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Cell Membrane Collaboration
1. Find a picture of a phospholipid and the phospholipid bilayer. Explain why it forms the
way it does.
2. Describe the structure and function of the cell membrane. Find a picture of the fluid
mosaic model.
3. Describe the differences between integral and peripheral proteins. Name three
functions of membrane proteins.
4. Explain how diffusion works. Be sure to explain concentration gradients. Find a
5. Define passive transport. What are the differences between facilitated and simple
diffusion. Why are both types needed?
6. Find picture for simple diffusion, osmosis and facilitated diffusion. Do any of these use
energy? Johnathan
7. Describe osmosis, hypertonic solutions, hypotonic solutions and isotonic solutions.
How can knowing the solution types help you to determine which direction osmosis will
occur? Include pictures.
8. What happens when plant cells and animal cell are placed in hypotonic, hypertonic and
isotonic solutions. Include pictures.
9. How do single celled organisms such as parmecium suvive living in fresh water? Why
is fresh water a problem for them? Find a picture with the contractile vacuole labeled.
10. Describe active transport. How is it different from passive transport?
11. Explain the sodium potassium pump. Include a picture. Felix
12. Find other examples of active transport besides the sodium potassium pump. Include
13. Define exocytosis. Include a picture or video of this process. Why is this process
14. Define endocytosis. Include a picture or video of this process. Why is this process
15. Explain the differences between pinocytosis and phagocytosis. Include pictures or