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Hast Cell Analogy
By: Adriana and Ana
Cell Analogy
Location: Hast
Type of
Cell Membrane- Front doors
We chose the front doors
of HAST to represent the
cell membrane because
it allows students and
teachers in and out of
the school and the cell
membrane is the
protective barrier that
controls what comes in
and leaves the cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
The halls are like the E.R
because it is where the
students walk to get around and
the E.R Is the highway between
the cell membrane and the
nuclear membrane
We chose the students to represent the
ribosomes because the ribosomes produce
protein in the cell which in our case is
knowledge because knowledge is was
makes HAST what is is and the students are
the one who produce the knowledge.
Golgi bodies
Golgi bodies package and deliver in
a cell. Mrs.Valdez represents the
Golgi bodies because she is the
messenger and controls the mail.
Nuclear membrane-office
We chose to use the office
walls to represent the
nuclear membrane because
the nuclear membrane
protects the nucleus, who is
Dr. Egan.
Nucleus-Dr. Egan
We chose Dr. Egan to
represent the nucleus
because the nucleus is the
control center of the cell just
like Dr. Egan is the control
center of our school.
Mitochondria-Mr.Smith’s Job
and these control panels
We chose to use these
to represent the
mitochondria because
the mitochondria is
The powerhouse of the
cell and produces
energy. Mr.Smith
controls our iPads and
wifi and these panels
control the
electricity,power, and
light sources.
Cytoplasm-Hast space
We chose to use this to
represent the cytoplasm
because the cytoplasm
is gel-like material made
of water and protein, for
the organelles to live
in. Students and staff
members use HAST
air/space to walk
around in and “live” in.
Vacuole-Mini Fridges
We chose the mini
fridges to represent
the vacuole because
the vacuole is where
the food and water is
stored. The
classrooms have
many mini fridges
where teachers store
food and water.
Lysosomes-Recycle bins & trash cans
We chose the recycling bins and trash cans to represent the
lysosomes because the lysosomes are where the old cell parts are
digested. At HAST we use recycle bins for used paper and other
recyclable things that we don't need anymore.