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Name: _______________________________________
Block: __________
Chapter 7 Cell Structure and Function
CP1 Bio
Homework Packet 1
Section 7-1: Life Is Cellular (pages 159-172)
This section describes the characteristics of two categories of cells, prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Introduction (page169)
1. What is the structure that makes up every living thing? ______________________________
Basic Cell Structures (page 171)
2. Complete the table about structures that are common to most cells.
Cell membrane
Cell wall
Prokayotes and Eukaryotes (page 172)
3. Complete the table about the two categories of cells.
Organisms whose cells
lack nuclei
Organisms whose cells
contain nuclei
4. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about prokaryotes.
a. They grow and reproduce.
b. Many are large, multicellular organisms.
c. They are more complex than cells of eukaryotes.
d. They have cell membranes and cytoplasm.
5. What is an organelle? _________________________________________________________________
6. Are all eukaryotes large, multicellular organisms? _________ Explain:
7. Name four structures that all cells have.
a. _______________________________
c. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
Section 7-2 Cell Structures (pages 173-133)
This section describes the functions of the major cell structures.
Cell Wall (pages 173-174)
8. In what organisms are cell walls found? ___________________________________________________
9. True or false? The cell wall lies inside the cell membrane.
10. What is the main function of the cell wall? ________________________________________________
Nucleus (pages 175-176)
11. What is the function of the nucleus? ______________________________________________________
12. The granular material visible within the nucleus is called _____________________________________
13. What does chromatin consist of? ___________________________________________________
14. What is the nuclear envelope? _____________________________________________________
Cytoskeleton (page 176)
15. What is the function of the cytoskeleton? __________________________________________________
Ribosomes (page 177)
16. What is the function of ribosomes? ______________________________________________________
Endoplasmic Reticulum (pages 177-178)
17. What is the difference between rough ER and smooth ER? ____________________________________
Golgi Apparatus (page 178)
18. Using the cell as a factory analogy, describe the role of the Golgi apparatus in the cell.
Lysosomes (page 179)
19. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about lysosomes.
a. They break down organelles that have outlived their usefulness.
b. They produce proteins that are modified by the ER.
c. They contain enzymes that break down lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins.
Vacuoles (page 179)
20. What is the function of vacuoles? _______________________________________________________
21. What is the role of the central vacuole in plants?____________________________________________
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts (pages 179-180)
22. True or false? Both chloroplasts and mitochondria are enclosed by two membranes. ________________
23. The process that occurs in chloroplasts is called ____________________________________________
Match the organelle with its description.
a. Uses energy from sunlight to make energy-rich carbohydrates for
____ Ribosome
____ Endoplasmic reticulum
b. Stack of membranes containing enzymes that attach carbohydrates
and lipids to proteins
____ Golgi apparatus
c. Uses energy from food to make high-energy compounds
____ Lysosome
d. An internal membrane system in which components of cell
membrane and some proteins are constructed
____ Vacuole
e. Saclike structure that stores materials
____ Chloroplast
f. Small particle of RNA and protein that produces protein following
instructions from nucleus
____ Mitochondrion
g. Filled with enzymes to break down food into particles that can be
Label the structures on the illustration of the plant cell with the following: Cell wall, cell membrane,
chloroplast, mitochondrion, vacuole, nucleus, ER, Golgi complex,
Organelle DNA (page 181)
24. Which two organelles besides the nucleus contain their own DNA? _________________________
25. Biologist Lynn Margulis suggested that mitochondria and chloroplasts are descendants of what kind
of organisms? _____________________________________________
The Cell as a Factory (page 182)
Match the cell structure with the part of a factory it is like.
Cell Structure
Factory Part
a. Oil-burning furnaces
b. Customization shop
c. Solar power plants
__________Golgi apparatus
d. Steel beams and columns
e. Factory machines
f. Main office
Comparing Cells (page 183)
26. Circle the letter of each structure that animal cells contain.
a. chloroplasts
b. lysosomes
c. cytoskeleton
d. ER
27. Circle the letter of each structure that plant cells contain.
a. cell wall
b. ER
c. lysosomes
d. chloroplast
28. If you examine an unknown cell under the microscope and discover that the cell contains
chloroplasts, what could you infer about the organism from which the cell came?
Name: _______________________________________
Block: __________
Chapter 7 Cell Structure and Function
CP1 Bio
Homework Packet 2
Section 7-3: Movement Through the Membrane (pages 184-189)
This section describes the main functions of the cell membrane. It also explains what happens during
diffusion and explains what osmosis is.
Cell Membrane (page 184)
What are the functions of the cell membrane? _____________________________________________
2. The structure of a cell membrane is a double-layered sheet called a(an) __________________________
3. What are the functions of the proteins and carbohydrates attached to a cell membrane?
Diffusion (page 185)
4. What is diffusion? ____________________________________________________________________
5. The molecules of solute in the illustration are moving through the cell membrane from top to bottom.
Indicate with labels which side of the membrane has a high concentration of solute and which has a low
Osmosis (pages 186-187)
6. What does it mean that biological membranes are selectively permeable?
7. What is osmosis? ____________________________________________________________________
8. True or false? Water tends to diffuse from a region where it is less concentrated to a region where it is
highly concentrated. __________________
9. If a cell was placed in salt water, would it swell or would it shrivel? ____________________ Explain.
Match the situation to the description.
________67. Two solutions are isotonic.
a. The solution is above strength in solute.
________68. A solution is hypertonic.
b. The solutions are the same strength.
________69. A solution is hypotonic.
c. The solution is below strength in solute.
Facilitated Diffusion (page 188)
70. What happens during the process of facilitated diffusion? _____________________________________
71. What is the role of protein channels in the cell membrane? ____________________________________
72. True or false? Facilitated diffusion does not require the cell to use energy. _______________________
Active Transport (page189)
73. __________________ is required during active transport moves material across a cell membrane
against a concentration difference.
74. During active transport, molecules pass through __________________________ in the cell membrane.