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Chapter 13, Lesson 1
1. Main parts of a cell:
A. Many Cells have:
1. cell membrane, thin covering, surrounding the cell. Acts like a
screen to control materials into and out of cell.
“Chain-link fence.”
2. Cytoplasm, gelatin-like, inside the cell; contains cell organelles.
3. Nucleus, “brain” tells cell what to do, contains genetic
material: DNA
a. Chromosomes, within the nucleus, controls cell functions
and traits. “blueprint”
b. nuclear membrane, surrounds nucleus, controls movement
of materials into and out of nucleus. Semi-permeable.
4. Mitochondria, organelle where energy is released from
breaking down food; “powerhouse” Muscle cells have a lot of
5. Ribosomes, makes protein; proteins are part of the membrane
and are needed for some chemical reactions.
“Protein Factories”
6. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) folded membranes in which
materials can be processed and moved around. “Highway”
7. Golgi Bodies, stacked, flattened membrane, sorts and
processes proteins. “Postman”
8. vacuole, “storage” for water and wastes
- plants usually have one large vacuole
- animals have several small vacuoles
9. lysosomes, mainly in animal cells; breaks down food molecules,
cell wastes and worn out cell parts “garbage man/terminator”
B. In addition to the organelles above, plants have:
1. Cell wall, rigid structure that surrounds the cell membrane.
2. chloroplast, green; contains chlorophyll; used to produce food
C. How do materials move into and out of cells?
a. Diffusion, process by which particles (water, oxygen, wastes,
etc.) move from one region to another
b. Semi-permeable, describes membranes; allows some materials
to get in and keeps others out