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Name: _______________________
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Cells and Diffusion
1. The fact that large numbers of mitochondria are observed in the tubule cells of
nephrons suggests that the nephron is involved in the process of
a. active transport
c. osmosis
b. passive transport
d. diffusion
2. Water and minerals move from the soil into a plant by the process of
a. diffusion, only
c. passive transport and hydrolysis
b. active transport, only
d. both diffusion and active transport
3. Red blood cells contain a higher concentration of potassium than the surrounding blood
plasma does. This higher concentration is maintained by the process of
a. cyclosis
c. simple diffusion
b. osmosis
d. active transport
4. The arrows in the diagrams below represent the direction of a certain type of molecule
through the cell membrane of two different cells. The dots represent the relative
concentrations of this molecule.
Which processes are illustrated in the diagram?
a. phagocytosis and diffusion
c. active transport and diffusion
b. pinocytosis and osmosis
d. dehydration and circulation
5. After a cookie has been digested, glucose molecule enter the bloodstream by the
process of
a. phagocytosis
c. ingestion
b. diffusion
d. pinocytosis
6. A root hair cell may continue to absorb minerals even though the cytoplasmic
concentration of these minerals is greater inside the cell than in the soil. This absorption
is accomplished chiefly as a result of
a. passive transport
c. diffusion
b. active transport
d. osmosis
7. Which process requires cellular energy?
a. Diffusion
c. active transport
b. Passive transport
d. osmosis
8. Hydra remove nitrogenous wastes from their cells mainly by
a. diffusion into their bloodstream
b. diffusion into their watery environment
c. active transport into their excretory tubules
d. active transport into their respiratory tubes
9. The diagram below shows the same type of molecules in area A and area B. With the
passage of time, some molecules move from area A to area B.
This movement is the result of the process of
a. Phagocytosis
c. diffusion
b. Pinocytosis
d. cyclosis
10. Freshwater protozoans excrete ammonia and mineral salts by means of
a. diffusion through the cell membrane
b. small vacuoles released through the cell membrane
c. small tubes leading from the cytoplasm to openings in the cell membrane
d. contraction of food vacuoles
11. Which process accomplishes the movement of gases illustrated by the arrows in the
diagram below?
a. transpiration
c. phagocytosis
b. diffusion
d. osmosis
12. Cyanide is a poison that limits the ability of an animal cell to manufacture ATP. In a cell
containing a small amount of cyanide, which process would be least affected?
a. movement
c. active transport
b. cell division
d. diffusion
13. In a cell, all organelles work together to carry out
a. diffusion
c. information storage
b. active transport
d. metabolic processes
14. The diagram below shoes the relative concentration of molecules inside and outside of a
Which statement best describes the general
direction of diffusion across the membrane?
a. Glucose would diffuse into the cell
b. Protein would diffuse out of the cell
c. Carbon dioxide would diffuse out of
the cell
d. Oxygen would diffuse into the cell
15. The diagram below represents the movement of a large molecule across a membrane.
Which process is best represented in this diagram?
a. active transport
c. protein building
b. diffusion
d. gene manipulation
16. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below of sugar in a beaker
of water.
What process accounts for the change shown in lab setup A? _______________________