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Part 1: Biology Basics
Cellular Structure and Function
All living things are made of cells.
All cells are built of the same materials and
function in similar ways.
All cells rely on chemical reactions to make
things happen.
An Overview of Cells
• Cells are sacks of fluid reinforced by proteins
and surrounded by membranes.
• Inside the fluid float chemicals and organelles,
structures inside cells that are used during
metabolic processes.
• Remember that a cell is the smallest unit of
life that retains characteristics of the entire
organism (For example- it can take in fuel,
convert it to energy, and eliminates waste).
• All cells on Earth fall into one of three groups
– Eucarya: Plants, animals, fungi, and protists
– Bacteria: Single-celled microorganisms, some of
which are useful to humans and some which
cause human disease.
– Archaea: Single-celled microorganisms found in all
types of environments, but first discovered in
extreme environments, such as hot springs
• Cells of Eucarya are structurally distinct from cells
of Bacteria and Archaea.
– Prokaryotes don’t have a “true” nucleus in their cells.
Nor do they have organelles. (bacteria and archaea
are prokaryotes)
– Eukaryotes have a nucleus in their cells that house
their genetic material. They also have organelles.
Plants, animals, algae, and fungi are all eukaryotes.
 The root eu means true and karyon means seed,
so eucaryotic cells are true-seeded cells because
the nucleus looks a seed inside the cell. Pro
means before, so prokaryotes are before-seed
cells because they don’t have a nucleus.
Peeking at Prokaryotes
• Bacteria only seem to be newsworthy when
they’re causing problems, such as disease.
• If bacteria could get some good headlines, they
might read like this:
– Bacteria used in Human Food Production! Yogurt and cheese
are quite tasty
– Bacteria Clean up our Messes! Oil-eating help save beaches, other
bacteria clean-up our sewage
Bacteria: Natures Recyclers! Bacteria release nutrients from dead matter
during decomposition
– Bacteria Help Plants Grow! Nitrogen-fixing bacteria can pull nitrogen out of
the air and convert it to a form plants can use
• The cells of prokaryotes are fairly simple
because they don’t have internal membranes
or organelles.
• The majority share:
A plasma membrane that forms a barrier around
the cell, and a rigid cell wall outside the plasma
membrane that provides additional support.
DNA, the genetic material of prokaryotes, located
in the cytoplasm, in a area called the nucleoid.
Ribosomes that make proteins in the cytoplasm.
They break down food using cellular respiration or
Examining the Structure of Eukaryotic
• Eukaryotes have the following characteristics
A nucleus that stores information.
A plasma membrane that encloses the cell and
separates it from the environment.
Internal membranes (organelles), such as
endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus,
that create specialized compartments inside the
A cytoskeleton made of proteins that reinforce the
cells and control cellular movement.
Eukaryotic Cells and the Organelles:
Not a Hip-Hop Group
• Just like you have organs that perform specific
functions for your body, cells have organelles
that perform specific functions for the cell.
• Plant and animal cells are very similar, but
they have a few significant differences in their
– Plant cells have chloroplasts, large central
vacuoles, and cell walls; animal cells don’t.
– Animal cells have centrioles; plant cells don’t
• The fluid inside the cell, called cytoplasm,
contains all the organelles.
• Animal cells are supported outside the cell by
a fluid made of proteins and carbohydrates
called the extracellular matrix.
• Plant cells are supported outside the cell by a
more solid structure, called cell wall, that’s
made of carbohydrate cellulose.
The plasma membrane: Holding it all together
• The plasma membrane or cell membrane
encloses and defines all cells.
Thinking of the plasma membrane as an
international boarder that controls what
enters and leaves a particular country is a
good way of remembering its function.
Plasma membranes are made of several
different components, much like a mosaic work
of art.
• Plasma membranes are made of several
different components, much like a mosaic
work of art.
• A phospholipid bilayer serves as the
foundation on the plasma membrane.
• Each phospholipid molecule has a hydrophilic
head (“water-loving”) that’s attracted to water
and a hydrophobic tail (“water-fearing”)
• The hydrophilic heads
point toward the
watery environments
outside and inside the
cell, sandwiching the
hydrophobic tails
between them to form
the phospholipid
• In addition to
phospholipids, proteins
are major components of
the plasma membrane.
• The proteins are
embedded in the
phospholipid bilayer, but
they can drift in the
membrane like ships
sailing through an oily
• Cholesterol and carbohydrates
are minor components of
plasma membranes.
– Cholesterol makes the membrane
more stable and prevents it from
solidifying when your body
temperature is low (It keeps you
from literally freezing when
you’re “freezing”).
– Carbohydrates chains attach to
the outer surface of the plasma
Transporting materials through the plasma membrane
 Cells are busy places. They manufacture materials that need
to be shipped out, and they need to take in materials such as
• Whether or not a molecule can cross a plasma
membrane depends upon its structure:
Small, hydrophobic molecules such as O2 and CO2 are
compatible with the hydrophobic tails of the phospholipid
bilayer, so they can scoot across membranes
Hydrophilic molecules such as ions can’t get through by
themselves, so they need help to cross.
Larger molecules (think food and hormones) also need
help, which comes in the form of transport proteins.
• Some proteins form openings called channel
proteins in the membrane. Small molecules
such as hormones and ions may pass through
• Other proteins, called carrier proteins, pick up
molecules on one side of the membrane and
then drop them off on the other side.
Passively moving along
• Materials can pass through the plasma
membrane either passively or actively.
• Passive transport requires no energy on the
part of the cell.
– This can happen in one of two ways (diffusion and
– In both cases, the molecules are moving from
where they’re more concentrated to where
they’re less concentrated.
 Diffusion: The
movement of molecules
other than water from
an area where they’re
highly concentrated to
an area where they’re
less concentrated.
 Osmosis: The
diffusion of water
across a membrane.
The movement of
water is affected by
the concentration of
substances called
solutes that are
dissolved in water.
Water moves from
where it’s more
concentrated (less
solute) to areas
where it’s less
concentrated (more
• For example, the blood in your body contains a certain
amount of salt. If the concentration of salt in your
bloodstream suddenly rises, water moves out of the
blood cells, and your blood cells shrivel up.
Actively helping molecules across
• Active transport requires energy from the cell to
move molecules that can’t cross the phospholipid
bilayer on their own from where they’re less
concentrated to where they’re more
• Carrier proteins, called active transport proteins
or pumps, use energy stored in the cell to
concentrate molecules inside or outside the cell.
The Nucleus: controlling the show:
• Every cell of every living thing contains genetic
material called DNA.
• In eukaryotic cells, DNA is contained within a
chambered called the nucleus that’s separated
from the cytoplasm my a membrane called
the nuclear membrane.
• In the nucleus of cells that aren’t multiplying,
DNA is wound around proteins and loosely
spread out in the nucleus. When DNA is in this
form, its called chromatin.
• Right before a cell divides, the chromatin coils
up tightly into chromosomes.
 Consider the nucleus the library of the cell because it holds lots of information.
The chromosomes are the library books, full of instructions for building proteins.
• Each nucleus has a round mass inside it called
the nucleolus. The nucleolus produces
ribosomes, which move out into the
cytoplasm to help form proteins.
• Molecules enter and exit the nucleus through
small holes, called nuclear pores.
• Nuclear pores are made of groups of proteins
organized into little rings that penetrate the
nuclear envelope.
• Traffic in and out of the nuclear pores include:
– RNA molecules and ribosome subunits that are
made in the nucleolus.
– Proteins that are made in the cytoplasm but are
needed for certain processes, like copying DNA,
must cross into the nucleus.
– Nucleotide building blocks for
DNA and RNA, must cross into
the nucleus so that the cell can
make new DNA and RNA
Creating Proteins: Ribosomes
• Ribosomes are structures built in the
nucleolus which move out to the cytoplasm to
help make proteins.
Thinking of ribosomes like workbenches
where proteins are built is a good way to
remember their function.
Serving as the Cell’s Factory: The endoplasmic
• The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a series of
canals that connects the nucleus to the
cytoplasm of the cell.
• Part of the ER is covered in dots, which are
actually ribosomes that attach to it during the
synthesis of certain proteins. This is called the
rough ER, or RER.
• The part of the ER without ribosomes is called
the smooth ER (SER).
 Think of the ER as the cell’s internal manufacturing plant
because it produces proteins and lipids and then ships them
out (to the Golgi apparatus).
• Ribosomes on the RER make proteins that
either get shipped out of the cell or stay in the
• Proteins that stay in the cell are put together
on ribosomes that float free in the cytoplasm).
• The SER is involved in the production of lipids
• Proteins and lipids made at the ER get
packaged up into little spheres of membrane
called transport vesicles that carry the
molecules from the ER to the Golgi apparatus.
Preparing products for distribution: The Golgi
• The Golgi apparatus looks like a maze with
water droplets splashing off of it. The “water
droplets” are transport vesicles bringing
material from the ER.
• Inside the Golgi apparatus, products produced
by the cell are chemically tagged and
packaged for export either to other organelles
or to the outside of the cell.
• After the Golgi apparatus has processed the
molecules, it packages them back up into a
vesicle and ships them out again.
 You can consider the Golgi apparatus the cell’s post office
because it receives molecular packages and tags them for
shipping to their proper destination.
Cleaning up the trash: Lysosomes
• Lysosomes are special vesicles formed by the
Golgi apparatus to clean up the cell.
• Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes used to
break down products that may be harmful to
the cell and “spit” them back out into the
extracellular fluid.
 Think of lysosomes as waste collectors, gathering materials
the cell no longer needs and breaking them down so some
parts can be recycled.
Providing energy, ATP-style: mitochondria
• Mitochondria supply cells with the energy
they need to move and grow by breaking
down sugar molecules, extracting their energy,
and transferring it to an energy-storing
molecule that cells can easily use. That
energy-storing molecule is adenosine
triphosphate (ATP).
 Think of mitochondria as the power plant of the cell.
Converting energy: Chloroplasts
• Chloroplasts are organelles found solely in
plants, algae and cyanobacteria. They
specialize in transferring energy from the Sun
into the chemical energy in food.
• They often have a distinctly green color
because they contain chlorophyll, a green
pigment that can absorb sunlight.
 Think of chloroplasts a solar powered kitchen that uses energy from
the sun and “ingredients” from the environment to make food.
Supporting the cell: The cytoskeleton
• Much like your skeleton reinforces the
structure of your body, the cytoskeleton of a
cell reinforces that cell’s structure.
• Proteins of cytoskeleton reinforce the plasma
membrane and the nuclear envelope.
• They also run through the cell like railroad
tracks, helping vesicles and organelles
circulate around the cell.
• Some cells have whip-like projections that
help them swim or move fluids.
• If the projections are short, the structure is
called cilia. If the projections are long, they’re
called flagella.
• Both contain cytoskeletal proteins.
• The proteins flex back and forth, making the
cilia and flagella beat like whips.
• Cells with cilia exist in your repertory tract,
moving mucus and in your digestive tract
moving food. Flagella are present on human
sperm cells.
The End