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Cloze Notes – Cells
Introduction to Cells
What are cells? A cell is the basic ______________ of structure and function in an
Organisms may be composed of one cell - also called ________________________. Bacteria is
an example of a ____________________ organism.
________________________ organisms are composed of many cells. An ape is a multicellular
With the use of early microscopes and through observations of scientists Hooke, Leeuwnhoek,
Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow and others – the ___________ theory is a widely accepted
explanation of the relationship between __________________ and living things.
The cell theory states:
All living things are made of __________________.
Cells are the basic _______________ of structure and function in
All cells are produced from other __________________.
1. What is the difference between a unicellular organism and a multicellular organism?
2. Why would it be better to look at living cells than at dead cells?
3. Pretend you are a bacterial cell. Write a short autobiography. (3-4 sentences)
4. You have just viewed the movie “Cell Theory”. You are a critic – give your review to
sum up the movie.
Types of Cells
There are two types of cells – plant and animal cells. In a cell there are tiny cell structures
called__________________________. These organelles carry out specific
__________________ within the cell.
Plant cells have two _____________________ not found in animal cells. _____________ cells
have a cell ____________ and chloroplasts.
The cell _______________ is a rigid layer of nonliving material that surrounds ______________
cells. The ______________ wall helps to protect and _________________ the plant
All cells have ________________ membranes. In plant cells the cell membrane is located inside
the cell ______________. In animal ______________, the cell membrane forms the
_______________ boundary that separates the cell from its environment. It also supports and
__________________ the cell. It __________________ what moves in and ______________ of
the cell.(VIP Organelle)
The ___________________ is a large, oval structure that acts like the “brain” of the cell. The
nucleus is the cell’s ____________________ center because it ___________________ all of the
cell’s activities. (VIP Organelle)
The nucleus is surrounded by a __________________ membrane. It protects the nucleus and
controls what goes ______ and out of the nucleus.
Inside the nucleus are thin strands called _________________ which contain genetic material –
these are the ___________________ that direct the functions of the cell. It holds DNA.
Also, in the nucleus there is a small object called the _________________________. This is
where _________________________ are made.
1. Why is the nucleus sometimes called the control center of the cell?
2. Compare the functions of the cell wall in a plant cell and the cell membrane in an animal
cell. How are the functions of the two structures similar and different?
3. Thinking of the role of a nucleus in a cell, pretend you are the nucleus in our school,
what would your job be? Explain.
4. Come up with a song title that would explain the role of any of the cell organelles
discussed thus far.
Cell Organelles
_______________________ is the region between the cell membrane and the
____________________. It is a thick, ______________ like material that supports and protects
the organelles. (VIP Organelle)
Mitochondria makes _________________ for the cell by breaking down _________________.
These organelles are sometimes called “__________________” of the cell because they produce
most of the ___________________ the cell needs to carry out its ___________________.
Muscle cells have large numbers of _______________________. (VIP Organelle)
The _______________________ reticulum (ER) are passageways that carry proteins and other
______________________ to parts of the cells.
______________________are grainlike bodies – some are attached to the ER or found floating
in the cytoplasm. Ribosomes make __________________.
__________________ bodies which look like a flattened collection of ____________ and tubes
can be thought of as the cell’s mailroom. The Golgi bodies receive materials from the
endoplasmic __________________ and send them to other parts of the _________________.
Chloroplasts are the large ___________________ structures floating in the cytoplasm. These
organelles are found in ___________________ cells. They use ____________________ to make
energy (____________) for the plant during _______________________.(VIP Organelle)
A ____________________ is the _____________________ area of the cell. It may hold food,
_________________, and waste. Plant cells usually have very _________________ vacuoles.
Lysosomes are small, round ___________________ that contain chemicals that break down
__________________ particles into smaller ones. Lysosomes also break down old cell parts and
release the substances so they can be used again.
Bacterial Cells
Bacterial cells are different from plant and _________________ cells. While a bacterial cell
does have a _______________ wall and a cell membrane, it does not have a
Organisms whose cells lack a nucleus are called __________________________.
Organisms whose cells contain a ____________________ and many of the organelles found in
plant and animal cells are called ____________________________.
What is the difference between a prokaryote and a eukaryote?
How would you decide whether an unknown cell was an animal cell, a plant cell, or a
bacterial cell?
If you were a mitochondria what attributes would you possess? Draw a symbol that would
represent your personality.
Write an alliteration for any of the organelles discussed in the last section. (Try to
incorporate their job with your alliteration.)