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Cell Structure and Function
All living organisms are made up of:
Cells are:
• The basic unit of structure and function of
a living organism.
• Organisms can be either:
– unicellular
• Made up of only one cell
– multicellular
• Made up of many cells working together
History of the cell.
• 1665 Anton van Leevwenhoek:
constructed first simple microscope.
• Viewed pond water and saw tiny
moving structures
• he called “wee little beasties”
• .
• 1670 Robert Hooke
– English scientist and inventor of first
compound light microscope.
– Viewed cork
– Named tiny, hollow units and called them
Approximately 200 years later…
• 1833 Robert Brown
– First to view a nucleus within a cell.
– Scientist now knew that there were structures
within the cell and that cells were not hollow
like the cork.
• 1835 Two German scientist, Theodor
Schwann (Zoologist) and Matthias
Schleiden (Botanist) collectively came to
the conclusion that all plants and all
animals are made up of cells.
• 1855 Rudolf Virchow recorded that “all
cells come from other like and pre-existing
Cell dividing hyperlink
The Cell Theory
(based on the collective work of these 6 scientist)
• 1. Every living organism is made up of
one or more cells.
• 2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and
function of all living organisms.
• 3. All cells arise from like and pre-existing
• Skin cells divide to create new cells for the healing process
Two types of cells exist:
Prokaryotic and
Eukaryotic Cells
Prokaryotic Cells
• Word means “before nucleus”
• Includes only and all bacteria
• Believed to be the first cells on Earth
Basic traits:
• Lack a nucleus
• Lacks all membrane bound organelles.
• Genetic material just floats around the
cytoplasm of the cell.
Eukaryotic Cells
• Word means “contains a true nucleus”
• Includes all animals, plants, fungi, and
Basic traits:
1.Evolved from prokaryotic cells.
2. Contains a nucleus
3. Contains membrane bound organelles.
• Organelles are “tiny organs” within a cell,
each having their own function.
• Because prokaryotic cells do not contain
organelles they are generally much
smaller than eukaryotic cells.
• Since prokaryotic cells do not have
organelles their size must be much smaller
so materials, especially waste, can quickly
exit the cell before it can poison the cell.
• Eukaryotic cells have organelles to contain
the waste until it can exit the cell therefore
the waste is not in danger of poisoning the
Two types of eukaryotic cells:
Animal like:
Structures common to both
Prokaryotic and
Eukaryotic Cells
(or in other words ALL cells)
Cell Membrane
Cell Membrane: (sometimes referred to as
plasma membrane)
1. Outer boundary of the cell
-separates one cell from another
2. Acts as a “gatekeeper”
-regulates what is allowed to enter
or leave the cell.
Oxygen, amino
acids, Water
Carbon dioxide
Cellular Waste
Excess water
3. Aids in protection and support.
-keeps out bad things
-provides some shape
1. -liquid part of the cell
2. –fills the internal volume of the cell
3.-made mostly of
water with salts,
amino acids,
glucose, nucleotides,
O2 etc… dissolved in
-to suspend and
allow items and
structures to move
about in the cell.
What type
of cell is
Plant cell
Bacteria Cell
Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic?
Cell Wall:
1.-surrounds the cell membrane
-found in plants, fungi,
bacteria and some protist.
2.-located outside the cell membrane
3.-provides shape and support
Cell membrane
Cell wall
4. -has openings so items can pass
5. -made up of cellulose/a polysaccharide
humans can not digest.
Cell wall of a bacteria cell
Genetic Material:
1.-made up of DNA
2.-has instructions for making all cellular proteins
these proteins go on to determine our traits.
In Eukaryotic Cells:
-DNA contained in a nucleus
-each linear pieces of DNA known as
-Humans have 46 chromosomes/cells
-23 from your mom
-23 from your dad
1.-Known as the brain of cell
2.-It is the cells control center
3.-Contains the DNA
4.-Outside of nucleus is surrounded by another
5.-contains pores for items to move in and out.
Nuclear Envelope or membrane:
-outside of nucleus, contains with pores
-circular structure within nucleus
-makes the ribosomes
-cytoplasm inside
the nucleus
Genetic Material in Bacteria
Bacteria are classified as being………
Which means ……………
They do not have a nucleus
The genetic material/DNA of a
bacteria cell is just free floating
around in the cytoplasm of the
The cells “workbench”
Job: Makes proteins, in their linear form, by
assembling amino acids in the correct order based
on DNA’s code.
-Ribosomes are made up of RNA and proteins.
-Two types:
1. -Found attached to the endoplasmic reticulum
-Free floating in the cytoplasm