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Interactive Review
Encourage students to go to for a detailed review
of each section, including visuals and
vocabulary practice.
Unit Resource Book, Vocabulary
Practice, pp. 27–30
Vocabulary Games
3.1 Cell Theory
Cells are the basic unit of life. The contributions
of many scientists led to the discovery of cells
and the development of the cell theory. The cell
theory states that all organisms are made of cells,
all cells are produced by other living cells, and
the cell is the most basic unit of life.
3.2 Cell Organelles
Eukaryotic cells share many similarities. They
have a nucleus and other membrane-bound
organelles that perform specialized tasks within
the cell. Many of these organelles are involved in
making proteins. Plant and animal cells share
many of the same types of organelles, but both
also have organelles that are specific to the cells’
unique functions.
3.3 Cell Membrane
The cell membrane is a barrier that separates a
cell from the external environment. It is made
of a double layer of phospholipids and a variety
of embedded molecules. Some of these molecules act as signals; others act as receptors. The
membrane is selectively permeable, allowing
some but not all materials to cross.
3.4 Diffusion and Osmosis
Materials move across membranes because of
concentration differences. Diffusion is the
movement of molecules in a fluid or gas from a
region of higher concentration to a region of
lower concentration. It does not require a cell to
expend energy; therefore, it is a form of passive
transport. Osmosis is
the diffusion of water.
Net water movement
into or out of a cell
depends on the concentration of the surrounding solution.
Passive transport
3.5 Active Transport, Endocytosis,
and Exocytosis
Cells use energy to transport materials that
cannot diffuse across a membrane. Active
transport is the movement of molecules across a
membrane from a region of lower concentration
to a region of higher concentration—against
a concentration gradient. The processes of
endocytosis and exocytosis move substances in
vesicles and also require energy.
Synthesize Your Notes
Main Idea Web Plant and animal cells, though similar, each
have some unique features. Identify how these cell types
differ by placing plant cell characteristics on the left side of
the main idea web and animal cell characteristics on the right.
Concept Map Fill in the concept map to summarize
what you know about forms of transport.
move across
Plant and animal cells have
several key differences.
cell membrane
energy added
no energy added
active transport
passive transport
cell membrane
94 Unit 2:
0: Cells
Unit Name
Reviewing Vocabulary
1. cell membrane
2. rough endoplasmic reticulum (also
accept ribosomes)
3. nucleus
4. centriole
5. mitochondrion
6. Golgi apparatus
7. cytoskeleton
Unit 2: Cells
8. endoplasmic reticulum (smooth)
9. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells are
surrounded by a cell membrane. Only
eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and
membrane-bound organelles.
10. Both the cell wall and cell membrane
surround the cell. The cell wall is a rigid
structure, while the cell membrane is not.
11. Both diffusion and facilitated diffusion
allow materials to cross a semipermeable
membrane without the use of energy. In
simple diffusion, a molecule capable of
crossing the cell membrane will pass through
on its own. Facilitated diffusion requires a
transport protein and allows only specific
types of molecules to pass.
1 2. An organelle carries out a specific
function or set of functions within a cell.
13. Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus, or
“nut.” Eukaryotes do have a nucleus.
Chapter Assessment
17. The nucleus has the DNA,
which codes for proteins, and the
nucleolus, which is where ribosomes
are made. Ribosomes exit through
nuclear pores, and some associate
with the ER. Proteins made on the
ribosomes may undergo modification
in the ER. From the ER, they may be
packaged into vesicles and sent to
the Golgi apparatus for further
modifications. A completed protein
can be stored, released into the cell
for use, released to the cell membrane for use, or excreted outside of
the cell.
18. Mitochondria produce chemical
reactions that convert simple food
molecules into energy. They are
similar to prokaryotes in that they
contain their own DNA but no
membrane-bound organelles.
19. Look for cell walls and chloroplasts (plant cell features) or centrioles (animal cell features).
20. The polar heads of the phospholipids
can form hydrogen bonds with the
polar water molecules. The nonpolar
tails are sandwiched inside the
membrane where they can’t react
with the water.
21. Membrane receptors allow large
ligands to bind to the outside of the
cell. The receptor then changes
physically, including the part inside
the cell, which triggers a response.
22. Transport proteins can form a larger
opening or pore that allows them to
23. When the concentration of the
molecule is higher on the other side
of the membrane.
24. Yes, both are needed to move
substances in and out of a cell and to
maintain the cell’s volume.
Chapter Vocabulary
3.1 cell theory, p. 71
cytoplasm, p. 72
organelle, p. 72
prokaryotic cell, p. 72
eukaryotic cell, p. 72
3.2 cytoskeleton, p. 73
nucleus, p. 75
endoplasmic reticulum, p. 76
ribosome, p. 76
Golgi apparatus, p. 76
vesicle, p. 77
mitochondrion, p. 77
vacuole, p. 77
lysosome, p. 78
centriole, p. 78
cell wall, p. 79
chloroplast, p. 79
3.3 cell membrane, p. 81
phospholipid, p. 81
fluid mosaic model, p. 82
selective permeability, p. 83
receptor, p. 84
3.4 passive transport, p. 85
diffusion, p. 85
concentration gradient, p. 85
osmosis, p. 86
isotonic, p. 86
hypertonic, p. 86
hypotonic, p. 87
facilitated diffusion, p. 87
3.5 active transport, p. 89
endocytosis, p. 90
phagocytosis, p. 90
exocytosis, p. 91
Reviewing Vocabulary
Reviewing MAIN IDEAS
Labeling Diagrams
In your notebook, write the vocabulary term that
matches each numbered item below.
14. According to the cell theory, what is required for an
object to be considered alive?
15. What role do membranes play in prokaryotic cells?
in eukaryotic cells?
16. How do the cytoskeleton and the cytoplasm
contribute to a cell’s shape?
17. You know that many organelles are involved in protein
production. Briefly explain where proteins are made,
modified, and packaged within a cell.
18. Explain what mitochondria do and why evidence
suggests that they might have descended from
free-living prokaryotes in the evolutionary past.
Compare and Contrast
Describe one similarity and one difference between
the two terms in each of the following pairs.
19. If you were looking through a microscope at an
unknown cell, how might you determine whether it
was a plant cell or an animal cell?
9. eukaryotic, prokaryotic
10. cell wall, cell membrane
11. diffusion, facilitated diffusion
20. Cells are surrounded by a watery fluid, and they contain
watery cytoplasm. Explain how the structure of the lipid
bilayer is related to these two watery environments.
Greek and Latin Word Origins
12. The word organelle is the diminutive, or “tiny,” form of
the Latin word for organs of the body. How is an
organelle like a tiny organ?
13. The Greek word karuon means “nut.” The prefix promeans “before,” and the prefix eu- means “true.” Thus,
prokaryote means “before nut” and eukaryote means
“true nut.” How do these meanings relate to structural
differences between these two cell types?
21. How are cells able to respond to signal molecules
that are too large to enter the cytoplasm?
22. How do transport proteins make it easier for certain
molecules to diffuse across a membrane?
23. Under what conditions would a molecule need to
be actively transported across a membrane?
24. Do you think that endocytosis and exocytosis can
occur within the same cell? Explain your reasoning.
Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Function
Reviewing Main Ideas
14. It must be made of cells that are
produced by other living cells and that carry
out life functions, such as metabolism and
maintaining homeostasis.
15. Both cell types have a cell membrane
that forms a protective barrier between the
cell and its environment and controls the
passage of materials in and out. Eukaryotic
cells have membrane-bound organelles;
prokaryotic cells do not.
1 6. The cytoskeleton is made up of a
network of proteins that gives the cell a
strong structure while constantly changing in
response to the cell’s changing needs. The
cytoplasm fills in the areas around the
cytoskeleton, keeping the membrane from
collapsing onto the cytoskeleton.
Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Function