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Name ____________________________________________________________ Date ___________________ Class _______ Cell City Project Part A: “Getting Started” 1. What is the product that you are making? ____________________________ 2. Choose your theme: Below is a list of Themes from which you can design your “Cell City”: Lumber Yard
School yard/building
Medieval (castle)
Military Base
Santa and the North Pole
Movie theme (ex:“Willy Wonka”)
(*Note: movie themes must be appropriate and approved by the teacher!!)
Part B: Now answer the following questions to help you plan your cell city: 1. Proteins take part in nearly every cell activity. a. What represents the protein in your city/what are you manufacturing? _______________ b. Why did you choose this to represent the nucleus? ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The ribosomes are small grain-­‐like bodies and are produced in the nucleolus. They are responsible for making the protein. a. What place do the ribosomes represent in your cell city? _______________________________ b. Why did you choose this to represent the ribosomes? ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The nucleus is a large, round structure located near the center of the cell. It is the control center for all the activities of the cell. a. What place does the nucleus represent in your cell city? _______________________________ b. Why did you choose this to represent the nucleus? ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. The cell membrane is a thin, flexible envelope that surrounds the cell. It allows the cell to change shape and controls what goes into and out of the cell. a. What represents the cell membrane in your cell city? ____________________________________ b. Why did you choose this to represent the cell membrane? ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. The endoplasmic reticulum consists of a network of tube-­‐like passageways that proteins from the ribosomes are transported through. a. What represents the endoplasmic reticulum in your cell city? __________________________ b. Why did you choose this to represent the ER? ___________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. The Golgi bodies receive and sort the proteins from the ER and then ship them out by way of transport vesicles to the inside or outside of the cell. a. What represents the Golgi bodies in your cell city? ______________________________________ b. Why did you choose this to represent the Golgi? _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. The jelly-­‐like area between the nucleus and the cell membrane is called the cytoplasm. It holds the organelles in place. a. What represents the cytoplasm in your cell city? ________________________________________ b. Why did you choose this to represent the cytoplasm? __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. The mitochondria are tiny bean-­‐shaped structures in the cytoplasm that supply the energy for the cell by transforming sugars into energy. a. What represents the mitochondria in your cell city? ___________________________________ b. Why did you choose this to represent the mitochondria? _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. The lysosomes are small round structures in the cytoplasm that contain digestive chemicals that break down large food particles, cell wasters, and worn out cell parts. a. What represents the lysosomes in your cell city? _______________________________________ b. Why did you choose this to represent the lysosomes? _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Extra Credit: Added Organelles(such as vacuole, DNA, nucleolus, vesicle) You may add additional organelles to your cell city. If you choose to do so, you must: -­‐ describe its function in a cell -­‐ indicate what represents it in your cell city -­‐ describe why you chose it to represent the organelle Cell City Grading Rubric 5 Questions Student has answered all questions with thorough supportive evidence City Drawing City Parts Labeled Cell Parts Labeled Quality Name_______________________________________________ 3 Student has answered all questions but only half have some supportive evidence. All parts are All parts are Some (1-­‐3) included included parts are and and most of missing accurately them (6-­‐8) and/or and accurately don’t creatively and accurately represent creatively represent the represent the organelles the organelles of a cell. organelles of a cell. of a cell. All parts are 1-­‐2 parts 3-­‐4 parts labeled aren’t aren’t labeled labeled All parts are 1-­‐2 parts 3-­‐4 parts labeled aren’t aren’t labeled labeled -­‐ Neat -­‐ Mostly neat Could -­‐ colorful -­‐ mostly improve on colorful
-­‐ legible neatness, -­‐ mostly -­‐ creative use more legible
-­‐ accurate color or -­‐ creative -­‐ to scale make -­‐ a
ccurate -­‐evidence diagrams and to scale more of time and -­‐some realistic or evidence of accurate effort time and -­‐detailed -­‐more time effort and effort needed Total: _______/25 pts. 4 Student has answered all questions, with supportive evidence. 2 Student answered all questions but 1-­‐3 have some supportive evidence. 1 Student either did not answer the questions or had no supportive evidence. Most (4-­‐7) parts are missing and/or don’t accurately represent the organelles of a cell. All parts are missing and/or don’t accurately represent the organelles of a cell. 5-­‐7 parts aren’t labeled 5-­‐7 parts aren’t labeled Most of the drawing is not colorful and the majority of the diagrams are not realistic or accurate -­‐more time and effort needed 8-­‐9 parts aren’t labeled 8-­‐9 parts aren’t labeled Colorless and/or messy; diagrams make no attempt to be accurately depicted demonstrates very little time and effort Extra credit (added organelles) 2 pts each. _____________