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Cellular Structures Test Study Guide
HHS biology
DATE:__________ BLOCK:____
1. Which characteristic of prokaryotic organisms makes them different from
2. What do typical plant cells have that typical animal cells do not?
A. _______________ B. _________ C. ____________________
3. Because the phospholipid molecules and some proteins are free to move, the plasma membrane is
said to be a _________ ________ model.
4. List the following discoveries in the scientific study of living things in chronological order. 1 for the first
and 4 for the most recent.
___ Electron microscope
____Light microscope ____Cell theory ____Model of DNA
The diagram below represents a single cell eukaryote. On the right is a list of facts concerning the
structures found in this cell. Use the diagram and facts 1 through 7 to answer the following question.
1. Chromatin is present in structure F
2. Respiration occurs in structure G
3. Food molecules increase in structure C if the organism is exposed to light.
4. The organism cannot move.
5. Structure A surrounds the entire cell and is rigid.
6. Structure B is porous
7. Ribosome parts are found in structure E.
5. What type of organism is represented by the diagram? ________________
6. What is the name of the organelle labeled E? ___________________
7. What is the name of the organelle labeled D? ___________________
8. What is the name of the organelle labeled G? ___________________
9. Usually, the largest organelle in a cell is the _________________.
10. A cell with numerous ribosomes is probably specialized for ________________________________.
11. Orchids were studied to determine if the amount of humidity affected the flowering of these plants.
Which of these was the independent variable in this study? _________________________________
12. These words were written by Robert Hooke in 1665. The pores or cells that Hooke described were really
what cell structure? ____________________
13. Which organelles release chemicals that break down large food particles into smaller
14. If a cell contains a nucleus, it must be a(n) ____________________ cell.
15. Compared to a skin cell, a muscle cell is likely to have more ___________________.
16. An organism that causes infections in plants and animals, but cannot be seen with a light microscope
similar to that used in a high school biology course, is most likely a _________________.
17. The above diagram shows the process of osmosis. Only the water molecules could enter the cell
because water molecules are ________________ than the protein molecules.
18. A plant’s green color is due to the presence of which organelle?_____________________
19. One advantage of electron microscopes over light microscopes is their ________ ______________.
20. List the 3 main ideas of the cell theory.
1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________
21. The fluid mosaic model describes a structure with ____________ layers on the outside and
_____________ layer on the inside.
22. Which organelle is present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes? ______________________
23. A microorganism which releases water into its environment to regulate its salinity during osmosis is
undergoing a process that is similar to a human being who releases moisture on a hot day. This
process that helps keep both the microorganism and the human body fluids in balance is known
24. What life form has a prokaryotic cell? ____________________
25. What is the purpose of the flagellum? ____________________
26. What might be a result of a disease that causes a thickened plasma membrane?
27. Bacteria are tremendously successful unicellular organisms, yet all large organisms are multicellular.
Unicellular organisms cannot grow very large because the ________________ of nutrients into the cell’s
interior would be too slow
28. The eukaryotic organism described above should be classified as a ____________.
29. Describe what is happening to the cell in pure water?
30. What organelle functions most like the “brain” of a cell? __________________
31. The diagram shows a graduated cylinder containing water. From which position will the most accurate
measure of the volume of the water be made? Position ____
32. In the human body, the circulatory system transports and delivers substances. Within the cell, which
organelle performs a similar function? _____________________________
33. The person credited for developing the microscope is _____________________________.
34. In the cell membrane model shown above, the molecules which move large molecules into and out of
the cell are known as _________________.
35. Which of these is capable of moving quickly in response to its environment? ____________________
36. In a plant cell, which cellular structure is responsible for storing food, water, and wastes? __________
37. The concentration of glucose must be maintained within a fairly narrow range in most vertebrates.
This statement is an example of ___________________.
38. Match the scientist with his contibution to the cell theory.
A) Theodor Schwann
Matthias Schleiden
B) Robert Brown
Robert Hooke
C) Rudolf Virchow
39. _____ named the cell nucleus
40. _____ stated that all animals have cells
41. _____ stated that all cells come from pre-existing cells
42. _____ stated that all plants have cells
43. _____ named the cell