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Everything on the earth is made up of
atoms and molecules. So what makes
you different from something like a rock?
You, like all living things, are
made of cells. Cells are the basic units of life.
There are two main kinds of
cells - prokaryotic and
eukaryotic. Eukaryotic cells
have structures enclosed by a
membrane. Prokaryotic cells
do not. Bacteria and algae are
two examples of living things
that have prokaryotic cells. You,
a cat, and a tree are all
examples of living things
made of eukaryotic cells.
What four main parts of the cell are found in both plant and animal cells?
, and
HIGHLIGHT where it explains the difference between vacuoles in plant cells and animal cells.
Eukaryotic cells come in two kinds: plant and animal. Plant cells have several features in common.
They both have a cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, and vacuoles.
cell membrane is like the skin of the cell. It holds everything together and controls what
passes into and out of the cell.
nucleus controls what the cell does, kind of like your brain controls what you do.
Cytoplasm is a jelly-like liquid that fills most of the inside of the cell. The other cell structures
(called organelles) are located in the cytoplasm.
Vacuoles are used as storage spaces for the cell. They store food coming into the cell and waste
materials that are leaving the cell. Vacuoles in plant cells are usually much larger than the
vacuoles in animal cells.
Plant cells have two unique structures that are not
in animal cells. The first is a cell wall. The cell wall is
outside the cell membrane. It gives the plant cell
The other unique structure is the chloroplast.
Chloroplasts are the organelles in plants where
photosynthesis takes place.
There are many other organelles in plants and animal cells that work along with these parts. There
are also different types of plant and animal cells, each with their own unique structure and function.
The only way to tell the difference
plant and animal cells is how they
Plant cells are rectangular and boxwhile animal cells are more rounded
COMPLETE the diagram below based upon your reading about animal cells.
COMPLETE the diagram below based upon your reading about plant cells.