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Quiz Learning
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) Graded exposure in imagination to a feared stimulus occurs in ________.
A) exposure
B) reinforcement
C) systematic desensitization
D) psychoanalytic
E) higher-order conditioning
2) Ursula refused to clean up her mess at the dinner table, and as a result she did not get to watch her
favorite TV show. The next night she did not refuse and cleaned up. This is an example of
A) positive punishment.
B) conditioned acceptance.
C) learned helplessness.
D) spontaneous recovery.
E) negative punishment.
3) Which of the following is NOT one of the reinforcement schedules listed in your text?
A) variable ratio
B) interval ratio
C) fixed interval
D) fixed ratio
E) variable interval
4) A dog conditioned to salivate to a bell is then presented the bell without any food for many trials.
Eventually the bell doesnʹt produce salivation. This is
A) reflex conditioning.
B) extinction.
C) escape conditioning.
D) spontaneous recovery.
E) punishment learning.
5) Rohan got a new computer password. After using the old password a few times and it not
working, he eventually used only the new password. However, after two weeks he suddenly used
the old password without thinking. This is an example of
A) a fixed schedule of punishment.
B) vicarious reinforcement.
C) delayed extinction.
D) overt desensitization.
E) spontaneous recovery.
6) Which of these is the best example of a primary reinforcer?
A) gold jewelry
B) television show
C) savings bond
D) ham sandwich
E) sports trophy
7) Tonie taught her dog to play dead. She first rewarded the dog for sitting. Then she required the
dog to sit and then lie down before delivering the reinforcer. Finally, Tonieʹs dog was required to
sit, lie down, and roll over before it was given the reinforcer. This illustrates the conditioning
principle of
A) shaping.
B) flooding.
C) discrimination.
D) extinction.
E) generalization.
8) Which of the following professions most uses conditioning principles?
A) advertising
B) medicine
C) construction
D) law
E) landscaping
9) Three-year-old Maryʹs parents threw her a party with a clown and balloons. As the clown walked
in, Maryʹs mother accidentally popped a balloon which made a very loud noise. Mary was startled
and immediately began to cry. Now every time Mary sees a clown she starts to cry. In this case,
Maryʹs crying in response to the loud sound of the busted balloons was a(n)
A) unconditioned stimulus.
B) conditioned response.
C) unconditioned response.
D) conditioned stimulus.
E) generalized response.
10) Banduraʹs ʺBobo dollʺ study demonstrated the power of
A) superstitious behavior.
B) trial-and-error learning.
C) modeling.
D) reflexive thinking.
E) spontaneous recovery.
11) A dog with an extinguished response of salivating to the sound of a bell, after a period of time, all
the sudden salivates to the bell again without having any food presented. This is an example of
A) positive reinforcement.
B) re-extinction.
C) operant conditioning.
D) reverse conditioning.
E) spontaneous recovery.
12) Thorndikeʹs early work involved studying hungry cats in a
A) box with an escape lever with food located on the outside.
B) maze with a floor grid that generated shocks.
C) box with tools available to reach a hanging piece of food.
D) box equipped with a lever to deliver food reinforcers.
E) deprivation chamber that allowed for no outside stimulation.
13) After a neutral stimulus is paired over and over with an unconditioned stimulus, it begins to
trigger a response of its own, which is called a(n) ________ response. The neutral stimulus becomes
a(n) ________ stimulus.
A) conditioned; unconditioned
B) unconditioned; unconditioned
C) conditioned; conditioned
D) acquired; active
E) unconditioned; conditioned
14) Behaviors can have any of which three consequences?
A) positively punished, negatively punished, or neutral
B) intense, moderate, or light
C) positively reinforced, negatively reinforced, or neutral
D) avoidance, extinction, or spontaneous recovery
E) reinforced, punished, or ignored
15) Learning can be defined best as a ________.
A) relatively permanent change in usually overt behavior due to experience
B) relatively permanent change in usually overt behavior due to genetic processes
C) brief change in usually overt behavior to respond to the environment
D) recalling information on a test
E) permanent change in usually covert behavior that resists modification
16) A dog conditioned to salivate when presented with pure tone, does not salivate at the sound of a
buzzer. This is an example of
A) stimulus generalization.
B) negative conditioning.
C) stimulus discrimination.
D) mistaken conditioning.
E) spontaneous recovery.
17) When Zeke gets in the car, he immediately puts on his seat belt to keep the annoying buzzer from
sounding. His seat belt fastening behavior is being
A) positively reinforced.
B) punished.
C) negatively reinforced.
D) classically conditioned.
E) extinguished.
18) Dr. Miller gives her students pop quizzes at unscheduled times throughout the semester. She is
using a ________ schedule of reinforcement to get her students to study.
A) variable interval
B) variable ratio
C) continuous
D) fixed ratio
E) fixed interval
19) The smell of food from a can of cat food makes your cat come running. Later the sound of the can
opener makes your cat come running. The first time the cat ever heard a can opener sound it was
a(n) ________.
A) neutral stimulus
B) conditioned stimulus
C) conditioned response
D) unconditioned stimulus
E) unconditioned response
20) John B. Watson and Rosalie Raynerʹs classical conditioning experiment on ʺLittle Albertʺ has
important implications for understanding human emotions because their conclusions suggest that
A) children are by nature afraid of rats.
B) many fears may occur as the result of classical conditioning.
C) humans cannot be classically conditioned.
D) positive emotional response can be elicited in children such as Albert.
E) only ʺlowerʺ animals can be classically conditioned to have something akin to emotional
21) The process during which a condition response develops is called ________.
A) understanding
B) phasing
C) rearing
D) endurance
E) acquisition
22) Pavlov discovered classical conditioning when he was studying what process?
A) circulation
B) digestion
C) behavior
D) cognition
E) respiration
23) After eating his favorite ice cream, Terry throws up because he has the flu. A week later he tries to
eat the ice cream, but gets nauseous. This is an example of
A) negative reinforcement.
B) operant conditioning.
C) the Garcia effect.
D) extinction.
E) self-punishment.
24) The best reinforcement schedule to use when you want your dog to perform a learned behavior
often and consistently is a(n) ________ schedule.
A) variable ratio
B) fixed interval
C) continuous
D) fixed ratio
E) variable interval
25) Both Skinner and Thorndike based their theories on the idea that
A) all behavior is reflexive.
B) it is difficult to operantly or instrumentally condition humans.
C) operant / instrumental conditioning is reflexive.
D) behavior is elicited by changes in the environment.
E) behavior is emitted and consequences follow.
26) For conditioning to occur, an unconditioned stimulus must usually be paired with a neutral
A) far enough apart to be understood as separate from one another.
B) that is very typical in the environment.
C) close enough in time for the two to become associated.
D) at least fifty times.
E) that is very unusual in the environment .
27) A day care provider gives special stickers to children who behave as they should, which
encourages the children to behave in the future. This person is using ________ to control the
childrenʹs behavior.
A) operant conditioning
B) classical conditioning
C) circadian learning
D) observational learning
E) latent learning
28) Ronald gets up to answer the door when the doorbell rings. He does the same when he hears what
he thinks is the doorbell, but is actually his kid playing a keyboard note. This is an example of
A) stimulus generation.
B) stimulus discrimination.
C) extinction.
D) stimulus generalization.
E) stimulus recovery.
29) Classical conditioning is most associated with what name?
A) Pavlov
B) Jung
C) Skinner
D) Freud
E) Watson
30) What early learning theorist wrote the still influential book The Behavior of Organisms in 1938?
A) John Watson
B) E. C. Tolman
C) B. F. Skinner
D) Ivan Pavlov
E) E. L. Thorndike