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Chapter 2.3 – Materials move across the cell’s membrane. (7.1.a)
Vocabulary: diffusion, passive transport, osmosis, active transport
Give an example of how diffusion helps to maintain conditions necessary for life:
Summarize what happens during diffusion.
Give an example of how diffusion is utilized by the process of photosynthesis.
What conditions would cause diffusion to slow down and equalize on either side
of the membrane?
What is the role of the proteins embedded in the cell’s membrane?
What is passive transport? Your answer should mention energy.
What’s the difference between diffusion and osmosis?
How is active transport different than passive transport?
Explain how your body rids itself of excess salt. Does this require energy?
On the back of this page, sketch a sequence that shows a cell taking in a particle
by endocytosis.
On the back of this page, sketch a sequence that shows a cell taking in a particle
by exocytosis.
How does the surface area of a cell limit the growth of the cell?