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Supplemental Material: Figure S1
Biotechnology Instrument for Knowledge Elicitation (BIKE)
1) Only genetically modified foods have DNA. True or False, explain your answer.
2) DNA replication is semiconservative. What does this mean?
each of the daughter molecules consists of one "old" strand from the
parent molecule and one newly synthesized strand
one of the daughter molecules contains the two “old” DNA strands from the
parent molecule and the other contains two newly replicated DNA strands.
each of the daughter molecule strands are a mix of old and new DNA
DNA replication is slow but very accurate
3) DNA can be physically removed from one cell, moved into another cell and change a trait of
that cell. True or False, explain your answer.
4) All of the genes in a cell are expressed constantly. True or False, explain your answer.
5) Queen Victoria did not have hemophilia, but she passed the trait to her descendants. Thus,
hemophilia is a __________________ disease.
6) How sure are you to your answer to question 5? Explain why.
7) DNA is a chemical and is not alive. True or False, explain your answer.
8) The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is similar to what reaction that occurs in all organisms?
DNA replication
9) In your own words describe what you think the term recombinant DNA means.
10) Isolated DNA can be used for the following (check all that apply):
Detecting bacteria and other microorganisms that may contaminate food
Authenticating certain foods such as caviar and wine
Identifying plant material found at a crime scene
Identifying the remains of individuals in catastrophes such as airplane
Distinguishing between identical twins
11) BRCA is a human gene and some mutations of this gene have been associated with a
significant increased risk of breast cancer. According to risk estimates from the National Cancer
Institute, a woman without a BRCA mutation has a 13% chance of developing breast cancer. A
woman with a BRCA mutation has 3-7 times increased risk of developing breast cancer. Breast
cancer is a preventable and treatable disease if caught early.
a) If your sister was considering being tested for the BRCA mutation, would you
encourage her to be tested? Why or why not?
b) If your sister were tested, depending on the outcome of the test (positive or negative
for the BRCA mutation), what types of treatment would you encourage her to consider?
Additional screening on a regular basis? Preventative treatment (breast removal before cancer
diagnosis)? Other? Why?
12) The instructions for making the proteins in a cell come from:
Amino Acids
Polymerase Chain Reaction
13) How sure are you to your answer to question 12? Explain why.
14) Bt-plants are made by adding ____________________ to the plants.
a bacteria which is lethal to a number of insect pests
a bacterial protein toxin that is lethal for a number of insect pests
the gene for a bacterial protein that is lethal to a number of insect pests
Bt spores
15) Which of the following has stem cells? Choose all that you think do have stem cells.
a. dog
b. fish
c. tree
d. bacteria
e. rock
f. bird
g. human adult
h. human fetus
16) Explain the reasoning for your answers to question 15 above.
17) Why can DNA evidence be used to identify a suspect conclusively?
18) To create a transgenic organism, one or more _________________ are artificially inserted
into the organism’s DNA.
stem cells
19) Explain your answer to question 18.
20) DNA is found in all cells. True or False, explain your answer.
21) An allele is an alternate form of a gene. True or False, explain your answer.
22) A family of four is coping with sickle cell anemia. From the information provided below,
determine the genotypes of each member of the family.
Use the following facts:
 sickle cell anemia is autosomal recessive
 the mother is unaffected
 the father has the disease
 the parents have two children, one girl and one boy
 half of the children have the disease, half do not
 Affected allele = s, unaffected allele = S
Mom:______ explain your answer.
Dad:______ explain your answer.
Girl 1:______ explain your answer.
Boy 1:______ explain your answer.
23) The DNA backbone is held together by strong covalent bonds while the two complementary
strands of DNA are held together by weaker hydrogen bonds. How is this aspect of DNA
structure important to its function?
24) The genome cannot be used for personal identification. True or False, explain your answer.
25) Genetically modified crops are unsafe for:
a) infants only
b) humans only
c) animals and humans
d) no one
26) Explain your answer to question 25.
27) If you change the sequence of DNA bases, it will change the encoded protein. True or False,
explain your answer.
28) In your own words, explain the term biotechnology using examples.
29) Boys inherit height from their fathers. True or False, explain your answer.
30) Mutations are:
a) always harmful
b) sometimes harmful
c) never harmful
31) How sure are you to your answer to question 30? Explain why.
32) The four main steps of modern biotechnology are listed below. Put them in the correct order:
Clone the gene for the trait of interest
Identify the trait of interest
Identify the trait in the new organism
Transfer the gene to a new organism
33) DNA can be extracted from a dead animal frozen in Arctic ice. True or False, explain your
34) Describe some of the differences between the uses of adult stem cells and embryonic stem
35) The purpose of proteins in a cell is (check all that apply):
To catalyze chemical reactions in the cell
To give the cell structure
To store the genetic information of the cell
To serve as signaling/receptor molecules for the cell