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Enzymes are specialized types of proteins.
Each cell in the human body has in excess of one thousand different enzymes. The
enzymes function as catalysts. Remember a catalyst is a compound that speeds up a
chemical reaction without itself being permanently changed. It does this by lowering the
energy of activation of a reaction. Consider the reaction A + B
C + D.
Reactants A and B have a certain energy, as do the products C and D. In order for the
reaction to occur, the reaction must acquire an energy higher than either that of the
reactants or the products. This higher energy state is the TRANSITION STATE. The
difference in energy between the reactants and the transition state is called the ENERGY
OF ACTIVATION. The reactants must acquire this energy and form the transition state
if they are to produce the products of the reaction. Interactions between enzymes and
reactants produce a new reaction pathway with a lower energy of activation. By the help
of enzymes, the transition state is acquired under conditions that are compatible with the
environment of a cell.
The compound or type of compound on which an enzyme works is its SUBSTRATE.
Many enzymes are named by adding –ase to the root of the name of the substrate. An
example is the enzyme sucrase. This enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of the sugar
sucrose forming two simpler sugars. Similarly, urease catalyzes the breakdown of its
substrate urea. There are also general classes of enzymes called proteases and lipases;
protein breakdown is the work of the proteases and lipids are the substrates for lipases.
Enzymes, we have noted, are proteins. As proteins, they have a primary, secondary, and
tertiary structure. If composed of subunits, they also have a quaternary structure.
Enzymes have a three dimensional shape determined by interactions among the
constituent amino acids. The shape of the enzyme must be complementary to that of its
substrate so they may interact. The portion of the enzyme that binds to the substrate is
called the ACTIVE SITE or CATALYTIC SITE. The active site, a relatively small part
of the entire enzyme molecule, is a three-dimensional entity with a shape that must be
matched by that of the substrate. Active sites are usually clefts of crevices within the
entire shape of the molecule.
Enzymes are very specific concerning the type of reactions they catalyze and what
substrates they bind. There are varying degrees of specificity among enzymes. Sucrase
and urease show absolute specificity for their substrates. A lesser degree of specificity is
shown by some proteases, which split any peptide linkage. The activity of other
proteases is dependent on the amino acid side chains attached to the peptide bonds.
Chymotrypsin splits only those peptide bonds next to aromatic amino acids. This enzyme
is said to be LINKAGE- SPECIFIC.
Specificity of action is a major difference between the catalytic properties of enzymes
and classical inorganic catalysts. These catalysts, such as platinum and nickel, can act as
catalysts for many reactions. The specificity of biological catalysts accounts for the large
number of different enzymes in every living cell.
Studies show that the active site on the enzyme assumes the shape of the substrate only
after binding occurs. Interactions between enzyme and substrate before binding induce a
fit between them.
Because enzymes are proteins, their activity is influenced by the hydrogen-ion
concentration of their environment. The secondary and tertiary structures of an enzyme
may be altered by changes in pH. The optimum pH for most enzymes is close to
physiological pH of 7.2 to 7.4. However, those that function in the stomach, such as
pepsin, have a very acid optimum pH. Likewise, trypsin, which digests protein in the
small intestine, most effectively catalyzes at an alkaline pH of 8.2.
Heat denatures proteins. Therefore, high temperatures will destroy the activity of
enzymes. Low temperatures also affect the activity of enzymes; reaction rates decrease
as the temperature decreases. Most enzymes have an active temperature range of 100 to
500C. The optimal temperature for enzymes in the human body is 370C.
This form of regulation is characteristic of digestive enzymes and of some enzymes
involved in the clotting of blood. The digestive enzymes pepsin and trypsin are initially
formed as the inactive compound pepsinogen and trypsinogen. When they are needed to
digest ingested proteins, they are converted into their active forms. Pepsinogen is
secreted by the gastric mucosa. The acid pH of the stomach activates it. Similarly,
trypsinogen is formed in the pancreas and is converted to trypsin by the enzyme
enterokinase found in intestinal juice. The formation of enzymes as inactive forms is a
protective mechanism. The same is true in the blood-clotting process, because our bodies
are not constantly in need of enzymes that promote the clotting of blood. Formation of a
clot depends on the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. Inactive precursors of
enzymes are called PROENZYMES or ZYMOGENS.
Some enzymes must be bound to a nonprotein substance in order to function. These
nonprotein parts are COFACTORS. Two types of cofactors are metal ions and organic
molecules called COENZYMES.
The enzyme hexokinase, which catalyzes the first step in our bodies’ degradation of
glucose, requires Mg+2. Other common metal cofactors are zinc, manganese, copper, and
iron. They must be included in our diets for proper enzyme functioning.
Several of the enzymes that occur in the Krebs cycle require coenzymes. The Krebs
cycle is a series of reactions forming the common metabolic pathway that our bodies use
for extracting energy from ingested carbohydrate, lipids, and proteins. The coenzymes of
this pathway are either vitamins or compound derived from vitamins.
Many of the compounds that our bodies synthesize are formed by a stepwise series of
reactions. Each reaction is catalyzed by enzymes. When enough of the desired product
has been synthesized, there must be a way to stop the pathway. One way to do this is by
a process known as FEEDBACK INHIBITION. Consider a pathway by which D is
being synthesized from A with intermediate formation of B and C.
When sufficient D has formed for the needs of the cell, its presence inhibits the activity
of E1, the first enzyme in this pathway. In this way, the series of reactions stops until the
cell again needs compound D, the end product. The activity of E1 is sensitive to the
concentration of D. The inhibition of the enzyme occurs by compound D’s binding to it
at a site other than that of the active site. This site is called an ALLOSTERIC SITE.
Binding of the inhibitor to it changes the shape of the enzyme so that it no longer fits the
substrate. An enzyme whose activity can be controlled in this way is called a
Enzyme activity can be inhibited by foreign molecules introduced into a living organism.
The effects of enzyme inhibition may be good or bad. Two types of inhibition are
competitive and noncompetitive.
In competitive inhibition, the inhibitor competes with the normal substrate for the active
site of the enzyme. Binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme’s active site prevents
formation of the enzyme-substrate complex. Instead, an enzyme-inhibitor complex forms
that does not lead to the products of the reaction. Competitive inhibition is a reversible
process. Normal enzyme functioning is restored in the absence of the inhibitor.
Another type of inhibition of enzyme activity is caused by noncompetitive inhibitors,
substances that bind to the enzyme at some point other than the substrate binding site.
The poison cyanide functions in this way. It binds to metal ions that are essential to the
activity of enzymes called cytochrome oxidases. A final step in the series of reactions by
which cells extract energy from nutrients involves the reduction of molecular oxygen.
The electrons are carried by iron and copper ions, which are part of the cytochrome
oxidases. The cyanide ion binds to the metal ions, preventing the transfer of electrons,
which in turn stops the process of cellular respiration.
The enzymes catalyzing the decomposition of human remains are generally
PROTEOLYTIC (dissolve protein) and HYDROLYTIC (mediate hydrolysis reactions) in
nature. There are two sources of these putrefactive catalysts, saprophytic bacteria and
lysosomes. SAPROPHYTIC BACTERIA use dead organic matter as a source of
nutrition. These organisms are normal residents of the human digestive tract. In addition
to bacterially mediated decomposition, animal cells possess their own “self-destruct”
mechanism. In life, organelles (little organs) called LYSOSOMES provide the digestive
function of human cells. After death, the pH change from alkaline to acid causes rupture
of the membrane surrounding the lysosome. Unenclosed by their compartment, these
enzymes digest the surrounding cellular substances. The process is called AUTOLYSIS
– literally, self-cell digestion. Thus, even if we could totally sterilize a human remains,
we would eliminate only one source of decompositive enzymes, the bacteria.
Ingestion of carbohydrates is generally considered a means for living organisms to
acquire energy. Carbohydrates also act as storage molecules of chemical energy and as
structural parts of cell walls and membranes. Within a cell, the carbohydrates are fewer
in number and in type than proteins.
The word carbohydrate is a synthesis of two words “carbon hydrate”. The molecular
formulas of many of these compounds may be written to look like carbon hydrates. For
instance, the molecular formula of glucose is C6H12O6. If this is rearranged to:
. H O)
it looks like a hydrate containing carbon. They are, however, not hydrates. Rather, they
are organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that are aldehyde or
ketone derivatives of polyhydroxy alcohols. Those that contain the aldehyde group are
ALDOSES, and those that contain the ketone group are called KETOSES.
Carbohydrates are classified into three groups: monosaccharides, disaccharides, and
polysaccharides. Saccharide means sugar. MONOSACCHARIDES are simple sugars
that cannot be hydrolyzed to a smaller carbohydrate molecule. DISACCHARIDES can
be hydrolyzed into two monosaccharide units. POLYSACCHARIDES are carbohydrates
that on hydrolysis form many monosaccharide units. In our bodies, specific enzymes
catalyze the hydrolysis of the various carbohydrates.
These simple sugars are further classified on the basis of the number of carbon atoms in
their structure.
Number of Carbons
Type of Monosaccharide
Pentoses contain five carbons. Two pentoses of interest are ribose and 2-deoxyribose.
They are both aldoses.
The difference between them is that 2-deoxyribose contains one less oxygen than ribose.
The oxygen at carbon number 2 of ribose is removed to form 2-deoxyribose. The
significance of these compounds is that they form the sugar portion of nucleic acids.
Hexoses are simple sugars that contain six carbons. Of all the monosaccharides, they are
the most important nutritionally. Their molecular formula is C6H12O6. Twenty-four
isomeric forms can be drawn from this formula. The most significant hexoses are
glucose, fructose, and galactose. Glucose and fructose occur freely in nature. Galactose
is found only in combined forms. Both glucose and galactose are aldoses, whereas
fructose is a ketose.
These structures represent open chain forms of the sugars. In solution, they also exist as
cyclic compounds. Their formation results from a reaction between the aldehyde or
ketone functional group and an alcohol functional group within one sugar molecule.
This is the normal sugar of the blood. Its metabolism provides energy for the cells. Our
bodies normally maintain a constant blood glucose level. If the level increases, the
glucose is converted into glycogen, a glucose polymer, which is stored in liver and
muscle. The hormone insulin, produced by the pancreas, controls this process.
Insufficient production of insulin results in the condition of diabetes mellitus. A high
glucose blood level is hyperglycemia. The opposite condition, low blood sugar, is
hypoglycemia. It is corrected by conversion of stored liver glycogen to free glucose.
The hormones epinephrine and glucagon are essential for the conversion.
Two other names for glucose are dextrose and grape sugar.
This aldose does not occur freely in nature. It is found in brain and nervous tissue as a
component of compounds called cerebrosides. Galactose polymerizes to form agar-agar,
which is found in seaweed and is used to solidify broth in microbiology.
Other names for fructose are levulose and fruit sugar. It is found in honey in a one-to-one
ratio with glucose. Fructose is the sweetest of the sugars.
Dissaccharides are carbohydrates that can be hydrolyzed to two monosaccharide units.
The general formula for all disaccharides is C12H22O11. They are formed when two
monosaccharides combine by splitting out a molecule of water. The three major
disaccharides are lactose, maltose, and sucrose.
Also called milk sugar, lactose is synthesized in mammary glands from glucose in the
blood. When milk sours, lactose is converted into lactic acid by the microorganism
Lactobacillus. Lactic acid is responsible for the taste and smell of sour milk and forms
curds by denaturing the protein in milk.
Hydrolysis of lactose yields its constituent monosaccharides, galactose and glucose.
This disaccharide is found in germinating grains. It is also produced by enzymes called
amylases that break down starch. Another name for maltose is malt sugar. Maltose is
formed by the union of two glucose units. Therefore, hydrolysis of maltose produces two
molecules of glucose. This reaction is catalyzed by maltase.
Probably the most frequently used disaccharide is sucrose, common table sugar. It is also
referred to as cane sugar. Hydrolysis of sucrose produces a molecule of glucose and a
molecule of fructose. A one-to-one mixture of fructose and glucose is produced. This
mixture, called invert sugar, also occurs naturally in honey.
On hydrolysis, these compounds yield many monosaccharides. The polysaccharide
molecular formula is (C6H10O5)x, where x, a large number, indicates that many
monosaccharide units are joined together.
Common polysaccharides are starch, glycogen, and cellulose. Their properties are quite
different from those of monosaccharides and disaccharides. An obvious difference is that
polysaccharides have much higher molecular weights. Polysaccharides are tasteless in
contrast to the sweet taste of the other carbohydrates. The monosaccharides and
disaccharides are water-soluble. Polysaccharides either are insoluble in water or form
colloidal solutions.
Plants make glucose by the process of photosynthesis. They store this energy source in
the form of starch, a polymer of glucose. There are two forms of starch. One, called
amylose, is a straight chain of glucose molecules. The other form is amylopectin, which
has a much higher molecular weight than amylose. It is a branched chain of glucoses.
Humans consume starch chiefly in the form of rice, potatoes, and cereal grain. The large
starch molecules are broken down enzymatically to smaller and smaller units. Complete
hydrolysis of starch produces many glucoses.
Another large, branched polymer of glucose is glycogen. Also called animal starch, it is
the storage form of carbohydrates in humans and in higher animals. It has a higher
molecular weight than amylopectin and more frequent branching.
Excess glucose ingested by animals is polymerized to glycogen and stored mainly in
muscle and liver. One function of the liver is to maintain a relatively constant
concentration of glucose in the blood. By enzymatic breakdown of glycogen, glucose is
released from the liver if the blood glucose level decreases. Similarly, muscle glycogen is
broken down by enzymes to satisfy muscle energy needs.
The most abundant organic compound is cellulose. It is the major component of cell
walls and woody structures of plants. Cellulose is similar to amylose, because both are
unbranched polymers of glucose units.
Cellulose is insoluble in water. Humans and most animals cannot digest it, because they
lack the necessary enzyme to break the beta linkages. Grazing animals, such as cows,
sheep, and horses, and also termites are able to digest cellulose. They have microbes in
their digestive tracts that produce the enzymes for cellulose digestion.
Carbohydrates are also found as an important part of connective tissue in mammals.
Connective tissue contains compounds called proteoglycans, which have a composition
of about 95% polysaccharide and 5% protein.
Reducing Agents
Some carbohydrates can be oxidized to carboxylic acids. In such reactions, the
carbohydrates are reducing agents. A typical oxidizing agent for carbohydrates is
Cu(OH)2, which undergoes reduction to Cu2O. In this process, copper changes from a +2
oxidation state to +1, and the carbohydrate is oxidized to a carboxylic acid. This reaction
is the basis for Benedict’s test and Fehling’s test for carbohydrates. Those, which react
positively, are called Reducing Sugars. All monosaccharides and all disaccharides except
sucrose are reducing sugars. Polysaccharides give a negative result. They are
nonreducing sugars.
1. Monosaccharides do not undergo hydrolysis.
2. Disaccharides upon hydrolysis form monosaccharides.
Lactose + H2O produces galactose and glucose
Maltose + H2O produces glucose and glucose
Sucrose + H2O produces fructose and glucose
3. Polysaccharides are first hydrolyzed to disaccharides and then, upon complete
hydrolysis, to monosaccharides
Complete oxidation of monosaccharides produces carbon dioxide, water, and energy. For
every gram of sugar that is oxidized, about 4kcal of heat are liberated.
The process by which zymase, an enzyme in yeast, produces ethyl alcohol from hexoses
is fermentation. Disaccharides first must be enzymatically converted to monosaccharides
before fermentation occurs.
Starch in grains may be used as a source of ethyl alcohol. The starch is first converted by
amylase and maltase to glucose, which undergoes the fermentation reaction. If the source
of the starch is corn, the overall process produces bourbon. Scotch whiskey is formed if
the starting material is barley; rum is formed from molasses, and vodka from potatoes.
Green plants are able to synthesize carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. The
process called photosynthesis needs sunlight, the green pigment chlorophyll, and certain
Photosynthesis is a very complex process that is divided into stages: the light reactions
and the dark reactions. The light reactions occur in the chloroplasts of plants.
Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight and converts it into chemical energy in the form of energystorage molecules. Two of the products of the light reactions are oxygen and adenosine
triphosphate (ATP). Subsequently, the dark reactions use the energy-storage molecules
to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.
How do our bodies extract energy from carbohydrates? The process can be divided into
four stages. In the first stage, ingested or stored carbohydrates are hydrolyzed to simple
sugars such as glucose. In the second stage, glucose is converted into the acetyl unit
of the compound acetyl coenzyme A. Stage three is the Krebs cycle, and the fourth stage
is a series of reactions called oxidative phosphorylation. During the second, third, and
fourth stages, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is synthesized. This compound represents
the major energy-carrier molecule in our bodies. Its hydrolysis to adenosine diphosphate
(ADP) liberates the energy used by most of the energy-consuming processes in our
bodies. Hydrolysis of ATP produces ADP, inorganic phosphate (Pi), and energy
ADP + Pi + energy
The reverse reaction occurs during syntheses of ATP by living organisms. The cells in
our bodies are constantly extracting energy from ATP and then resynthesizing it from
ADP, inorganic phosphate, and energy obtained from fuel molecules. The ATP-ADP
cycle is fundamental to life. In most cells, an ATP molecule is hydrolyzed within a
minute of its formation.
Glycolysis – The reactions of glycolysis occur in the cytoplasm, where one
glucose yields two ATPs.
Krebs cycle – The reactions of the Krebs cycle occur in the mitochondria of the
cell. From one glucose molecule the Krebs cycle can run twice and produce a
total of two ATPs
Electron-transport chain – A total of 32 ATPs are produced by the oxidative
phosphorylation of the electron-transport chain.
Total ATPs – From the oxidation of one molecule of glucose, a cell gains a total
of 36 ATPs.
Contraction and relaxation of muscle cells are ATP-requiring processes. The depletion of
ATP after death causes muscle to be in a contracted state. This is the condition of rigor
Skeletal muscle consists of cells surrounded by a membrane, the sarcolemma, that is
electrically excitable. Three parts of a cell are (1) parallel, threadlike structures called
myofibrils; (2) tubules that form the sarcoplasmic reticulum; they are parallel to the
myofibrils and contain ionized calcium; and (3) a fluid called the sarcoplasm that is
analogous to the cytoplasm of other cells. It contains ATP.
The myofibrils contain repeating units called sarcomeres. Two kinds of protein
filaments, thick and thin, are seen in an electron micrograph of myofibrils. The thick
filaments are composed mainly of myosin, a protein of high molecular mass that has a
double-headed globular region and a linear tail. The heads form cross bridges by which
the myosin’s thick filaments interact with the myofibril’s thin filaments. The latter run
parallel to the thick filaments and are composed mainly of the protein actin and smaller
amounts of two other proteins, tropomyosin and troponin. An actin molecule has the
appearance of two strands of beads coiled around each other. The surface of actin
contains a filament of tropomyosin. The third protein, troponin, occurs at regular
intervals along the filament. Troponin has three subunits. One is bound to tropomyosin
and one to actin, holding the tropomyosin so that interaction between the thin filament,
actin, and thick filament, myosin, does not occur in a nonexcited muscle. Interaction
between the thick and thin filaments is stimulated by calcium ions that bind to the third
subunit of troponin, changing its configuration so that the tropomyosin no longer blocks
the interaction between myosin and actin.
Contraction begins when an electrical impulse triggers the sarcoplasmic reticulum to
release calcium ions, unblocking the myosin-actin interacting sites. To obtain energy for
the physical action of contraction, myosin joins with ATP from the cell. Actin has little
affinity for the myosin-ATP complex. Interaction of myosin of the thick filament and
actin of the thin filament is possible because myosin has enzymatic properties. It is an
ATPase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes ATP. This enzyme converts the myosin-ATP
complex in the heads of the myosin filaments to a myosin –ADP-Pi complex. Actin has
an affinity for this complex, so the thin and thick filaments join by means of cross bridges
formed by the myosin heads. Energy from release of ADP and Pi from the complex
causes movement of the thin filament toward the center of the sarcomere. The myosin
and actin are still bound and represent a contracted state of the muscle. Because actin has
little affinity for myosin joined to ATP, further contraction depends on the displacement
of actin from the actin-myosin complex by ATP. After this displacement, the cycle
repeats with reattachment of a myosin-ADP-Pi complex to another position on the thin
Displacement of actin by ATP is necessary for the conversion of the muscle from the
contracted to the relaxed state. The actin-myosin complex is called a rigor complex.
Approximately 2 hours after death rigor mortis begins, and it continues for a bout 30
hours. At the time of somatic death, a muscle usually has enough ATP to remain relaxed
for a few hours; the ATP, however, begins to decompose, and no resynthesis is possible.
As ATP levels decrease, muscle cells are forced into the actin-myosin complex. They
remain in this state of rigor until the muscle softens and appears relaxed because of
decomposition of the protein. It is possible to induce relaxation in a muscle in rigor by
adding ATP plus an inhibitor to slow down the use of the added ATP. Muscle cells
change from the contracted actin-myosin complex back to the relaxed myosin-ATP
Muscles in which rigor mortis has occurred are more inflexible than muscles undergoing
normal contraction. The theory of rigor mortis suggests that all, or almost all, of the
fibers in a muscle are in a state of contraction during rigor mortis. During normal
contraction, on the other hand, not all fibers are contracting at the same time. While
some are contracting, others are relaxed. The involvement of fewer fibers in normal
contraction than in rigor mortis accounts for the observed difference in muscle flexibility.
Another phenomenon that may be explained by ATP depletion is “instant” rigor.
Individuals who have died as a result of massive trauma will sometimes exhibit instant
rigor mortis. That is, the rigor complex occurs much sooner than the usual 2-hour onset.
The following is a possible explanation for this condition. Two individuals see the
source of their impending demise, for example, the railroad train bearing down on their
automobile that is stalled on the tracks at a railroad crossing. They experience a sudden
rush of adrenaline that, in turn, causes the depolymerization of muscle-stored glycogen to
glucose. The new supply of glucose is converted into a massive amount of ATP. The
death event occurs. The new supply of ATP causes widespread muscle contraction that
totally depletes the ATP. No new ATP will be produced for the relaxation phase, so the
muscles remain fully contracted, hence, “instant” rigor.