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Organelle Definitions
Organelle Definitions
Reading/Science Words:
1. Eukaryote – type of cell that has a nucleus and other organelles
surrounded by a membrane
2. Organelle – cell part; tiny structures inside a cell
3. Semi-permeable – allows certain materials to pass through, but
not others
4. Synthesize – to make or produce
5. Enzymes – chemical in the body used to break down or digest
6. DNA – code or blueprint for building living things.
7. Mitosis – process by which cells reproduce
Organelle Definitions
Organelle Definitions
Jelly-like substance.
Breaks down molecules to produce energy.
Builds other molecules up.
Organelle Definitions
Organic compounds like fats,
oils, and waxes.
Are used for structure and to
store energy.
Organelle Definitions
Thin, outer layer of the cell.
Holds organelles in place.
Imports and exports nutrients.
Passes waste and other materials to the outside of
the cell.
The “Gate Keeper”
of the cell.
Organelle Definitions
Makes large macromolecules like
proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.
Separates molecules.
Transports proteins inside the cell and to
other parts of the body.
Organelle Definitions
Can synthesize, or make, proteins.
Passes the proteins into the cytoplasm.
Found on the outside of the rough
endoplasmic reticulum and in the
Organelle Definitions
Makes large macromolecules like
proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.
Separates molecules.
Transports proteins inside the cell and to
other parts of the body.
Organelle Definitions
covered with ribosomes.
Can synthesize, or make, lipids
(fats, oils, and waxes).
Organelle Definitions
Can synthesize, or make, proteins.
Passes the proteins into the cytoplasm.
Found on the outside of the rough
endoplasmic reticulum and in the
Organelle Definitions
covered with ribosomes.
Can synthesize, or make, lipids
(fats, oils, and waxes).
Organelle Definitions
Collects, modifies, packages
substances manufactured by the
Organelle Definitions
Breaks down worn-out organelles, debris,
and ingested particles.
The “Trash Can” of the cell.
Organelle Definitions
Storage area for the cell.
Keeps materials such as food, until the
cell needs them.
The “Suitcase” of the cell.
Organelle Definitions
Uses sugars and fatty acids to
generate energy for the cell.
The “Powerhouse” of the cell.
Organelle Definitions
Directs all activities inside the cell.
Manages cell division.
The “Control Center” of the cell.
Organelle Definitions
Synthesizes, or makes,
Organelle Definitions
Separates the nucleus from the
Contains the DNA, chromosomes, and
genes of the cell.
Organelle Definitions
The rigid outer wall of a plant cell.
Provides structure so the plant can stand
up straight.
Organelle Definitions
Has chlorophyll inside that allows the
plant to carry out photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis combines carbon dioxide
and water to make food for the cell.
Organelle Definitions