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Mock Exam 1
Chapters 1 – 7
Anthony Todd
[email protected]
1. Which of the following structures is never found in prokaryotic cells?
a. Cell wall
b. Ribosomes
c. Mitochondria
d. DNA
e. Flagella
2. All of the following require the formation of water molecules except
a. Peptide bonds
b. Disulfide bridges
c. Ester linkages
d. Glycosidic linkages
e. Phosphodiester bonds
3. You have just discovered a new species of organism that is multicellular, heterotrophic, and has
cell walls. To which Kingdom should this organism be assigned?
a. Fungi
b. Plantae
c. Protista
d. Bacteria
e. Animalia
4. Which of the following traces the path of a molecule of insulin from the time it is produced to
the time it is secreted from the cell?
a. Smooth ER, transport vesicle, cis face of Golgi, trans face of Golgi, vesicles that fuse with
plasma membrane
b. Rough ER, transport vesicle, cis face of Golgi, trans face of Golgi, vesicles that fuse with
plasma membrane
c. Smooth ER, transport vesicle, trans face of Golgi, cis face of Golgi, vesicles that fuse with
plasma membrane
d. Rough ER, transport vesicle, trans face of Golgi, cis face of Golgi, vesicles that fuse with
plasma membrane
e. Smooth ER, rough ER, transport vesicle, trans face of Golgi, cis face of Golgi
5. Which of the following is a difference between phospholipids and triacylglycerols?
a. Phospholipids belong to the lipid class of macromolecules, but triacylglycerols do not
b. Phospholipids contain one fatty acid, whereas triacylglycerols contain three fatty acids
c. Phospholipids, unlike triacylglycerols, do not contain ester linkages
d. Phospholipids contain a hydrophilic region, but triacylglycerols do not
e. Phospholipids contain two phosphate groups, but triacylglycerols contain three
6. A toxin that interferes with the proper functioning of chaperonin proteins would likely inhibit
which of the following?
a. The formation of peptide bonds between amino acids
b. The production of cellulose
c. The conversion of DNA to RNA
d. The movement of ions through transport proteins
e. The proper arrangement of disulfide bridges in polypeptides
For questions 7 – 11, choose from one of the following five answer choices. An answer choice may be
used once, more than once, or not at all.
Gap junctions
Tight junctions
7. Prevents the passage of molecules between animal cells
8. Detoxifies harmful compounds
9. Found only in plants
10. Has its own DNA
11. Contains ribosomes
12. What is the molecular formula for a monosaccharide with sixteen oxygen atoms?
a. C16H16O16
b. C16H32O16
c. C32H32O16
d. C8H16O16
e. C8H8O16
13. All of the following are important aspects of the scientific method except
a. Forming testable hypotheses
b. Replicating results
c. Answering ethical questions
d. Using quantitative analysis
e. Revising theories in the face of contrary evidence
14. Which of the following are common to both fungi and plants?
II. Cell walls
III. Chloroplasts
IV. Ribosomes
a. I and II only
I and III only
II and IV only
I, II, and IV only
II, III, and IV only
15. A white blood cell that phagocytizes invading microbes would likely have an unusually high
number of
a. Centrioles
b. Peroxisomes
c. Golgi bodies
d. Intermediate filaments
e. Lysosomes
16. Which of the following places the steps of the sodium-potassium pump in order?
I. The loss of a phosphate group causes potassium to enter the cell
II. Sodium is released to the outside of the cell
III. Sodium binds to the pump
IV. ATP phosphorylates the pump
V. Potassium binds to the pump
17. Which of the following is not a protein?
a. Insulin
b. Hemoglobin
c. Proton pump
d. Estrogen
e. Actin
18. Which of the following are able to diffuse across the plasma membrane?
I. Water
II. Steroids
III. Glucose
IV. Sodium ions
I only
II only
I and II only
I, II, and III only
I, II, III, and IV
19. Microtubules are to _____, as microfilaments are to _____
a. Tubulin, myosin
b. Dynein, actin
c. Dynein, kinesin
d. Kinesin, myosin
e. Kinesin, actin
20. A cell consisting of an aqueous solution of 0.4 M glucose and 0.2 M sucrose is suspended in a
beaker containing an aqueous solution with 0.2 M glucose and 0.2 M fructose. The cell is
completely impermeable to sucrose. Which of the following is true?
a. The cell is hypotonic to surrounding beaker solution
b. Sucrose will exit the cell
c. If the cell is a plant cell, it will become turgid
d. Glucose will enter the cell
e. Eventually the movement of water will completely stop
21. What would be the molecular formula for a polysaccharide formed by joining six identical
monosaccharides, each with five carbon atoms?
a. C30H60O30
b. C30H48O24
c. C30H50O25
d. C30H50O30
e. C30H60O24
22. An animal cell containing a solution of 2% NaCl and 4% glucose is immersed in a solution that
has a concentration of 6% NaCl and 8% glucose. The plasma membrane of the cell is
impermeable to the movement of glucose. Which of the following will happen?
a. Water will enter the cell, causing it to lyse
b. Glucose will enter the cell
c. NaCl will leave the cell
d. Water will exit the cell, causing it to crenate
e. Water will move in and out of the cell at equal rates, and there will be no net change in the
cell’s size or shape
23. Microfilaments serve all of the following functions except
a. Maintaining cell shape
b. Enhancing muscle contraction
c. Moving cytoplasm around the central vacuole of a plant cell
d. Extending amoeboid pseudopodia
e. Facilitating the formation of the nuclear lamella
24. In what way do the various membranes of a eukaryotic cell differ?
a. Some membranes have hydrophobic surfaces exposed to cytoplasm, while others have
hydrophilic surfaces facing the cytoplasm
b. Only certain membranes of the cell are selectively permeable
c. Certain proteins are unique to each membrane
d. Only certain membranes have phospholipids
e. Only certain membranes consist of amphipathic molecules
25. The maximum size of a cell is limited by
a. The amount of water it can store
The number of proteins it can produce
The thickness of its plasma membrane
The ratio of its surface area to volume
The size of its nucleus
26. All of the following can be multicellular except
a. Protists
b. Fungi
c. Plants
d. Animals
e. None of these
27. How many protons does
a. 14
b. 6
c. 8
d. 20
e. 84
28. True/False: As long as two elements have the same atomic weight, they are the same.
29. How many neutrons does
a. 14
b. 6
c. 8
d. 20
e. 84
30. Water is transported through a tree’s xylem because of attractive forces between the water and
the tree’s cellulose. This demonstrates what property of water?
a. Imbibition
b. Cohesion
c. Adhesion
d. Surface tension
e. Active transport
31. Which group is used in the body to neutralize bases?
a. –NH3
b. –COOH
c. –OH
d. –CH3
e. –SH
32. All of the following link macromolecules together except
a. Glycosidic linkages
b. Phosphodiester bond
c. Peptide bond
d. Ester linkage
e. Dehydration bonds
33. All of the following are carbohydrates except
a. Chitin
b. Glycogen
c. Amylase
d. Cellulose
e. Glycerol
34. Solution A has a pH of 2, solution B has a pH of 6. ____ has a hydrogen ion concentration
________ times greater than the other solution
a. A; 4
b. B; 4
c. A; 10000
d. B; 10000
35. Miller’s experiment proved that
a. Carbon has 4 valence electrons
b. Spontaneous generation is real
c. The plasma membrane is a lipid bilayer
d. Organic molecules could be created from inorganic ones
e. Large amounts of energy is stored in C—H bonds
36. Red light has the longest wavelength of all visible light. Violet light has the shortest wavelength.
A light microscope would have the best resolution viewing something under what color?
a. Red
b. Yellow
c. Green
d. Blue
e. Violet
37. Which of the following is a correct sequence of life’s hierarchy, proceeding downward from an
individual animal?
a. Brain, organ system, nerve cell, nervous tissue
b. Organ system, population of cells, nervous tissue, brain
c. Organism, organ system, tissue, cell organ
d. Nervous system, brain, nervous tissue, nerve cell
e. Organ system, tissue, molecule, cell
38. Nucleotides are to ____________ as ____________ are to proteins.
a. Nucleic acids; amino acids
b. Amino acids; polypeptides
c. Glycosidic linkages; polypeptide linkages
d. Genes; enzymes
e. Polymers; polypeptides
39. In a DNA molecule, what holds together nitrogenous bases from the 2 polymer chains?
a. Phosphdiester bonds
Ionic bonds
Covalent bonds
Peptide bonds
Hydrogen bonds
40. The pancreas is responsible for secreting many necessary compounds. Pancreatic cells most
likely contain many:
a. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
b. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
c. Golgi apparatus
d. Ribosomes
e. Plasmodesmata
41. Plant cells contain all of the following except
a. Chloroplasts
b. Mitochondria
c. Peroxisome
d. Vacuole Centrioles
42. Which compound is secreted by the Golgi and helps hold cells together?
a. Glutamic acid
b. Pyruvic acid
c. Citric acid
d. Hyaluric acid
e. Pectic acid
43. Which level of protein structure is illustrated here?
44. A researcher made an interesting observation about a protein made by the rough endoplasmic
reticulum and eventually used to build a cell’s plasma membrane. The protein in the plasma
membrane was actually slightly different from the protein made in the ER. The protein was
probably altered in the _________.
a. Golgi apparatus
b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
c. Plasma membrane
d. Transport vesicles
e. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
45. The plasma membrane is referred to as a “fluid mosaic” structure. Which of the following
statements is true?
a. The fluid component of the membrane is composed of phospholipids, and the mosaic part is
composed of carbohydrates
b. The fluid aspect of the membrane describes its structure at normal temperatures, and the
mosaic aspect describes the membrane as the temperature is lowered
c. The mosaic comprises the carbohydrate chains on the inner surface of the membrane
d. The fluid component of the membrane is phospholipids, and the mosaic is protein
e. Only phospholipids are capable of moving in the membrane.
46. Which of the following would be least likely to diffuse through a plasma membrane without the
help of a transport protein?
a. A large polar molecule
b. A large nonpolar molecule
c. Dissolved gases such as oxygen or carbon dioxide
d. A small nonpolar molecule
e. Any of the above would easily diffuse through the membrane
Use the U-tube setup to answer questions 47-49.
2.0 M sucrose
1.0 M sucrose
1.0 M glucose
2.0 M glucose
The solutions in the two arms of this U-tube are separated by a membrane that is permeable to
water and glucose, but not to sucrose. Side A is filled with a solution of 2.0 M sucrose and 1.0 M
glucose. Side B is filled with 1.0 M sucrose and 2.0 M glucose.
47. Initially, the solution in Side A, with respect to that in Side B,
a. Has a lower solute concentration
b. Has a higher solute concentration
c. Has an equal solute concentration
d. Is lower in the tube
e. Is higher in the tube
48. During the period before equilibrium is reached, which molecule(s) will show net movement
through the membrane?
a. Water
b. Glucose
c. Sucrose
d. Water and sucrose
e. Water and glucose
49. After the system reaches equilibrium, what changes are observed?
a. The water level is higher in side A than in side B
b. The water level in higher side B than in side A
c. The molarity of glucose is higher in side A than in side B
d. The molarity of sucrose has increased in side A
e. Both A and C have occurred
50. When a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, it will (become) __________. When it is
placed in a hypertonic solution, it will (become) ________________.
a. Turgid; crenate
b. Flaccid; turgid
c. Lyse; crenate
d. Turgid; flaccid
e. Turgid; plasmolyze