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Unit # 3 – Cells, Histology, Integumentary system Ms. Cook
3.01 Identify the four principle parts of a generalized animal cell and their functions (nucleus, cytosol, organelles, & cell membrane).
1. The division of the cytoplasm in cell division is known as:
a. cytoscopy
b. cytosol
c. cytokinesis
d. cytoplamicopy
2. The basic unit of structure and function in the human body is a:
a. atom
b. cell
c. gene
d. DNA molecule
3. What are the four major parts of an animal cell and what are the functions of each?
4. The four principle components of generalized animal cells include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. cell membrane
b. cytosol
c. organelles
d. hormones
3.02 Describe the structure and function of the cell membrane.
5. Which of the following is NOT a function of the cell membrane?
a. a physical barrier that encloses the cellular contents
b. a selectively permeable membrane
c. a source of energy
d. a receptor site for hormones
6. These are found in the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane.
a. proteins
b. carbohydrates
c. cholesterol
d. all of the above
7. True/False – The outer portion of the cell membrane is hydrophobic.
8. The cell membrane of a human cell is composed of:
a. cellulose
b. cellulose and protein
c. cellulose and lipids
d. lipids and protein
9. Which of the following correctly describes the structural arrangement of the cell membrane?
a. a solid, rigid layer of phospholipids with loosely bound protein molecules
b. a bilayer of phospholipid molecules in which protein molecules are embedded
c. strong layers of protein molecules where carbohydrate molecules freely float
d. made of three layers: lipids on the inside, protein in the middle, and carbohydrates on the outside
10. The functions of the cells membrane include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. is a physical barrier that encloses the cellular contents
b. is selectively permeable membrane
c. is a source of energy
d. is a receptor site for hormones
3. 03 Describe a selectively permeable membrane and factors which influence permeability.
11. Which one is NOT a factor influencing permeability of the cell membrane?
a. size of the molecule
b. structure of the molecule
c. location of receptor site
d. charges of ions
12. Describe what it means for a membrane to be selectively permeable.
13. Permeability is:
a. the movement of molecules from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration
b. the ability to allow only certain substances to pass through
c. the state of being permanent
d. a term that only applies to cells and their membranes
14. A membrane that permits the passage of certain substances, but restricts the passage of others is known as:
a. selectively permeable
b. practically permeable
c. relatively permeable
d. nonpermeable
3.04 Contrast intracellular and extracellular fluid in terms of location and composition.
15. Intracellular fluid:
a. has a higher concentration of sodium
b. has a high concentration of potassium
c. is found outside the cell
d. is found inside the cell
16. Which of the following is a type of INTRA cellular fluid?
a. plasma
b. interstitial fluid
c. extracellular fluid
d. cytosol
3.05 Describe each of the following cellular transport processes and classify them as active or passive (Passive – diffusion, osmosis,
facilitated diffusion, dialysis and filtration. Active – Phagocytosis, exocytosis, and active transport).
17. Osmosis is:
a. movement of a substance across a membrane from high to low concentration
b. movement of water across a membrane from low to high concentration
c. movement across a membrane from low to high concentration
d. movement of water across a membrane from high to low concentration
18. Diffusion is:
a. movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration
b. movement of a substance from an area of low to high concentration
c. engulfing of solid particles
d. movement of substances from an area of high to low concentration
19. True/False – Facilitated diffusion requires ATP.
20. True/False – Exocytosis is an example of passive transport.
21. Molecules move down a concentration gradient in all of the following processes EXCEPT:
a. osmosis
b. filtration
c. facilitate diffusion
d. endocytosis
22. A passive process in which water molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of low concentration is known as:
a. Phagocytosis
b. pinocytosis
c. osmosis
d. diffusion
23.. Phagocytosis:
a. cell eating
b. cell drinking
c. cell movement
d. cell distribution
24. All of the following are considered methods of passive transport EXCEPT:
a. osmosis
b. diffusion
c. Na+/K+ pump
d. filtration
25. Diffusion of a water molecule is known as:
a. facilitated diffusion
b. hydrolysis
c. osmosis
d. phagocytosis
26. All of the following are mechanisms of active transport EXCEPT:
a. the sodium/potassium pump
b. exocytosis
c. filtration
d. pinocytosis
3.06 Review the osmotic effects that occur when a cell is placed is an isotonic, hypotonic, or hypertonic solution.
27. If a cell is placed in an isotonic solution:
a. water moves out of the cell
b. water moves into the cell
c. no water movement happens
d. water moves out of the cell and then back into the cell
28. A cell in a hypotonic solution:
a. loses water
b. gains water
c. neither gains or loses water
d. gains and loses water in equal amounts
29. A cell in an isotonic solution:
a. loses water
b. gains water
c. neither gains or loses water
d. gains and loses water in equal amounts
30. A cell in a hypertonic solution:
a. loses water
b. gains water
c. neither gains or loses water
d. gains and loses water in equal amounts
31. When cells are placed in a solution that has an EQUAL concentration of solutes and fluid as the cell, the solution and the cell are said to
a. hypotonic
b. hypertonic
c. hydrophobic
d. isotonic
3.07 Describe the function of the following structures within the cell (nucleolus, gene, chromatin, chromosome, DNA, ribosomes,
endoplasmic reticulum, golgi complex, mitochondria, Lysosomes, vacuole, peroxisome, microfilaments, microtubules, centrioles,
centrosomes, flagella, cilia, microvilli).
32. What organelle is a network of tubes in the cell used for intracellular transport?
a. vacuole
b. Lysosomes
c. mitochondria
d. endoplasmic reticulum
33. Where are nutrients broken down to produce ATP during the process of aerobic cellular respiration?
a. mitochondria
b. ribosome
c. golgi complex
d. Lysosome
34. What organelle is the site of protein synthesis?
a. vacuole
b. golgi apparatus
c. ribosome
d. endoplasmic reticulum
35. Which organelle is used for locomotion of the cell?
a. microvilli
b. cilia
c. flagellum
d. chromatin
36. Digest worn out organelles, food particles, or engulfed bacteria and viruses:
a. mitochondria
b. Lysosomes
c. golgi complex
d. endoplasmic reticulum
37. Is the control center of the cell and directs all cellular activities and protein synthesis
a. cytosol
b. nucleus
c. nucleolus
d. chromosome
38. True/False – Peroxisomes contain enzymes that detoxify harmful substances.
39. True/False – Microvilli increase the surface area of a cell.
40. Of the following organelles, which stores digested food and water?
a. vacuole
b. golgi complex
c. mitochondria
d. endoplasmic reticulum
41. The major energy production site of the cell is the:
a. golgi complex
b. ribosomes
c. mitochondria
d. endoplasmic reticulum
42. DNA is a major component of which cell organelle?
a. Lysosomes
b. ribosomes
c. mitochondria
d. nucleus
43. Which of the following organelles packages, sorts, and delivers cell products?
a. vacuole
b. golgi complex
c. mitochondria
d. mitochondria
Responsible for packaging proteins and sugars
Transport system that may or may not have ribosomes
A small structure within the nucleus that produces RNA
Produces ATP for the cell during cellular respiration
Spherical organelle which directs all cellular function
Membranous sac that contains digestive enzymes
Responsible for protein synthesis
a. endoplasmic reticulum
b. golgi complex
c. nucleolus
d. nucleus
e. ribosomes
f. lysosomes
g. mitochondria
51. The section of the DNA molecule that contains the genetic code for specific proteins is called a:
a. chromosome
b. gene
c. chromatin
d. nucleoli
52. The site where nutrients are broken down and ATP is produced during the process of cellular (Aerobic) respiration: (Powerhouse of the
a. mitochondria
b. ribosome
c. golgi complex
d. lysosome
53. The three components that make up nucleotides include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. a ribose or dioxyribose sugar
b. a nitrogenous base
c. a phosphate molecule
d. a sodium chloride molecule
54. Modifications of the plasma membrane that increase surface area of the plasma membrane to assist in the process of absorption are:
a. microvilli
b. cilia
c. flagellum
d. centrioles
55. These cellular structures function as poles or attraction sites form chromosomes during cell division:
a. centrioles
b. peroxisomes
c. genes
d. nucleoli
56. A site of lipid synthesis within the cell:
a. golgi apparatus
b. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
c. rough endoplasmic reticulum
d. centrosomes
57. Modifications of the plasma membrane that can actually propel the cell are:
a. flagellum
b. cilia
c. microvilli
d. microtrabecular lattice work
3.08 Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis.
58. What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?
59. True/False – In mitosis, the two daughter cells are identical to the parent cell.
60. Nuclear division of the sex cells or gametes is known as:
a. cytokinesis
b. mitosis
c. meiosis
d. interphase
61. Meiosis
a. keeps the chromosome number constant from daughter cell to daughter cell
b. ensures that all daughter cells have 46 chromosomes
c. occurs when cells are cloned
d. gains and loses water in equal amounts
62. If the total number of chromosomes in a cell is 46, how many chromosomes will be found in each daughter cell after mitosis?
a. 23
b. 46
c. 92
d. 107
3.09 Identify the general characteristics and functions of each of the four principle types of tissues.
63. What are the names of the two types of nerve cells?
64. Which is NOT on of the four principle types of tissue?
a. Sudoriferous
b. epithelial
c. muscular
d. connective
65. What are thin flat cells that can be stacked on each other?
a. cuboidal
b. Squamous
c. psuedostratified
d. columnar
66. What type of tissue binds things together?
a. epithelial
b. nervous
c. muscular
d. connective
67. Which one is NOT a muscle tissue?
a. adipose
b. skeletal
c. smooth
d. cardiac
68. Fibro cartilage can be found:
a. at the ends of bones
b. in the nose
c. in the auricle
d. in the menisci of the knee
69. Which is NOT a shape of epithelium tissue?
a. Squamous
b. stratified
c. cuboidal
d. columnar
70. Which is NOT a layer type of epithelium tissue?
a. Squamous
b. simple
c. stratified
d. psuedostratified
71. Transmits impulses:
a. muscular tissue
b. cartilage
c. nervous tissue
d. cardiac tissue
72. True/False – connective tissue binds and supports
73. The study of tissues is called?
a. anatomy
b. physiology
c. histology
d. cytology
74. The most widespread and abundant tissue in the body is:
a. connective
b. epithelial
c. muscle
d. nervous
75. Blood belongs to which tissue type?
a. connective
b. epithelial
c. muscle
d. nervous
76. Epithelial Cells are classified according the shape. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic shape of epithelial cells?
a. Squamous
b. cuboidal
c. columnar
d. rectangular
77. Keratinized stratified Squamous epithelium is found?
a. in the mouth
b. lining the esophagus
c. as part of the epidermis
d. lining the vagina
78. Which is NOT a function of connective tissue?
a. transport
b. support
c. protection
d. communication
79. Different types of cells
80. Single layer of flat scale-like cells
81. many layers of cube-shaped cells
82. One layer that looks like many layers with cilia
83. One layer that looks like many layers
a. simple Squamous
b. psuedostratified columnar
c. stratified cuboidal
d. transitional
e. ciliated-psuedostratified columnar
84. Cell process that transmits nerve impulses away from the cell body
85. Cell process that transmits nerve impulses toward the cell body
86. Where the nucleus of the cell is located
87. Nerve cell
a. neuron
b. axon
c. dendrite
d. cell body
3.10 Contrast exocrine and endocrine glands
88. Write EXO for exocrine gland and ENDO for endocrine gland for each of the following:
a. their products are secreted into ducts that lead to surfaces
b. their products are secreted into the blood and therefore stay within the body. They are ductless glands
c. examples are glands that secrete sweat, oil, mucus, and digestive enzymes.
d. examples are glands that secrete hormones.
89. What is the gland that secretes hormones into the blood?
a. sebaceous gland
b. exocrine gland
c. Sudoriferous gland
d. endocrine gland
90. Glands that are NOT ducted but release their products directly into the blood are called?
a. endocrine
b. exocrine
c. eccrine
d. apocrine
3.11 Differentiate between the four basic types of membranes (mucous, serous, Synovial, cutaneous).
91. What are the four types of membranes found in the body?
92. Name the membrane found in freely moveable joints.
a. mucous
b. cutaneous
c. serous
d. Synovial
93. What type of membrane is found lining body cavities without an opening to the outside world?
a. Synovial
b. mucous
c. serous
d. cutaneous
94. Mucous membranes:
a. contain no epithelial tissue
b. trap foreign particles
c. secret hormones
d. contract
95. Membranes that line body cavities and that lack openings to the outside are referred to as:
a. Synovial
b. mucous
c. serous
d. cutaneous
96. The type of membranes found lining freely moveable joints are:
a. mucous membranes
b. serous membranes
c. cutaneous membranes
d. Synovial membranes
97. What is the common name for the cutaneous membrane?
3.12 Describe the structures and functions of the Integumentary system components (skin, glands, hair, nails).
98. What are the six functions of skin?
99. What five body parts are part of the Integumentary system?
100. The shaft, root, and bulb make up:
a. skin
b. glands
c. hair
d. nails
101. True/False – An important function of the skin is the synthesis of Vitamin D.
102. Skin cells play an important role in the production of:
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin C
c. Vitamin D
d. Vitamin E
103. The white, half-moon region of the nail is called the:
a. Lunula
b. root
c. bed
d. matrix
104. Name three functions of the skin
3.13 Describe the major layers of skin.
105. What is the outer most layer of skin?
a. epidermis
b. hypodermis
c. dermis
d. subcutaneous
106. Blood vessels, nerve endings, and connective tissue can be found in the:
a. dermis
b. hypodermis
c. subcutaneous
d. epidermis
107. True/False – The hypodermis is a subcutaneous layer rich in fat and cartilage.
108. True/False – Blood vessels are found within the epidermis.
109. When the smooth muscles in the walls of the blood vessels in the dermis contract:
a. the vessels become dilated
b. body heat is conserved
c. more blood enters the dermis
d. the temperature drops
110. Smooth muscles that produce “goose bumps” when they contract are the:
a. papillary muscles
b. cardiac muscles
c. skeletal muscles
d. arrector pili muscles
3.14 Describe the functions of Sudoriferous and sebaceous glands.
111. Name the two types of glands found in the skin (not endocrine and exocrine) and what are they known for?
112. What is the gland in the dermis layer that produces perspiration?
a. endocrine gland
b. Sudoriferous gland
c. sebaceous gland
d. exocrine gland
113. Two types of Sudoriferous glands are:
a. apocrine
b. goblet
c. Eponychium
d. eccrine
114. True/False – The Sudoriferous glands lubricate the skin to keep it pliable.
115. Eccrine glands:
a. are most common in the armpits and groin
b. respond primarily to emotional stress
c. are usually associated with hair follicles
d. respond primarily to elevated body temperature
116. Sweat functions to cool the body by:
a. convection
b. conduction
c. radiation
d. evaporation
117. The apocrine sweat glands can be found in all of the following EXCEPT:
a. armpit
b. groin area
c. palms of the hand
d. pigmented skin areas
3.15 Identify the following diseases or disorders of the Integumentary system (acne, skin cancers [basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell
carcinoma, and malignant melanoma], and Decubitus ulcers)
118. Which is NOT a type of skin cancer?
a. Malignant melanoma
b. Basal carcinoma
c. Stratum lucidum carcinoma
d. Squamous carcinoma
119. Acne Vulgaris is an inflammation of the:
a. Sebaceous glands
b. Exocrine glands
c. Sudoriferous glands
d. Endocrine glands
120. Which is NOT a risk for skin cancer?
a. High altitude
b. Light skin
c. Increased oil production
d. Immuno-suppresed
121. Acne is a disorder involving the:
a. Sebaceous glands
b. Sudoriferous glands
c. Apocrine glands
d. Ceruminous glands
122. Decubitus ulcers are usually associated with skin overlying:
a. Nerve fibers
b. Bony projections
c. Skeletal muscles
d. Thick layers of fat
Please identify the following Prefixes, Suffixes,
and Root Words. Look on the back page for help. If you get all of these correct, you may add 5 bonus points to your exam.
Identify the following Medical Terms
surgical repair of the
removal of
hard tissue
repair of wrinkles
condition of eating
hard skin
on, upon
condition of excessive
temperature (heat)
state of
fungus condition of
the skin
relating to fat
using heat for
repair of the eyelid
pertaining to the skin
surgical repair of the
black cell
condition of excessive
cancer tumor
condition of less
inflammation of the
sweat glands
one who specializes
in the skin
upon the skin
red skin
inflammation of the skin
round bacteria
grape-like clusters