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Name: ___________________________________
Science Department
Date: ________________________
Essential Biology
Unit Two Worksheet: Cell Structure and Organization
1. What did Zacharias Janssen do?
2. What was Robert Hooke’s major accomplishment?
3. What did Anton van Leeuwenhoek do?
4. What did Matthias Schleiden conclude?
5. What did Theodore Schwann conclude?
6. How did Rudolf Virchow contribute to biology?
7. What are the three parts of the cell theory?
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
8. What is the cell membrane made of?
9. What is the function of the cell membrane?
10. Describe the two parts of a phospholipid and include how they react to water.
11. Name the three types of proteins embedded in the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane.
Include their functions.
12. What characteristics of the cell membrane led to our description of it being called the fluid-mosaic
13. What is the nucleus?
14. What does the nucleus contain? What does this material do?
15. What is the difference between chromatin and chromosomes?
16. What is the nucleolus and what does it do?
17. What are the two types of cells?
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
18. What is the difference between these two types of cells?
Vacuoles, Vesicles, Lysosomes
19. What are vacuoles?
20. What is the function of a vacuole?
21. Describe the vacuole in a plant cell.
22. What does the pressure of the central vacuole allow a plant to do?
23. What is the vacuole in a paramecium called? ________________________________
24. What does the vacuole in a paramecium do?
25. What are vesicles?
26. What do vesicles do?
27. Lysosomes are the ________________________________ of the cell. (3 words)
28. What do lysosomes do?
29. If lysosomes don’t remove cellular “junk,” what can happen?
30. What do lysosomes contain? ________________________
31. What do these enzymes in lysosomes do?
32. What is the main problem for people with Tay-Sachs disease? (what are they missing?)
33. Because they lack a lysosome enzyme, people with Tay-Sachs disease can’t break down what?
34. When the phospholipids can’t be broken down, they begin to ___________________________.
This interferes with _______________ ________________, particularly in the ______________.
35. Lysosomes are thought to be involved with __________________ ________ _______. This process
is used when it is beneficial for a cell to _________.
36. Name 2 examples of when it is beneficial for a cell to die.
b. ______________________________
37. As a result of being used for programmed cell death, lysosomes have the nickname
__________________ _________.
38. Lysosomes are found in _____________ cells and in a few specialized _______________ cells.
The Cytoskeleton
39. The cytoskeleton is a network of ________________ _______________ that provides eukaryotic
cells with their _______________, ______________ ___________________, and ability to _______.
40. What are the 2 main parts of the cytoskeleton?
a. _________________________________
b. _________________________________
41. What are microfilaments?
42. Microfilaments produce a ____________ yet ______________ framework that helps to support the
43. How do microfilaments help a cell to move?
44. What are microtubules?
45. Microtubules are major part of what two cellular projections?
b. ______________________________
46. Cilia are tiny hairlike projections that move like __________ ______ while flagella are long
____________________ tails. Both help the cell to swim through _________________.
47. How are microtubules important in cell division?
48. What does the mitotic spindle do?
49. What are centrioles?
50. __________________ cells have centrioles but _______________ cells do not.
Ribosomes, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Apparatus
51. Why is a big part of the cell devoted to protein production and distribution?
52. What happens on ribosomes?
53. What are ribosomes made of and where are they found?
54. How do ribosomes produce proteins?
55. What cells would have large numbers of ribosomes?
56. What is unique about ribosomes in terms of the two types of cells? (prokaryotic and eukaryotic)
57. What do the letters ER stand for? ____________________________________________
58. The endoplasmic reticulum is an ________________ _______________ _____________.
59. ___________ components of the cell membrane as well as _____________ and other materials are
assembled on the ER.
60. What are the 2 kinds of ER?
b. ______________________
61. Rough ER has _____________________ attached to it while ______________ ER does not have
ribosomes attached.
62. Rough ER is involved in the synthesis of _________________.
63. Proteins made on the rough ER include those that will be released, or _______________, from the
64. Many ______________ proteins and proteins destined for ______________ or other specialized
locations within the cell are made on the rough ER.
65. What does smooth ER contain?
66. List two specialized tasks associated with enzymes contained in the smooth ER.
b. _________________________________________________________________________
67. What does the Golgi apparatus look like?
68. What happens to proteins after they leave the rough ER and proceed to the Golgi apparatus?
69. Proteins are bundled into tiny __________________ that bud from the ER and carry them to the
Golgi apparatus.
70. The Golgi apparatus _______________, _______________, and ________________ proteins and
other materials from the rough ER. The proteins are then shipped to their final
______________________ inside or outside of the cell.
Chloroplasts & Mitochondria
71. Which cells contain chloroplasts?
72. Chloroplasts are like _____________ _____________ ____________.
73. What do chloroplasts do?
74. What energy conversions happen during photosynthesis?
75. Describe the arrangement of membranes in a chloroplast.
76. The green pigment inside a chloroplast is called ______________________.
77. What types of cells contain mitochondria?
78. Mitochondria are the _________________ of the cell.
79. What do mitochondria do?
80. What energy conversions take place in the mitochondria?
81. Describe how the membranes are arranged in a mitochondrion.
82. How are mitochondria inherited in humans?
83. Both chloroplasts and mitochondria contain their own genetic _____________________ in the
form of small __________ __________________.
84. How can mitochondrial DNA be helpful in doing family research?
Cell Membrane and Cell Wall
85. What is the name of the model used to examine the composition of the cell membrane?
86. Name two different reasons why some substances may not be able to move across the cell
membrane freely.
a. ___________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________
87. What does selectively permeable or semipermeable mean?
88. What is the main function of the cell wall?
89. Why are cell walls so important for plants?
90. How are the cell walls of plants useful to humans?
91. What organisms have cell walls?
92. How are plant cell walls different from other organisms’ cell walls?
93. Explain why it is important for the cell wall to be porous.
Endosymbiotic Theory and Cell Size
94. When was the idea of endosymbiotic theory first proposed? ___________________________
95. Who made the theory well known? ___________________________
96. Where did this person work? ________________________________
97. During what time period did Lynn Margulis focus on endosymbiotic theory? ______________
98. What is endosymbiotic theory?
99. What are the four pieces of evidence supporting endosymbiotic theory?
a. ___________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________________________
Endosymbiotic theory includes the idea that a large prokaryotic cell __________________
(surrounded) a small prokaryotic cell.
But instead of being ________________________ as food, the small engulfed bacteria
remained inside the larger cell.
Eventually, these engulfed __________________ lost their ability to live
____________________ and became organelles within the larger cell.
The result of all this was a ________________________ cell.
Almost all eukaryotic cells are about ________________ to ___________ big.
Size often depends on the ___________________________.
Cells obtain ___________________ and get rid of _________________ through the cell
As cells grow, there is less _______________________ of the cell (where the membrane is)
for each part of ________________ (where the cytoplasm and organelles are located).
_________________________ increases more rapidly than ________________________. In
other words, cytoplasm increases more rapidly than cell membrane.
Therefore, the cell can’t bring in _________________ and take out ____________ fast
Another factor in cell size (besides the cell membrane) is the ______________________
The nucleus can only control so much __________________ and still keep up with the cell’s
__________________________. So the cell has to stay SMALL to survive.