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Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell
Cell theory
Cell organization and homeostasis
Studying cells – microscopy and fractionation
Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
Compartments in eukaryotic cells (cell regions,
Outside the cell
Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell
Cell theory
Cell organization and homeostasis
Studying cells – microscopy and fractionation
Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
Compartments in eukaryotic cells (cell regions,
Outside the cell
What are the main tenets of cell theory?
What are the major lines of evidence that
all presently living cells have a common
Cell theory
All living organisms are
composed of cells
smallest “building blocks” of all
multicellular organisms
all cells are enclosed by a
surface membrane that
separates them from other cells
and from their environment
specialized structures with the
cell are called organelles; many
are membrane-bound
Cell theory
Today, all new cells arise from
existing cells
All presently living cells have a
common origin
all cells have basic structural and
molecular similarities
all cells share similar energy
conversion reactions
all cells maintain and transfer
genetic information in DNA
the genetic code is essentially
What are the main tenets of cell theory?
What are the major lines of evidence that
all presently living cells have a common
Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell
Cell theory
Cell organization and homeostasis
Studying cells – microscopy and fractionation
Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
Compartments in eukaryotic cells (cell regions,
Outside the cell
What is surface area to volume ratio,
and why is it an important consideration
for cells?
What (usually) happens to surface area
to volume ratio as cells grow larger?
Cell organization and homeostasis
Plasma membrane surrounds cells and
separates their contents from the external
Cells are heterogeneous mixtures, with
specialized regions and structures (such as
Cell organization and homeostasis
Cell size is limited
surface area to volume ratio puts a limit on cell
food and/or other materials must get into the cell
waste products must be removed from the cell
cells need a high surface area to volume ratio
BUT volume increases faster than surface area as
cells grow larger…so cells usually must divide
Fig. 5.4
Cell organization and homeostasis
cell shape varies depending both on
function and surface area requirements
What is surface area to volume ratio,
and why is it an important consideration
for cells?
What (usually) happens to surface area
to volume ratio as cells grow larger?
Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell
Cell theory
Cell organization and homeostasis
Studying cells – microscopy and fractionation
Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
Compartments in eukaryotic cells (cell regions,
Outside the cell
Compare and contrast:
– LM and EM
– SEM and TEM
Include the terms resolution and
magnification in your discussions.
Studying cells – microscopy
Most cells are large enough to be
resolved from each other with light
microscopes (LM)
cells were discovered by Robert
Hooke in 1665
he saw the remains of cell walls in cork
with a LM
his microscope had about 30x
modern LMs can reach up to 1000x
Fig. 5.2a
Fig. 5.2b
Fig. 5.2c
Studying cells – microscopy
LM resolution is limited
LM resolution (clarity) is limited
about 1 mm
due to the wavelength of visible light
only about 500 times better than the human eye, even at
maximum magnification
small cells (such as most bacteria) are ~1 mm across,
just on the edge of resolution
modifications of LMs and some treatments of cells allow
observation of subcellular structure in some cases
Studying cells – microscopy
Resolution of most subcellular structure
requires electron microscopy (EM)
electrons have a much smaller wavelength
than light (resolve down to under 1 nm)
magnification up to 250,000x or more
resolution over 500,000 times better than the
human eye
Electron gun
Electron beam
Light beam
Second condenser
First condenser
lens (magnet)
Ocular lens
Scanning coil
lens (magnet)
Final (objective)
Cathode ray tube
synchronized with
scanning coil
Objective lens
Condenser lens
Light source
Film or screen
Studying cells – microscopy
electron microscopy
electron passes
through sample
need very thin samples
(100 nm or less thick)
samples embedded in
plastic and sliced with
a diamond knife
Studying cells – microscopy
scanning electron
microscopy (SEM)
samples are gold-plated
electrons interact with
the surface
images have a 3-D
Compare and contrast:
– LM and EM
– SEM and TEM
Include the terms resolution and
magnification in your discussions.
Which is SEM, and which TEM? How
can you tell?
Describe cell fractionation. Why is it
done, and how is it done? Include the
terms lyse, centrifugation, pellet, and
supernatant in your discussion.
Studying cells – fractionation
Cells can be broken and
fractionated to separate
cellular components
cells are broken (lysed) by
disrupting the cell membrane,
often using some sort of
grinding and other physical
force may be required,
especially if cell walls are
centrifugation is used to
separate cellular components
Studying cells – fractionation
centrifugation is used to
separate cellular components
samples are spun at high speeds
results in a centrifugal force
thousands to hundreds of
thousands times “normal” gravity
after spinning:
pellet – what gets packed down to
the bottom (densest material)
supernatant – solution above the
Studying cells – fractionation
cell components will end up in
either the pellet or the
supernatant depending on their
individual properties and the
details of the centrifugation
intact membrane-bound
organelles often wind up in
pellets (denser once first)
special treatments can determine
whether a component ends up in
the pellet or supernatant
Studying cells – fractionation
density gradients can be used to subdivide
pellet components
based on their density
can be used to better separate similar organelles
from each other, for example Golgi complex from ER
Describe cell fractionation. Why is it
done, and how is it done? Include the
terms lyse, centrifugation, pellet, and
supernatant in your discussion.
Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell
Cell theory
Cell organization and homeostasis
Studying cells – microscopy and fractionation
Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
Compartments in eukaryotic cells (cell regions,
Outside the cell
How do prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic
cells differ from each other in typical
size and general organization?
Describe cytoplasm, cytosol,
nucleoplasm, and the general role of
membranes in cells.
Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
prokaryotic cells
do not have internal
membranes (thus
no nuclear
main DNA molecule
(chromosome) is
typically circular; its
location is called the
nuclear area
other small DNA
molecules (plasmids)
are often present, found
throughout the cell
Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
prokaryotic cells
plasma membrane is
typically enclosed in a cell
often the cell wall is covered
with a sticky layer of
proteins and/or sugars
called a capsule
do not completely lack
organelles; have:
plasma membrane
generally just called bacteria
prokaryotic cells are typically
1-10 mm in diameter
Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
eukaryotic cells
have internal
membranes and a
distinct, membraneenclosed nucleus
typically 10-100 mm
in diameter
How do prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic
cells differ from each other in typical
size and general organization?
Describe cytoplasm, cytosol,
nucleoplasm, and the general role of
membranes in cells.
List as many organelles as you can think
of. Describe their structures and key
Draw and label a typical animal cell and
a typical plant cell, including organelles.
List as many organelles as you can think
of. Describe their structures and key
Draw and label a typical animal cell and
a typical plant cell, including organelles.
Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell
Cell theory
Cell organization and homeostasis
Studying cells – microscopy and fractionation
Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
Compartments in eukaryotic cells (cell regions,
Outside the cell
How do proteins get outside of a cell?
How do proteins get into a cell membrane?
How does a cell digest its food?
How does a cell commit suicide?
Why would a cell commit suicide?
Describe the nuclear envelope, nuclear
pores, chromatin, chromosomes, and
nucleoli in terms of structures and key
Name something that you KNOW must
get out of the nucleus for cells to
Compartments in eukaryotic cells
two general regions inside the cell:
cytoplasm and nucleoplasm
cytoplasm – everything outside the nucleus and
within the plasma membrane
contains fluid cytosol and organelles
nucleoplasm – everything within the nuclear
Compartments in eukaryotic cells
membranes separate cell regions
have nonpolar regions that help form a barrier
between aqueous region
allow for some selection in what can cross a
membrane (more details later)
nucleus – the control center of the cell
typically large (~5 mm)
and singular
nuclear envelope
double membrane
surrounding the
nuclear pores –
protein complexes that
cross both membranes
and regulate passage
nucleus – the control center of the cell
chromatin – DNA-protein
have granular appearance; easily
stained for microscopy (“chrom-” =
“unpacked” DNA kept ready for
message transcription and DNA
proteins protect DNA and help
maintain structure and function
chromosomes – condensed or
“packed” DNA ready for cell
division (“-some” = body)
nucleus – the control center of the cell
nucleoli – regions of ribosome
subunit assembly
appears different due to high RNA
and protein concentration (no
ribosomal RNA (rRNA) transcribed
from DNA there
proteins (imported from cytoplasm)
join with rRNA at a nucleolus to
form ribosome subunits
ribosome subunits are exported to
the cytoplasm through nuclear
(note singular: nucleolus; plural: nucleoli)
Describe the nuclear envelope, nuclear
pores, chromatin, chromosomes, and
nucleoli in terms of structures and key
Name something that you KNOW must
get out of the nucleus for cells to
Describe the structure and function of
ribosomes – the sites of protein synthesis
ribosomes are granular bodies with three RNA
strands and about 75 associated proteins
two main subunits, large and small
perform the enzymatic activity for forming peptide bonds, and
serve as the sites of translation of genetic information into
protein sequences
ribosomes – the sites of protein synthesis
prokaryotic ribosome subunits are both smaller than the
corresponding subunits in eukaryotes
in eukaryotes
the two main subunits are formed separately in the nucleolus and
transported separately to the cytoplasm
some are free in the cytoplasm while others are associated with the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Describe the structure and function of
What is the endomembrane system
(include organelle components)?
Diagram the cisternal maturation model for
the Golgi.
Diagram and describe the pathway from
synthesis to final destination for a secreted
protein. Then do the same for a plasma
membrane protein.
Describe the structure and function of:
- ER
- vesicles
- vacuoles
- Golgi apparatus
- microbodies in general
- lysosomes
- peroxisomes
- glyoxysomes
endomembrane system
endomembrane system – a set of
membranous organelles that interact with
each other via vesicles
includes ER, Golgi apparatus, vacuoles,
lysosomes, microbodies, and in some
definitions the nuclear membrane and the
plasma membrane
endomembrane system
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) – membrane
network that winds through the cytoplasm
winding nature of the ER provides a lot of surface
many important cell reactions or sorting functions
require ER membrane surface
ER lumen – internal aqueous compartment in ER
separated from the rest of the cytosol
typically continuous throughout ER and with the
lumen between the nuclear membranes
enzymes within lumen and imbedded in lumen side
of ER differ from those on the other side, thus
dividing the functional regions
endomembrane system
smooth ER – primary site
of lipid synthesis, many
detoxification reactions,
and sometimes other
rough ER – ribosomes that
attach there insert proteins
into the ER lumen as they
are synthesized
endomembrane system
rough ER – ribosomes that attach there insert proteins into the ER
lumen as they are synthesized
ribosome attachment directed by a signal peptide at the amino end of
the polypeptide (see Ch. 17.4, p.326)
a protein/RNA signal recognition particle (SRP) binds to the signal
peptide and pauses translation
at the ER the assembly binds to an SRP receptor protein
SRP leaves, protein synthesis resumes (now into the ER lumen), and the
signal peptide is cut off
endomembrane system
proteins inserted into the ER lumen may be
membrane bound or free
proteins are often modified in the lumen
(example, carbohydrates or lipids added)
proteins are transported from the ER in
transport vesicles
vesicles – small, membrane-bound sacs
buds off of an organelle (ER or other)
contents within the vesicles (often proteins)
transported to another membrane surface
vesicles fuses with membranes, delivering
contents to that organelle or outside of the
Fig. 5.16d (TEArt)
from rough
of vesicle
with Golgi
endomembrane system
Golgi apparatus (AKA Golgi complex) – a stack of flattened
membrane sacs (cisternae) where proteins further processed,
modified, and sorted [the “post office” of the cell]
not contiguous with ER, and lumen of each sac is usually separate from
the rest
has three areas: cis, medial, and trans
endomembrane system
cis face: near ER and receives vesicles from it; current model (cisternal maturation model)
holds that vesicles actually coalesce to continually form new cis cisternae
medial region: as a new cis cisterna is produced, the older cisternae mature and move away
from the ER
in this region proteins are further modified (making glycoproteins and/or lipoproteins where appropriate,
and )
maturing cisternae may make other products; for example, many polysaccharides are made in the Golgi
some materials are needed back a the new cis face and are transported there in vesicles
trans face: nearest to the plasma membrane; a fully matured cisterna breaks into many vesicles
that are set up to go to the proper destination (such as the plasma membrane or another
organelle) taking their contents with them
endomembrane system
endomembrane system
lysosomes – small membrane-bound sacs of digestive enzymes
serves to confine the digestive enzymes and their actions
allows maintenance of a better pH for digestion (often about pH 5)
formed by budding from the Golgi apparatus; special sugar attachments to
hydrolytic enzymes made in the ER target them to the lysosome
endomembrane system
lysosomes – small membrane-bound sacs of digestive enzymes
used to degrade ingested material, or in some cases dead or damaged
ingested material is found in vesicles that bud in from the plasma membrane; the
complex molecules in those vesicles is then digested
can also fuse with dead or damaged organelles and digest them
digested material can then be sent to other parts of the cell for use
found in animals, protozoa; debatable in other eukaryotes, but all must have
something like a lysosome
endomembrane system
vacuoles – large membrane-bound sacs
that perform diverse roles; have no
internal structure
distinguished from vesicles by size
in plants, algae, and fungi, performs many
of the roles that lysosomes perform for
central vacuole – typically a single, large
sac in plant cells that can be 90% of the
cell volume
usually formed from fusion of many small
vacuoles in immature plant cells
storage sites for water, food, salts, pigments,
and metabolic wastes
important in maintaining turgor pressure
tonoplast – membrane of the plant vacuole
food vacuoles – present in most protozoa
and some animal cells; usually bud from
plasma membrane and fuse with
lysosomes for digestion
contractile vacuoles – used by many
protozoa for removing excess water
endomembrane system
microbodies – small membranebound organelles that carry out
specific cellular functions; examples:
lysosomes could be consider a type of
peroxisomes – sites of many
metabolic reactions that produce
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is
toxic to the rest of the cell
peroxisomes have enzymes to break
down H2O2, protecting the cell
peroxisomes are abundant in liver cells
in animals and leaf cells in plants
normally found in all eukaryotes
example: detoxification of ethanol in
liver cells occurs in peroxisomes
glyoxysomes – in plant seeds,
contains enzymes that convert stored
fats into sugar
What is the endomembrane system
(include organelle components)?
Diagram the cisternal maturation model for
the Golgi.
Diagram and describe the pathway from
synthesis to final destination for a secreted
protein. Then do the same for a plasma
membrane protein.
Describe the structure and function of:
- ER
- vesicles
- vacuoles
- Golgi apparatus
- microbodies in general
- lysosomes
- peroxisomes
- glyoxysomes
Energy Converting Organelles
energy obtained from the environment is
typically chemical energy (in food) or light
mitochondria are the organelles where
chemical energy is placed in a more useful
chloroplasts are plastids where light energy
is captured during photosynthesis
Draw a mitochondrion in cross-section
and describe its structure and functions.
Energy Converting Organelles
mitochondria – the site of aerobic respiration
recall aerobic respiration:
sugar + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water + energy
the “energy” is actually stored in ATP
Energy Converting Organelles mitochondria
mitochondria have a double
space between membranes =
intermembrane space
inner membrane is highly
folded, forming cristae;
provides a large surface area
inner membrane is also a highly
selective barrier
the enzymes that conduct
aerobic respiration are found in
the inner membrane
inside of inner membrane is the
matrix, analogous to the
cytoplasm of a cell
Energy Converting Organelles –
mitochondria have their own DNA, and are inherited from
the mother only in humans
mitochondria have their own division process, similar to
cell division; each cell typically has many mitochondria,
which can only arise from mitochondrial division
some cells require more mitochondria than others
mitochondria can leak electrons into the cell, allowing
toxic free radicals to form
mitochondria play a role in initiating apoptosis
(programmed cell death)
Draw a mitochondrion in cross-section
and describe its structure and functions.
Draw a chloroplast in cross-section and
describe its structure and functions.
Energy Converting Organelles
plastids – organelles of plants and algae that produce and
store food
include amyloplasts (for starch storage), chromoplasts (for color,
often found in petals and fruits), and chloroplasts (for
like mitochondria, have their own DNA (typically a bit larger and
more disk-shaped than mitochondria, however)
derive from undifferentiated proplastids, although role of mature
plastids can sometimes change
numbers and types of plastids vary depending on the organism and
the role of the cell
Energy Converting Organelles – plastids
chloroplasts get their green color from chlorophyll, the main light harvesting pigments
involved in photosynthesis
carbon dioxide + water + light energy  food (glucose) + oxygen
chloroplasts have a double membrane
the region within the inner membrane is the stroma; it is analogous to the mitochondrial matrix
inner membrane is contiguous with an interconnected series of flat sacks called thylakoids that are
grouped in stacks called grana
the thylakoids enclose aqueous regions called the thylakoid lumen
chlorophyll is found in the thylakoid membrane, and the reactions of photosynthesis take
place there and in the stroma
carotenoids in the chloroplast serve as accessory pigments for photosynthesis
Draw a chloroplast in cross-section and
describe its structure and functions.
Describe the endosymbiont theory.
Include evidence for it, including
predictions that have proven true.
Energy Converting Organelles
endosymbiont theory
mitochondria and plastids
evolved from prokaryotic cells
that took residence in larger
cells and eventually lost their
the cells containing the
endosymbionts became
dependent upon them for food
processing, and in turn provide
them with a protected and rich
environment (a mutualistic
Energy Converting Organelles
endosymbiont theory
supporting evidence
the size scale is right - mitochondria and plastids are on the high end
of the size of typical bacteria
endosymbionts also have their own DNA and their own “cell” division;
in many ways they act like bacterial cells
the DNA sequence and arrangement (circular chromosomes)of
endosymbionts is closer to that of bacteria than to that found in the
eukaryotic nucleus
endosymbionts have their own ribosomes, which are much like
bacterial ribosomes
there are other known, more modern endosymbiotic relationships:
algae in corals, bacteria within protozoans in termite guts
Energy Converting Organelles
endosymbiont theory
some genes appear to have been shuttled out of the endosymbionts to the
many of the proteins used by endosymbionts are actually encoded by
nuclear genes and translated in the cytoplasm (or on rough ER) and
transported to the endosymbionts
DNA sequencing of endosymbionts is being used to trace the evolutionary
history of the endosymbionts
appears that endosymbiosis began about 1.5 to 2 billion years ago (around
when the first eukaryotic cells appeared)
mitochondria appear to have a monophyletic origin (one initial endosymbiotic
event, giving rise to all mitochondria in eukaryotic cells today)
plastids appear to have a polyphyletic origin (more than one initial
endosymbiotic event giving rise to different plastid lines present today in algae
and plants)
Describe the endosymbiont theory.
Include evidence for it, including
predictions that have proven true.
Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell
Cell theory
Cell organization and homeostasis
Studying cells – microscopy and fractionation
Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
Compartments in eukaryotic cells (cell regions,
Outside the cell
What are the functions of the
What are the three main types of
cytoskeleton? Describe the structure
and function(s) of each type.
Describe the structure and function(s)
motor proteins
cilia and flagella
eukaryotic cells typically have a size and shape that is maintained
the cytoskeleton is a dense network of protein fibers that provides needed
structural support
the network also has other functions
a scaffolding for organelles
cell movement and cell division (dynamic nature to the protein fibers is involved
transport of materials within the cell
the cytoskeleton is composed of three types of protein filaments:
microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments
microtubules are the thickest
filaments of the cytoskeleton
hollow, rod -shaped cylinders
about 25 nm in diameter
made of a-tubulin and b-tubulin
dimers can be added or removed
from either end (dynamic nature)
one end (plus end) adds dimers
more rapidly than the minus end
can be anchored, where an end is
attached to something and can no
longer add or lose dimers
microtubule-organizing centers
(MTOCs) serve as anchors
centrosome in animal
centrosome has two
centrioles in a
centrioles have a 9x3
structure: 9 sets of 3
attached microtubules
forming a hollow cylinder
used for assembly of
microtubules for use
throughout the cell
microtubule-organizing centers
(MTOCs) serve as anchors
centrioles are duplicated
before cell division
play an organizing role for
microtubule spindles in
cell division
other eukaryotes must use
some alternative MTOC
during cell division; still
incompletely described
microtubules are involved in
moving organelles
motor proteins (such as
kinesin or dynein) attach
to organelle and to
using ATP as an energy
source, the motor proteins
change shape and thus
produce movement
microtubule essentially acts
as a track for the motor
motor proteins are
directional; kinesin moves
toward the plus end, dynein
away from it
cilia and flagella are made of
thin, flexible projections from cells
used in cell movement, or to move
things along the cell surface
share the same basic structure;
called cilia if short (2-10 mm typically)
and flagella if long (typically 200 mm)
central stalk covered by cell
membrane extension, and anchored
to a basal body
9x3 structure
stalk has two inner microtubules
surrounded by nine attached pairs of
9+2 arrangement
cilia and flagella are made of
stalk has two inner microtubules
surrounded by nine attached
pairs of microtubules
9+2 arrangement
dynein attached to the outer pairs
actually fastens the pair to its
neighboring pair
dynein motor function causes
relative sliding of filaments; this
produces bending movement of the
cilium or flagellum
microfilaments are solid filaments
about 7 nm in diameter
composed of two entwined chains of actin monomers
linker proteins cross-link the actin chains with each other
and other actin associated proteins
actin monomers can be added to lengthen the microfilament
or removed to shorten it; this can be used to generate
microfilaments are solid filaments
about 7 nm in diameter
important in muscle cells; in
conjunction with myosin, they
are responsible for muscle
used for many cell movements
such as:
contractile structures
forming cell extensions
“pinching in” during cell division
intermediate filaments
typically just a bit wider than microfilaments, this is
the catch-all group for cytoskeletal filaments
composed of a variety of other proteins
the types of proteins involved differ depending on
cell types and on the organism; apparently limited
to animal cells and protozoans
intermediate filaments
not easily disassembled, thus more permanent
a web of intermediate filaments reinforces cell shape and
positions of organelles (they give structural stability)
prominent in cells that withstand mechanical stress
form the most insoluble part of the cell
What are the functions of the
What are the three main types of
cytoskeleton? Describe the structure
and function(s) of each type.
Describe the structure and function(s)
motor proteins
cilia and flagella
Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell
Cell theory
Cell organization and homeostasis
Studying cells – microscopy and fractionation
Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells
Compartments in eukaryotic cells (cell regions,
Outside the cell
Describe the outer part and outside
interface of a:
typical prokaryotic cell
typical plant cell
typical fungal cell
typical animal cell
Diagram and describe the animal cell
glycocalyx and ECM interaction (include
collagen, fibronectin, and integrin).
Outside the Cell
Most prokaryotes have a cell wall, an outer envelope, and a
capsule (capsule is also called glycocalyx or cell coat)
Most eukaryotic cells produce materials that are deposited
outside the plasma membrane but that remain associated
with it
Outside the Cell
plants have thick, defined cell
walls made primarily of crosslinked cellulose fibers
growing plant cells secrete a
primary cell wall, which is thin and
growth ends  primary cell wall is
usually thickened and solidified
often a secondary cell wall is then
produced between the primary cell
wall and the plasma membrane
still contains cellulose
typically has more strengthening
material (for example, lignin in wood)
Outside the Cell
fungi typically have thinner cell walls than
plants, made primarily of cross-linked chitin
Outside the Cell
animals do not have cell walls, but their cells secrete
varying amounts of compounds that can produce a
glycocalyx and an extracellular matrix (ECM)
glycocalyx: polysaccharides attached to proteins and lipids on the
outer surface of the plasma membrane
typically functions in cell recognition and communication, cell contacts,
and structural reinforcement
often works through direct interaction with the ECM
Outside the Cell
ECM: a gel of carbohydrates and fibrous proteins;
several different molecules can be involved
main structural protein is tough, fibrous collagen
fibronectins are glycoproteins in the ECM that often
bind to both collagen and integrins
integrins are proteins in the plasma membrane that
typically receive signals from the ECM
Describe the outer part and outside
interface of a:
typical prokaryotic cell
typical plant cell
typical fungal cell
typical animal cell
Diagram and describe the animal cell
glycocalyx and ECM interaction (include
collagen, fibronectin, and integrin).