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The art and genetics of color
in plants and animals
Are these examples of color variation single gene traits? In other words, can a
single gene (perhaps with multiple alleles and complications to dominance)
explain color variation in budgie parakeets or in bell peppers?
The table below shows the results of crossing true-breeding lines of green,
blue, yellow and white budgies.
parents Green Blue Yellow White
green green
Yellow green
green yellow
One gene: 2 alleles: incomplete dominance?
One gene: three alleles; some incomplete dominance
One gene: four alleles; dominance complete
Two genes: two alleles; dominance complete
Three or more genes
Number of
Number of
P true-breeding yellow X true-breeding blue
F1 green X
F1 green
F2 9/16 green 3/16 blue 3/16 yellow 1/16 white
How many genes involved?
Speculate about genotypes using elementary principles of
combining colors
Additive Gene Effects
• independent, additive contribution to phenotype: effects of the alleles of the
two loci are essentially the sum of the independent gene actions
• unmodified Mendelian ratio: AaBb X AaBb  9:3:3:1 (two genes; each gene
has two alleles, complete dominance)
• essentially there is no gene interaction – the genotype at one gene locus
doesn’t affect the expression/function of the alleles at a second gene locus
Yellow and blue
pigments are
synthesized in
pathways. A
disruption in one
pathway does not
affect the other
See also this beautiful
example of additive gene
effects in corn snakes
(Chapter 6 of text)
Two genes independently
controlling the synthesis of
two different pigments;
each gene has two alleles
showing complete
The complicated relationship between genes and phenotypes
Coat Variation in the Domestic Dog Is Governed by Variants in Three Genes
Coat color and type are essential characteristics of domestic dog breeds.
Although the genetic basis of coat color has been well characterized,
relatively little is known about the genes influencing coat growth
pattern, length, and curl. We performed genome-wide association
studies of more than 1000 dogs from 80 domestic breeds to identify
genes associated with canine fur phenotypes. Taking advantage of both
inter- and intrabreed variability, we identified distinct mutations in three
genes, RSPO2, FGF5, and KRT71 (encoding R-spondin–2, fibroblast
growth factor–5, and keratin-71, respectively), that together account for
most coat phenotypes in purebred dogs in the United States. Thus, an
array of varied and seemingly complex phenotypes can be reduced to
the combinatorial effects of only a few genes.
See Figure on the next page:
- represents ancestral
allele (found in
+ = variant allele
3 genes, 2 alleles
(complete dominance)
7 out of 8 combos are
shown here
Which is missing?
furnishings= moustache and large eyebrows
Additive gene effects: RECAP
• independent, additive contribution to phenotype: effects of the alleles
of the two loci are essentially the sum of the independent gene actions
• unmodified Mendelian ratio: AaBb X AaBb  9:3:3:1
• no interaction of the alleles – the genotype at one gene locus doesn’t
affect the expression/function of the alleles at a second gene locus
Gene Interactions: Specific alleles of one gene mask or modify
(enhance, suppress or in some way alter) the expression of alleles of a
second gene
• complementary gene action
• epistatic gene interaction
• modifiers & suppressors
Gene Interactions: Specific alleles of one
gene mask or modify (enhance, suppress or
in some way alter) the expression of alleles
of a second gene
• complementary gene action
• epistatic gene interaction
• modifiers & suppressors
Complementary Gene Action
Both John
and Karen
are deaf
due to
NATURE|VOL 431 | 21 OCTOBER 2004 |
See article:
Why then
could they
have only
A mutant gibberellin-synthesis gene in rice
New insight into the rice variant that helped to avert famine over thirty years ago.
Nature 416: 701 April 18, 2002
The chronic food shortage that was
feared after the rapid expansion of the
world population in the 1960s was
averted largely by the development of a
high-yielding semi-dwarf variety of rice
known as IR8, the so-called rice ‘green
revolution’. The short stature of IR8 is
due to a mutation in the plant’s sd1 gene,
which encodes an oxidase enzyme
involved in the biosynthesis of
gibberellin, a plant growth hormone.
Gibberellin is also implicated in
green-revolution varieties of wheat, but
the reduced height of those crops is
conferred by defects in the hormone’s
signaling pathway. There are various
reasons for the dwarf phenotype in
plants, but gibberellin (GA) is
one of the most important determinants
of plant height. To investigate whether
the sd1 gene in semi-dwarf rice (Fig. 1a)
could be associated with malfunction of
gibberellin, we tested the response of this
mutant to the hormone. We found that
sd1 seedlings are able to respond to
exogenous gibberellin, which increases
their height to that of wild-type plants
In the early 1970s, a Dr.
Rutger, then in Davis,
Calif., fired gamma
rays at rice. He and his
colleagues found a
semi-dwarf mutant
that gave much higher
yields, partly because it
produced more grain.
Its short size also
meant it fell over less
often, reducing
spoilage. Known as
Calrose 76, it was
released publicly in
1976. Today, Dr.
Rutger said, about half
the rice grown in
California derives from
this dwarf.
Right: wild-type
Left: semi-dwarf (sd1) mutant (more resistant than wild-type to damage
by wind and rain and respond better to certain fertilizers)
Arabidopsis dwarf mutant
These two plants have the exactly
the same genotype: they are
homozygous for the same recessive,
loss-of-function mutation
The plant on the left has been
treated with an application of
gibberellin. The plant on the right
is untreated.
You have three different (independently isolated) dwarf strains of Arabidopsis:
Mutant Strains 1, 2 & 3
• Each dwarf strain has a recessive, loss-of-function mutation
• Treatment of each mutant strain with gibberellic acid restores normal height
suggesting that they have the same primary defect
• You cross dwarf strain 1 X dwarf strain 3 and the untreated F1 are dwarf
• But when you cross dwarf strain 1 X dwarf strain 2 the untreated F1 are
wild-type in height (non-dwarf)
• How to explain: dwarf X dwarf = wild-type?
Dwarf plants can result
from a mutation
affecting gibberellin
production as well as
mutations affecting any
step in the cellular
response to this signal
gibberellin biosynthetic pathway
These mutations show complementation:
Complementation: the production of wild-type F1 progeny when
crossing two parents showing the same recessive mutant phenotype
M1 X M2 
wild-type F1 progeny
(alleles symbols: uppercase = functional allele; lowercase = loss-of-function)
mutant 1: aaBBCC X mutant 2: AAbbCC
AaBbCC wild-type
 self
What phenotypes will appear in the F2?
Will the progeny ratios be in 1/4’s or 1/16’s or 1/64’s
Genes are assorting independently
3/4 A- 1/4 aa
3/4 B- 1/4 bb
all CC (not segregating)
aaB- CC
A- bb CC
Since a homozygous recessive mutation in either A or B results in the
mutant phenotype
9/16 wild-type 7/16 dwarf = modified Mendelian ratio
M1, M2 and M3 parents show the same recessive phenotype
M1 X M2  wild-type F1 progeny = Complementation =
mutations are in different genes
M1 X M3  mutant F1 progeny = Failure to Complement =
mutations are in the same gene
Why do geneticists care about complementation?
A collection of mutants can be easily sorted into mutant alleles of
the same gene and mutant alleles of different genes (ie not allelic
with each other)
See questions on assignment set 4
Dwarfism in plants and deafness in humans are examples of
genetic heterogeneity
Genetic (or locus) heterogeneity: Mutations in any one of several genes
may result in identical phenotypes (such as when the genes are required for a
common biochemical pathway or cellular structure)
Heterogeneous trait or genetic heterogeneity: a mutation at any one of a
number of genes can give rise to the same phenotype
Although a single gene difference causes the phenotypic difference between the
dwarf and the wild-type plants, this does not mean that normal height is the
result of the action of a single gene. It means simply that only one gene
differed* between the dwarf and wild-type plants under consideration
* carried alleles with functional differences
Cell 141, April 16, 2010
Optional interesting growth-hormone-related genetics
FDA approved genetically modified salmon: addition of Chinook growth
hormone to smaller species
See also optional reading on loss-of-function mutations
in growth hormone receptor in humans:
Equadorean villagers may hold secret to longevity
of Drug
Drug metabolizing enzymes, DMEs (Phase I enzymes/Cytochrome P450 enzymes, e.g. CYP2D6;
Phase II enzymes, e.g. N-acetyl transferases)
• Drug transporters (Solute Carrier (SLC)- and ATP Binding Cassette (ABC)-transporters, e.g. organic
cation transporters, OCTs, as members of the SLC family)
• Drug receptors (ligand controlled ion channels or class 1 receptors, e.g. glutamate receptor; G-protein
coupled receptors (GPCRs) or class 2 receptors, e.g. ß-receptor; enzymatic receptors, e.g. insulin receptor;
receptors regulating gene expression, e.g. steroid hormone receptor)
• G-proteins, e.g. GNAS1 or GNB3
Translating Functional Genomics into
Rational Therapeutics
• In this hypothetical example there
are two genes that influence the
therapeutic effect of a particular
• Each gene has two alleles that
show incomplete dominance
Gene Functions
1. One gene is involved in
metabolizing the drug
(for eventual excretion) –
see previous lecture
notes on the CYP genes
2. The second gene codes
for a receptor protein via
which the drug exerts its
therapeutic effect