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Amos was an animal cell
And all with him was very well
He had some unique and special friends
That kept him well and free of breaks and bends
Sally the cell membrane was the one
That let things in and out when their job was done
Cindy Cytoplasm was a very important friend
She kept all his friends tucked all in
His best friend was the smartest of them all
He was Nigel the nucleus strong and tall
He kept him informed and has his back
And made sure his DNA didn’t get off track
Eddie ER delivered well
The proteins and lipids within his cell
His special friend helped with this job
By making the proteins and his name was Ribosome Bob
Some of Bob stuck to Eddie ER like a mob
And others floated freely and landed in Cindy Cyto’s glob
Waiting patiently to modify and to pack
Was little sweet Golgi Jack
He took in the particles that came his way
And changed them, said goodbye and bid them good day
Lisa Lysome was the protector of the group
She took particles and turned some into soup
The good ones she sent to help the cell
The bad ones she sent straight to jail
Some she helped get into her home
And if they were good she would let them roam
But if they were bad she sent them out of her dome
So as you can see Amos had a great little life
He lived quite well and was free of strife
The only time he really complained
Was when he went through mitosis and had a little pain
He knew it was important though to make more of him
And it was all worth it when he saw his mini me’s Jeff and Jim.
Cell Unit Vocabulary
The Cell Theory
1. All living things are composed of cells.
2. Cells and cell products are the basic units of structure
and function in living things.
3. All cells come from pre-existing cells.
 All the living material (organelles and fluid) inside the cell, except the nucleus.
 A small part of the cell, usually enclosed by a membrane that performs a specialized function.
Cell Membrane
 Selectively permeable structure that encloses the cells’ contents and regulates the passage of materials between
the cell and its environment.
 Also called the plasma membrane.
 Function: Regulates Transport of Substances into /out of Cell
 In eukaryotic cells, the double membrane-bound organelle that contains chromosomal DNA, and thus controls
the cell’s activities.
 Function: Controls Cell Activities
 Irregular rounded structures in the nucleus.
 They are sites of RNA synthesis.
Nuclear Envelope
 The double membrane boundary around the nucleus.
 It contains many pores to allow certain molecules to pass in and out.
 A rod-like group of genes found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.
 Consists of tightly coiled DNA and proteins.
 A stringy network of DNA and proteins in the nucleus.
 During mitosis and meiosis, it forms rods called chromosomes.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
 A system of branching membranous channels located in the cytoplasm, which serves to transport materials
within the cell.
 Rough E.R. contain ribosomes and are a site of protein synthesis.
 Smooth E.R. have no ribosomes and are a site of lipid synthesis.
 Function: Transport System
 The protein factory of the cell; they are located on the endoplasmic reticulum or in the cytoplasm.
 Composed of RNA and protein
 Function: Synthesis of Protein
Mitochondria “The Powerhouse of the Cell”
 Organelles in eukaryotic cells that carry on cellular respiration.
 Function: Sites of Cellular Respiration
 The folding of the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
 ATP formation happens here.
 A membrane-bound organelle that contains digestive enzymes.
 Function: Intracellular Digestion
Golgi Complex (or Apparatus)
An organelle consisting of stacks of flattened sacs.
It modifies and packages substances to be transported around and out of cells.
Function: Packages and Secretes Proteins
 Organelle, common in plants, that stores materials such as food, water, or waste products.
 Function: Storage
Phagocytic Vesicle
 Organelle which forms when the plasma membrane folds in as the cell engulfs large particles from outside the
cell during phagocytosis.
 Tubular protein structures involved with chromosome movement during cell division.
 They compose the internal structure of cilia and flagella, and provide cell shape.
 Animal cell structures made of microtubules; they organize microtubule assembly of the spindle during mitosis
and meiosis.
 A network of microtubules and other protein filaments that supports the cell structure and drives cell
Short hairlike appendages specialized for motion.
They enable some protista to move.
They also move material along a cell or tissue.
Function: Movement
 A long whip-like projection that allows certain protozoans and sperm to move.
 Function: Movement
Cell Wall
 The non-living structure that surrounds the cell membrane in plants, algae, fungi and some bacteria.
 It protects and supports the cell.
 Function: Protection and Support
 An organelle found in plants and photosynthetic protista.
 It contains chlorophyll that absorbs light energy and converts it to chemical energy.
 Function: Site of Photosynthesis
 “False feet” that are extensions of the cytoplasm; they are used by amoeba for locomotion and food-getting and
by some white blood cells for engulfing foreign particles in phagocytosis.
Prokaryotic Cell
 A cell that does not have a membrane-bound nucleus or membrane-bound organelles; monerans are comprised
of this kind of cell.
Eukaryotic Cell
A cell that contains a membrane-bound nucleus and membrane bound organelles; all kingdoms except monera
contain this type of cell.
 The movement of a substance from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration of the
 The diffusion of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane (as in a cell membrane).
Selectively Permeable
 A property of biological membranes that allows some substances (but not others) to pass through.
Active Transport
 The movement of a substance across a membrane against its concentration gradient; requires an input of
cellular energy, usually in the form of ATP.
 The uptake of materials by the cell.
 Examples: phagocytosis, pinocytosis
 The release of materials from the cell into the environment when vesicles fuse with the cell membrane.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
 Dutch biologist given credit for inventing the first microscope (1600’s).
Robert Hooke
 British scientist who used the microscope to look at cork and called the chambers “cells” (1600’s).
Matthias Schleiden
 German botanist who stated that all plants are made of cells (1838).
 Credited with Schwann for the Cell Theory.
Theodor Schwann
 Discovered that all animals are made of cells (1839).
 Credited with Scheiden for the Cell Theory.
Rudolf Virchow
 A German physician who stated that all cells come from pre-existing cells (1855).
Cell Organelles and Their Functions
Below is a list of the organelles found in plant and animal cells. Match the
organelle with the function it carries out inside a cell. Many of the cell organelles
will be used more than once.
1 Cell Membrane
8 Cytoplasm
2 Cell Wall
9 Cytoskeleton
3 Central Vacuole
10 Golgi apparatus
4 Centriole
11 Leukoplast
5 Chloroplast
12 Lysosome
6 Chromoplast
7 Chromosomes
13 Mitochondria
15 Nucleolus
16 Nucleoplasm
17 Nucleus
18 Ribosomes
19 Rough endoplasmic reticulum
20 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
14 Nuclear membrane 21 Vacuole
__________1 This is the control center of the cell.
__________2 This is made of DNA and is the storage area for all genetic information.
__________3 This is the site of protein synthesis in a cell.
__________4 This porous structure surrounds the nucleus, keeping it intact.
__________5 This internal membrane system is so extensive that it accounts for more than half the total membrane in
a cell.
__________6 When newly formed proteins leave the rough endoplasmic reticulum, they are transported to this
organelle, where the proteins are sorted and packaged.
__________7 This part of the cell manufactures the ribosomal subunits.
__________8 This part of the cell is surrounded by a very thick outer membrane to protect the rest of the cell from its
strong enzymes.
__________9 The portion of the cell that exists outside of the nucleus.
_________10 The part of the cell that controls what enters and leaves the cell.
_________11 The part of the cell where chromosomes would be found.
_________12 This membrane connects the nuclear membrane to the cell membrane.
_________13 This part of the cell contains strong digestive enzymes to break down proteins, carbohydrates and lipids
into small molecules that can be used by the rest of the cell.
_________14 These are the most numerous of the cell’s organelles.
_________15 This serves as the “powerhouse” of the cell.
_________16 The place where lipids are manufactured.
_________17 This part contains the instructions for making proteins and other important molecules.
_________18 This organelle consists of two types of fibers called microfilaments and microtubules.
_________19 Choose 2 of the organelles from the list above that would never be found in a plant cell.
_________20 These three organelles all are surrounded by a double membrane.
_________21 This is the semi-fluid portion found inside the nucleus.
_________22 Newly made proteins are inserted into spaces of this organelle where they are modified and shaped into
functioning proteins.
_________23 This organelle puts the “finishing touches” on proteins before they are shipped off to their final
_________24 Choose 5 organelles from the list above that would never be found in an animal cell.
_________25 This large structure in a plant cell is filled with water creating turgor pressure.
_________26 This is the site of photosynthesis in a plant cell.
_________27 These may be found free-floating in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.
_________28 This part of the cell contains internal folds of membrane called cristae.
_________29 This part of the cell is involved with cell movement, cell shape and the separation of chromosomes during
cell division.
_________30 This organelle has the unique ability to absorb the energy from the sun and convert it into a molecule of
_________31 This organelle contains pigments of all colors except green.
_________32 This organelle serves as a storage area for starch in a plant cell.
_________33 The type of endoplasmic reticulum to which no ribosomes are attached.
_________34 This serves as a storage area inside an animal cell.
_________35 This organelle is composed of tough, stringy cellulose fibers.
_________36 The type of endoplasmic reticulum to which ribosomes are attached.
_________37 This organelle is often found near the cell membrane; it consists of a stack of flattened sacs.
_________38 This organelle helps to “clean up” or destroy any debris that might build up inside the cell.
_________39 This organelle has an internal membrane system called thylakoids.
_________40 This is the site of cellular respiration.
_________41 This is an internal framework and support system to give shape and organization to a cell.
_________42 What two structures give the plant the strength and support needed to stand upright?
_________43 This part contains the green pigment chlorophyll.
_________44 This organelle gives fruits and flowers their color.
Which of the above would be found in both plant cells and in animal
Cell Structure Review
Cut out the following descriptions/functions of cell structures. Match the
description/function to the appropriate cell structure, and glue them into position
on the following sheets.
Organelle which controls all cell
functions; contains the genetic
material, DNA
Present on the outside of plant cells;
helps maintain the shape; helps support
the shape of the cell; made of cellulose
Organelle that carries on
photosynthesis in plant cells; discshaped; contains chlorophyll
Set of membranes that form ‘canals’ for
transporting substances produced by
the cell
The fluid, or gel-like substance that fills
the interior of the cell; holds all of the
organelles; where many functions take
Small vesicles which collect products
from the cell; packages them for
Organelle which is the site of energy
production; has folded, interior
membranes for extra surface area
‘Envelope’ of the cell, holding the fluid
within the cell; determines which
substances may enter and leave the cell
Small, round organelle which may float
freely in the cytoplasm or be attached
to the endoplasmic reticulum; job is to
help synthesize proteins
Cell vesicle which may hold water, food,
or cell products for purposes of storage;
plant cells store large amounts of water
in these vesicles
Cell Structure
Cell Membrane
Cell Wall
Cell Structure
Golgi Bodies
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Comparing the Structures of Animal Cells and Plant Cells
Place the correct cell structure name in the Comparison Map below. Use the
terms you learned from the previous activity.
Belong to only
Animal Cells
Belong to Both
Belongs to only
Plant Cells
Think about the different functions of plant cells compared with animal cells.
Why do you think they contain some different structures? Answer in complete
Cell Structure Cross-Word
1. found on the outside of plant cells; gives support to the cell
4. vesicle within the cell that may hold water or food
6. organelles with interior folded membranes; where energy is made
8. found in plant cells for the purpose of making food from the sun
10. surrounds the cell and allows material to enter and leave the cell – found in both plant
and animal cells
2. set of canals which transport materials within the cell
3. vesicles containing products the cell has made; packages them for release
5. jelly-like fluid of the cell; where all activity takes place
7. the control center of the cell; manages all activities
9. small organelle which helps the cell make proteins
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