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Biotechnology Semester 2 Exam Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
Unit 6 DNA
Essential questions:
What are DNA and RNA? What are ribosomes
How does DNA maintain & pass genetic information from cell to cell?
Required Topic: DNA Structure
Explain the processes that occur to synthesize protein.
Required Topic: Protein Synthesis
What regulates gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
What role do mutations play in gene expression and phenotypic change?
How is genetic variation increased?
How do mutation, the cell cycle, and uncontrolled cell growth result in cancer?
What role does heredity and family history have in personal health issues?
Key vocabulary:
DNA Replication
DNA Polymerase
Why is DNA considered semi-conservative?
RNA Polymerase
Point Mutation
What process is necessary to ensure that all daughter cells receive genetic information?
Name the molecules needed for DNA Replication and describe how they work together.
Bacteria cell DNA is divided into operons. Describe an operon using the terms promoter, operator, and structural gene.
What is the smallest change in a DNA molecule that can occur after site-specific mutagenesis? What effect can this change
Distinguish between transcription and translation.
Biotechnology Semester 2 Exam Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
Unit 7 DNA Technology
Essential Questions
What role do bacteria and viruses have in genetics and especially the transfer of genetic material between cells? (3 days)
What constitutes DNA technology?
What is recombinant DNA and how is it constructed?
Required Topic: Bacterial Transformation with Recombinant DNA
What is gel electrophoresis and how is it used?
Suggested Topic: Gel Electrophoresis Practice
What is forensic medicine? How is DNA typing performed? Is there such a thing as DNA fingerprinting? What is restriction
fragment length polymorphism (RLFP)?
Required Topic: Running a gel electrophoresis
Key Vocabulary
 Agar
 Agarose
 Amplification
 Assay
 Bacteriophage
 Buffer
 cDNA
 Concentration
 DNA Fingerprinting
 Ligases
 Endonucleases
 Enhancer
 Ethidium Bromide
Gel Electrophoresis
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Primer Annealing
Recombinant DNA
Restriction Enzyme
Restriction Fragment
Length Polymorphism
TAE Buffer
Taq Polymerase
TE Buffer
Variable Number of Tandem
Repeats (VNTRs)
Practice Questions
Plasmids are very important pieces of DNA. How do they differ from chromosomal DNA molecules?
Bacteria cell DNA is divided into operons. Describe an operon using the terms promoter, operator, and structural gene.
Agarose gels can be used to study what size of DNA fragments?
If agarose gel material is labeled 1%, what does the 1% refer to?
What causes molecules to be separated on an agarose gel?
Biotechnology Semester 2 Exam Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
Explain the use of spectrophotometry in DNA analysis.
Name two common DNA stains that are used to visualize DNA on agarose gels.
What does “PAGE” stand for, and what kind of samples are studied using PAGE?
What separates molecules on a PAGE gel?
Why must DNA and proteins be stored in a buffered solution?
In what kind of buffer should a DNA sample that was isolated from human cheek cells be stored?
What does a thermal cycler do?
What is the name of the process in which bacteria receive and express recombinant plasmid DNA and recombinant viral DNA?
What is the name of the process in which mammalian cells receive and express rDNA?
Which two types of enzymes are needed to produce an rDNA molecule?
What name is used for the differences in gel banding patterns in DNA samples that result from a restriction enzyme’s activity?
Which two techniques are used to increase transformation efficiency?
Biotechnology Semester 2 Exam Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
What is the name of the procedure in which plasmids are extracted from cells?
How is plasmid DNA precipitated in the final steps of a plasmid prep?
Once plasmid is extracted from a cell, how can a technician know that it is the “correct” plasmid?
How are probes used in microarrays?
Why is Taq polymerase used in PCR instead of some other DNA polymerase?
What are the three parts to a thermal cycling reaction, and what are the differences in temperatures between them?
Restriction-fragment length polymorphism (RLFP) technology was formerly used for DNA fingerprinting. What technology is
currently used for DNA fingerprinting?
For a DNA fingerprint, many PCR targets are used. Each target has its own VNTR. What is VNTR?
What is Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Reverse Transcription-PCR (RT-PCR), Real-Time PCR?
What does PCR, Reverse Transcription-PCR (RT-PCR), Real-Time PCR do?
How is PCR used?
We are making 500mL of 1X TBE buffer. How much 50X TBE and distilled water will you need?
Biotechnology Semester 2 Exam Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative test?
What is the difference in sensitivities between qualitative and quantitative assays?
How and when are genotype tests used?
What is the difference between “sensitivity” and “specificity?”
Distinguish between “blunt” end and “sticky” end restriction enzymes.
Unit 8 Mendelian Genetics
Essential Questions
Describe the functions of a Punnett square.
Explain Mendel’s three Laws (Principles) of Dominance, Segregation and Independent Assortment.
Describe how dominant and recessive traits are inherited.
Describe the non-Mendelian inheritance patterns of codominance, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, polygenic
inheritance, and sex-linked traits.
Describe the difference between pleiotropy and epistasis.
Describe the functions of a pedigree chart.
What kinds of information can a karyotype provide versus a pedigree chart?
Explain the importance of pre-natal genetic screening.
What are the social implications of genetic screening?
Key Vocabulary
 Allele
 Genotype
 Phenotype
 Dominant
Punnett Square
Genetic Screening
Human Genome Project
Practice Problems
Create a Punnett Square showing a monohybrid cross of Tt xTt. Describe how you would arrive at the genotypic and
phenotypic ratios.
Biotechnology Semester 2 Exam Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
Create a Punnett Square showing a dihybrid cross of TtRr xTtRr. Describe how you would arrive at the phenotypic ratio.
Show how incomplete dominance in snapdragons is exhibited by crossing a red (RR) and a white (WW) flowered plant, and
then crossing their offspring. Explain the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of the second cross.
Show how a sex-linked trait such as colorblindness may be inherited by crossing XCXc x XCY.
What does this karyotype tell you (gender, disorders)?
What does this karyotype tell you?
What is the difference between a karyotype and a punnett square in terms of the information learned?
Why is prenatal screening an important and useful tool?
Biotechnology Semester 2 Exam Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
What are the implications of having prenatal screening done?
Unit 9: Evolution & Classification
Essential Questions
What are possible explanations of the origins of life on earth?
What are the implications of changes in the gene sequence and how does this connect to evolution?
What can examining the DNA of two different organisms tell us about their evolutionary history?
How are organisms classified?
What are the two major taxonomic systems used to classify organisms?
How is the science of classification changing?
Key Vocabulary
 Panspermia
 Hydrothermal Vents
Practice Questions
Summarize the possible explanations for the origins of life on earth.
Describe how the following fields of study support the theory of evolution: comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, and
molecular biology.
List the levels of classification from broadest to most specific, and describe how organisms are placed into these different
Explain how new discoveries in biochemistry and molecular biology have changed the way in which organisms are classified.
Describe the three domain system of classification. Use the following chart to describe some the similarities and differences
between the three domains.
Use the following chart to outline the differences between the members of the six kingdom classification system.
Biotechnology Semester 2 Exam Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
Unit 10. Photosynthesis & Plant Biotech
Essential Questions
What are the basic steps in photosynthesis?
What are the different methods used and future applications of plant biotechnology?
Required Topic: Photosynthesis
Required Topic: Plant cloning
Key Vocabulary
 Protoplast fusion
 Grana
 Thylakoid
 Stroma
Growth Media
Practice Questions
Summarize the basic steps and functions of the light-dependent reaction (e.g. use of water, photosystems,
production of energy molecules)
Summarize the basic steps and functions of the light-independent reaction (Calvin Cycle)
Describe why plants are suitable for biotechnology
Describe practical applications of plant biotechnology
Describe at least two pros and two cons of plant biotechnology
Biotechnology Semester 2 Exam Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
Label the following diagrams
Unit 11 Bioremediation
Essential Questions
What are biotechnology protocols and tools/devices to protect the environment and how effective are they?
Required Topic: Bioremediation
How is our current resource use impacting our environment now and in the future?
What technologies are available to fix environmental problems and prevent future issues?
Key Vocabulary
Indigenous microbes
In situ
Ex situ
Genetically Engineered Organism
Practice Problems
What are three laboratory methods/protocols for protecting the environment?
Identify some biotechnology methods used to protect or bioremediate the environment.
Biotechnology Semester 2 Exam Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
In the lab, how was biotechnology involved in cleaning up the oil? What was needed to make it work effectively?
How are humans impacting the environment with our use of oil?
What is one proposed solution for dealing with nuclear waste?
How can we improve the environment with current alternative energy technology?
Identify at least three areas where bioremediation is currently used with at least some success.
Unit 12 Bioethics & Regulation
Essential Questions
What is bioethics?
How is biotechnology regulated and who is in control?
What are some ethical questions in biotechnology and how are they addressed?
Key Vocabulary
 Patent
Risk Assessment
Informed Consent
Practice Questions
What does bioethics mean? How is it decided?
How does bioethics relate to biotechnology? Why do we have (and need) ethical guidelines for biotech?
What is the utilitarian approach to Bioethics?
What is the Kantian approach to bioethics?
What are some biotechnology areas of research with ethical concerns?
Biotechnology Semester 2 Exam Review
Name__________________________ Date___________ Per___
What does the FDA regulate?
What is the process for working within the FDA Regulations?
What does the EPA regulate with regards to biotech? How does research get approved by the EPA?
What does the USDA regulate with regards to biotech? How does that regulation process proceed?
What is Notification? What are the conditions for Notification?
What are some of the ethical concerns with genetic testing? Has any of these concerns been addressed legally?
What are some of the ethical concerns with stem cells? Are any of these unfounded?
What concerns exist with human cloning?