Download GCMS lesson plan September 5

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ELA standards and matching activity are highlighted in yellow.
Janell Toney
Grade Science
Lesson Plans
September 5 – September 9, 2016
Labor Day
Competency: Plant and Animal cells and organelles
Standard: 6.3b(b) Function of plant and animal cell parts (vacuoles, nucleus, cytoplasm, cell
membrane, cell wall, chloroplast) 8.3(a,b) Differences in plant and animal cells and structure.
6.3b Compare and contrast structure and function in living things to include cells and whole
organisms. 4. Analyzing an interpreting data: Data must pre presented in a form that can reveal
any patterns and relationships for communication to others.
Essential Question: How does cellular function influence life?
Focus Question: How are the roles of organic compounds similar to the roles of the structures
and people of a city?
Bellringer: ACT Questions
Guided Practice: TSW use the powerpoint presentation to help them develop their projects.
TTW model what is expected by referring back to certain slides of the powerpoint.
Independent Practice: TSW continue working on their cell city analogy project. This project
brings the stories they developed to life. Today is the final day for the students to draw and
color their cell city. The student’s projects will be submitted Wednesday.
Teacher Input: TTW monitor the students as they develop their projects using PowerPoint. TTW
assist the students as needed.
Closure: TSW discuss which chemical compound is most popular in the cell and why.
Competency: Plant and Animal cells and organelles
Standard: 6.3b(b) Function of plant and animal cell parts (vacuoles, nucleus, cytoplasm, cell
membrane, cell wall, chloroplast) 8.3(a,b) Differences in plant and animal cells and structure.
6.3b Compare and contrast structure and function in living things to include cells and whole
organisms. 4. Analyzing an interpreting data: Data must pre presented in a form that can reveal
any patterns and relationships for communication to others.
Essential Question: How does cellular function influence life?
Focus Question: How are the roles of organic compounds similar to the roles of the structures
and people of a city?
Bellringer: ACT Questions
ELA standards and matching activity are highlighted in yellow.
Guided Practice: TSW continue to develop their cell city projects using previous students work
as guides. TTW model what is expected by referring back to certain slides of the powerpoint.
Independent Practice: TSW continue working on their cell city analogy project. This project
brings the stories they developed to life. The student’s projects will be submitted today.
Teacher Input: TTW monitor the students as they develop their projects using PowerPoint. TTW
assist the students as needed.
Closure: TSW discuss which chemical compound is responsible for making protein and how.
Competency: Plant and Animal cells and organelles
Standard: 6.3b(b) Function of plant and animal cell parts (vacuoles, nucleus, cytoplasm, cell
membrane, cell wall, chloroplast) 8.3(a,b) Differences in plant and animal cells and structure.
6.3b Compare and contrast structure and function in living things to include cells and whole
Essential Question:
Focus Question:
Guided Practice:
Independent Practice: TSW complete unit 1.0 assessment on the history of the cell, the cell
theory, and organelles and their functions. After the assessment.
Teacher Input: TTW monitor the students as they complete their assessment.
Competency: Plant and Animal cells and organelles
Standard: 6.3b(b) Function of plant and animal cell parts (vacuoles, nucleus, cytoplasm, cell
membrane, cell wall, chloroplast) 8.3(a,b) Differences in plant and animal cells and structure.
6.3b Compare and contrast structure and function in living things to include cells and whole
Essential Question: How does cellular function influence life?
Focus Question: How are the roles of organic compounds similar to the roles of the structures
and people of a city?
Bellringer: ACT Questions
Guided Practice:
Independent Practice: TSW briefly present their powerpoint of their cell city. Each student will
have 2 minutes to display their cell city.
Teacher Input: TTW monitor the students keeping them within their two minute timeframe.