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5 xtra-learning pts DUE THE DAY OF EXAM #2
1. Define learning and association.
2. Explain the process of classical conditioning, describing the differences between an unconditioned,
neutral, and conditioned stimulus, and an unconditioned, conditioned, and conditioned emotional
3. Describe the contributions of Pavlov and Watson.
4. Describe acquisition, stimulus generalization, stimulus distinction, extinction, spontaneous recovery,
and higher-order conditioning as it applies to Classical Conditioning.
5. Explain the Conditioned Taste Aversion and Conditioned Emotional Response.
6. Describe how classical conditioning is related to prejudice, phobias, and advertising
7. Define operant conditioning and differentiate it from classical conditioning
8. Describe the contributions of Thorndike and Skinner related to operant conditioning. Be sure to include
the Law of Effect.
9. Define reinforcement, and punishment, and describe how a response is strengthened. Be sure to
include a definition of positive and negative for both reinforcement and punishment.
10. Explain potential side effects of punishment.
11. Describe the different schedules of reinforcement, and state the effect each schedule will have on
response rate and extinction
12. Describe superstitious behavior, shaping, generalization, discrimination and spontaneous recovery as
it applies to Operant Conditioning.
13. Explain the importance of feedback, timing, consistency, and order of presentation on the effective use
of both reinforcement and punishment
14. For operant conditioning, define stimulus generalization, stimulus discrimination, extinction,
spontaneous recovery, and discriminative stimulus
15. Describe how operant conditioning is related to token economy, sticker charts and time-out
16. Define cognitive theory and describe information processing, insight, cognitive map and latent learning
17. Explain Observational Learning. Be sure to include the four processes of observational learning.