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Nervous System: Part 1 Vocabulary
1. Sensory Input: Gathered information
2. Integration: Processes and interprets the sensory input to make a decision
3. Motor Output: The response
4. Central Nervous System: Consists of the brain and spinal cord, act as the
integrating and command center of the nervous system.
5. Peripheral Nervous System: The part of the nervous system outside the CNS,
nerves that extend from the brain and spinal cord, serve as communication
6. Afferent: Convey impulses to the CNS
7. Efferent: Carries impulses from the CNS
8. Somatic Nervous System: Allows us to consciously, or voluntarily control our
skeletal muscles
9. Autonomic Nervous System: Regulates events that are involuntary.
10. Neuroglia: Supporting cells in the CNS
11. Astrocytes: Star-shaped cells, living barrier between capillaries and neurons
12. Microglia: Spider-like cells, dispose of debris
13. Ependymal: Line the cavities of the brain and spinal cord
14. Oligodendrocytes: Produce fatty insulating covers, myelin sheaths
15. Schwann Cells: Supporting cells in the PNS that form myelin sheaths
16. Satellite Cell: Supporting cells in the PNS that protect and cushion cells.
17. Neuron:A nerve cell
18. Cell Body: The metabolic center of the neuron
19. Neurofibrils: intermediate filaments that are important in maintaining cell
20. Processes/Fibers: Convey incoming and outgoing messages are extensions
from the cell body
21. Dendrites: Convey incoming messages toward the cell body
22. Axon: Conveys outgoing messages away from the cell body
23. Axonal Terminal: terminal end of the axon, containing hundreds of tiny
24. Neurotransmitter: Chemicals that help to relay the messages
25. Synaptic Cleft: The separation between neurons
26. Myelin: whitish, fatty material that protects and insulates the fibers
27. Myelin Sheath: A tight coil of wrapped membranes encloses the axon
28. Neurilemma: Part of the schwann cell, external to the myelin sheath
29. Nodes of Ranvier: gaps or indentations between the schwann cells
30. Ganglia: Small collection of cell bodies outside of the CNS
31. White Matter: Dense collection of myelinated fibers
32. Gray Matter: contains mostly unmyelinated fibers and cell bodies
33. Polarized: The plasma membrane of a resting inactive neuron
34. Depolarization: The inward rush of sodium ions changing the polarity of the
neurons membrane
35. Repolarization: The outflow of positive ions(potassium) from the cell
restoring the electrical conditions at the membrane to the polarized state
36. Action potential/ Nerve Impulse: An all-or-none response, propagated over
the entire axon
37. Reflex Arc: Neural pathways that reflexes occur over
38. Reflexes: Rapid, predictable and involuntary responses to stimuli
39. Autonomic Reflexes: Regulate the activity of smooth muscles
40. Somatic Reflexes: Include all reflexes that stimulate the skeletal muscles