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Protein Synthesis Test Review
Directions: Use your notes and examples to complete the review. Study until you are sure
you’ll make an A, and then continue to study for another 20 minutes after that time (studying
does NOT consist of staring at the review and/or putting your head down on the review….we
have covered osmosis…it only works with water and the knowledge will not spontaneously
jump into your brain…sorry if I’m the one to break that to you).
1. Describe the process of protein synthesis in your own words. __Protein synthesis uses the
DNA to code for mRNA (transcription) which matches up with the tRNA to link amino acids
together to make proteins.___________________________________________
2. If protein synthesis did not occur, what would not be made? __PROTEINS______________
3. Can the DNA leave the nucleus? __No, DNA can never leave the nucleus._______________
1. What happens in transcription? ___The DNA is copied into an mRNA strand______
2. What does the mRNA do? _____Copies the genetic code and takes it out into the cytoplasm
to meet up with a ribosome____
3. What does mRNA stand for? __messenger RNA_________________________
4. Where does transcription occur? __In the nucleus__________________________
5. Which type of RNA carries the instructions for protein synthesis out of the nucleus?
___messenger RNA_____________________________________________________
6. What nitrogen base is present in RNA that is NOT present in DNA?
7. If I have a DNA sequence of ATGCATGC, what will my mRNA sequence be?
8. What is a codon? _A series of three nucleotides that codes for a specific amino acid._____
9. The codon UUA determines which amino acid? (see chart) _Leucine_____________
10. The codon CGC determines which amino acid? ___Arginine____________________
Protein Synthesis Test Review
11. The amino acid Cysteine is coded for by which codons? _UGU, UGC_______________
12. The amino acid Isoleucine is coded for by which codons? _AUA, AUC, AUU______________
13. What is the definition of a gene?__A section of DNA that is used to code for certain traits
and make a strand of RNA__________________________________________
Use the charts above for the following questions.
14. Which side is DNA? How do you know? _Left side. Has thymine___________
15. Which side is mRNA? ____Right side. Has Uracil__________________________
16. What amino acids will the mRNA code for? __Met-Glu-His-Gly-Stop__________
(HINT: The RECTANGULAR codon chart is on the review)
Protein Synthesis Test Review
1. What does tRNA do? __brings the amino acids to the ribosome___________________
2. What does tRNA stand for? ___Transfer RNA_____________________________
3. Which type of RNA brings the amino acid to the ribosome? ____tRNA_________________
4. What happens in translation? __Amino acid chains are made_____________________
5. Is the nitrogen base thymine EVER present when changing from mRNA to tRNA?
___________NO. NEVER. EVER. WON’T BE THERE. ONLY URACIL.____________________
6. How do you get amino acid (polypeptide) chains from protein synthesis? ___Through the
process of TRANSLATION. The mRNA brings in the copied genetic code and the tRNA brings in
the amino acids to link together into a chain._________________________________
1. What is a mutation? __A change in the genetic sequence. ___________________________
2. What is a point mutation? __One nucleotide gets changed.___________________
3. What is another name for point mutation? __Substitution___________________________
4. What is an insertion mutation? ___One or more bases is inserted into the genetic code.___
5. What is a deletion mutation? ___ One or more bases is deleted from the genetic code. ____
6. What do insertion and deletion mutations lead to sometimes? _Frameshift
7. What is a frameshift mutation? _The whole sequence is altered due to an insertion or
deletion resulting in large scale changes to the genetic code.____________________
8. Will the protein be the same if a mutation occurs? Why or why not? ___ If there are any
gene alterations the protein will be different. It could be the same if it a silent mutation.
Gene Expression
1. When DNA goes through the protein synthesis process (transcription and translation) to
make proteins that express certain traits, what can we call this?
____Gene expression_______________________________________________________
Protein Synthesis Test Review
2. Can a proteins be made directly from DNA? __NO. mRNA must take the genetic code to the