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AP Biology
Lesson Plans
Date: October 10, 2011
Objectives: The students will:
Cite key features of cell theory
Contrast features of prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells
Describe structure & functions of nucleus; endomembrane system organelles, energy
related organelles, cytoskeleton & surface organelles.
Minutes Activities/Materials
Intro on Membrane Structure Function, Organelles, Cells as a Factory
Use cell powerpoint to show cell structures. Go over structure & functions of:
6.3 Nucleus (nuclear envelope, nucleolus, chromosomes/chromatin
6.4 Endomembrane system (Rough & Smooth ER; Golgi bodies; Vesicles,
lysosomes, peroxisomes)
6.5Energy related organelles (mitochondria, chloroplasts)
6.6 Cytoskeleton (Microtubules, Microfilaments, Intermediate Filaments
Movement Organelles (Centrioles, cilia, & flagella)
6.7Surface Specializations: Cell wall; cell junctions
Work Individually on Cells as a Factory Assignment – Due Next Class
Homework: The Cell & Cell Transport HW; Read chapter 7 Study cell diagram &
matching functions chart. Vocab Quiz IV next class
AP Biology
Lesson Plans
Date: Oct. 12
Objectives: The students will:
To describe structure and function of cell membranes (including the plasma membrane).
Compare and contrast methods of cell transport: diffusion/osmosis, facilitated diffusion,
active transport, bulk transport (endocytosis, exocytosis).
Describe whether each major type of transport is active or passive; uses transport proteins
or not; moves molecules against the concentration gradient or with the concentration
Minutes Activities/Materials
Vocab Quiz IV
Describe functions of the lipid bilayer and the types of proteins in the
membrane: adhesion proteins; cell to cell communication proteins; receptor
proteins; recognition proteins; passive transporters; active transporters.
Use CD interaction & LCD projector to discuss types.
Go over similarities & differences between diffusion; facilitated diffusion; &
active transport. Use transparency to show differences in concentration
gradient and use of transport proteins.
Students complete a chart to compare & contrast the three types of transport:
direction; energy?; transport proteins? Example
Compare & contrast isotonic, hypotonic, & hypertonic solutions. Use human
red blood cells as an example. Show IV bottle of .9% saline as example of
isotonic solution.
U-tube problems
Homework: Cell and Cell Transport HW and U tube problems
AP Biology
Lesson Plans
Date: Oct.14
Objectives: The students will
To describe structure and function of cell membranes (including the plasma membrane).
Compare and contrast methods of cell transport: diffusion/osmosis, facilitated diffusion,
active transport, bulk transport (endocytosis, exocytosis).
Describe whether each major type of transport is active or passive; uses transport proteins
or not; moves molecules against the concentration gradient or with the concentration
Minutes Activities/Materials
Cell Transport Lab (Measure mass of dialysis bags for part B; set up potato
cores in solutions of sucrose after measuring initial masses.)
Materials: glucose starch solution; IKI solution; dialysis tubing; string; raw
potatoes; plastic cups; prepared solutions of sucrose solutions: distilled water;
.2 M sucrose; .4M sucrose; .6 M sucrose; .8 M sucrose; 1.0 M sucrose
Digital balances.
Students work in group of 2 or 3 to complete part B and C. Part C potatoes
will soak in solution until next class in refrigerator.
Describe functions of the lipid bilayer and the types of proteins in the
membrane: adhesion proteins; cell to cell communication proteins; receptor
proteins; recognition proteins; passive transporters; active transporters.
Use CD interaction & LCD projector to discuss types.
Go over similarities & differences between diffusion; facilitated diffusion; &
active transport. Use transparency to show differences in concentration
gradient and use of transport proteins.
Go over U tube problems and assign worksheet for extra practice.
Homework: Cell and Cell Transport HW and U Tube Problems
AP Biology
Lesson Plans
Define kinetic, potential, and activation energy.
Explain the 1st & 2nd laws of thermodynamics.
Date: Oct. 18
Explain the phosphorylation of ADP/AMP to produce ATP.
Compare & contrast endergonic and exergonic reactions.
Explain how enzymes work to speed up chemical reactions.
Explain how feedback inhibition works to control enzymatic reactions.
Minutes Activities/Materials
Diffusion Lab Part C:
Microscope: Observe affects of salt solutions and distilled water on onion
Notes & discussion of section 8.1 Energy and the underlying organization of
Notes & discussion of section 8.2-8.3ATP/ADP Coupling Reactions
Homework: UT Homework due Oct 11 Midnight
AP Biology
Lesson Plans
Date: Oct. 20
Explain how external signals are converted to responses within a cell
Describe the events of Reception, Transduction, & Response in cell signaling
Minutes Activities/Materials
Diffusion Lab Part C:
Microscope: Observe affects of salt solutions and distilled water on onion
Cell Signaling: Chapter 11 Powerpoint presentation
Homework: Homework Due Cells and Cell Transport / Unit Test
AP Biology/2B
Lesson Plans
Date: Oct. 24, 2011
Compare and contrast structure and functions of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and
nucleic acids.
Describe the chemical bonding of monomers to produce the organic monomers.
Describe contributions of Galileo, Hook,. Leeuwenhoek, Schleiden, Schwann, &
Virschow regarding cell theory.
To describe structure and function of cell membranes (including the plasma membrane).
Compare and contrast methods of cell transport: diffusion/osmosis, facilitated diffusion,
active transport, bulk transport (endocytosis, exocytosis).
Define kinetic, potential, and activation energy and list cellular examples of each.
Explain the 1st & 2nd laws of thermodynamics.
Explain the phosphorylation of ADP/AMP to produce ATP and apply to cellular
Compare & contrast endergonic and exergonic reactions.
Design as experiment to test affects of a variable on enzyme catalysis.
Minutes Activities/Materials
Cell/ Cell Transport/Cell Communication Unit Test
50 MC/2 Free Response
Homework: Read chapter 10 Photosynthesis