and Animal Cells
¡  If you finish early at a station, quiz the other group members
about the functions of organelles. Ask, "What is the function of
the ______?" to the others.
Stations Wrap-Up
¡  What do all of the cells have in common?
¡  What were some key differences between plant
and animal cells?
¡  What organelles did you see?
Exit Slip
¡  1. (HSA Question) An organism has cells that
contain structures to capture energy from the
sun. What are these structures?
A. Chloroplasts
C. Mitochondria
B. nuclei
D. Ribosomes
¡  2. Based on your answer to question #1 and your
station information, is this cell most likely a plant
cell or an animal cell?