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第 1 頁,共 9 頁
第一部份 單選題 每題 2 分。共 20 分
1. DNA synthesis in eukaryotic cells takes place during which phase of the cell cycle?
(A) G1 phase
(B) S phase
(C) G2 phase
(D) M phase
2. Which of the following molecules does not constitute or contain a replicon?
(A) a complete bacteriophage DNA molecule
(B) a plasmid pBR322 molecule
(C) a DNA fragment containing the entire E. coli lac operon
(D) the human Y chromosome
3. Replication origins of DNA vary in length and sequence, but they share the common feature of having
(A) a high AT content
(B) many short repeated sequences
(C) inverted-repeat sequences
(D) flanking promoters sequences
4. The structure of which of the following molecules is not a covalently closed circle?
(A) an E. coli chromosome
(B) an intact cloning vector pUC18 molecule
(C) a human mitochondrial DNA molecule
(D) an M13 bacteriophage DNA molecule
5. Which of the following point mutation is a transition?
(A) an A to T substitution
(B) an A to G substitution
(C) an A to C substitution
(D) a G to C substitution
第 2 頁,共 9 頁
6. An Hfr E. coli strain is a strain that:
(A) contains high levels of the RecA protein.
(B) carries a defective F factor.
(C) has F factor DNA integrated into its chromosome.
(D) contains copies of the f1 phage genome in its chromosome.
7. Which of the following is not a property of the Klenow fragment?
(A) possessing 5'-3' DNA exonulease acitivity
(B) possessing 3'-5' exonuclease activity
(C) possessing DNA polymerase activity
(D) being part of the E. coli DNA polymerase I
8. Retroviruses carry a unique enzyme, the reverse transcriptase, for converting their RNA genetic
material into doubled-stranded DNA. For synthesizing first-strand DNA, this enzyme uses which of
the following as primer?
(A) The viral protein VPg
(B) host tRNA molecules
(C) loop-backed 3' ends of viral RNA molecule
(D) Nothing. Reverse transcriptase does not need primer for first-strand DNA synthesis.
9. A double-stranded DNA molecular contains 30% thymine. What percent of the same molecule would
be made up of uridine?
(A) 0
(B) 30
(C) 35
(D) 70
10. An E. coli recA strain is defective in which of the following processes?
(A) DNA replication
(B) Cell wall biosynthesis
(C) Homologous recombination
(D) Energy metabolism
第 3 頁,共 9 頁
第二部分 單選題 每題 2 分。共 20 分
11. The bacterial RNA polymerase consists of a core enzyme (2’) and a sigma factor (). If we
treated the enzyme with an antibiotic (rifamycin), the activity of a subunit  was inhibited by
preventing initiation of transcription, prior to the formation of the first phospodiester bond. So the
function of the  subunit is
(A) binding of template DNA
(B) binding of nucleotide substrate
(C) promoter recognition
(D) control of the binding of RNA polymerase to the promoter region
12. Which of the following is not true of trp operon in E. coli?
(A) It is a repressible operon involved in catabolism.
(B) It involves one repressor gene and five structural genes.
(C) The tryptophan is an co-repressor of the operon
(D) A sequence located between the operator and the first structural gene trpE is called attenuator,
which controls the movement of RNA polymerase depending upon the presence or absence of
13. Which of the following RNAs is not transcribed by RNA polymerase III in eukaryotes?
(A) tRNA
(B) 5.8 S rRNA
(C) 5 S RNA
(D) snRNA
14. Which of the following is true of the “homeobox” of a transcription factor?
(A) It is sequence of 60 base-pairs
(B) It was identified from a group of genes determining the body structure of early development of
(C) It is known to be responsible for binding DNA due to the zinc-finger motif on the C-terminal
(D) It is restricted to Drosophila.
第 4 頁,共 9 頁
15. Which of the following is not the structural motif of DNA-binding domain of a transcription factor?
(A) Zinc finger
(B) Helix-loop-helix
(C) Helix-turn-helix
(D) Acid blob
16. Which of the following is not known to have a function similar to that of -factor of E. coli?
(A) UBF1
(B) SL1
17. Which of the following is not true of enhancer?
(A) In many cases, the activity of a promoter is enormously increased by the presence of an
(B) It can function in either orientation.
(C) Its position can be upstream or downstream relative to startpoint.
(D) The motifs in the enhancer are spaced apart rather than contiguous.
18. In eukaryotic cells, transcription cannot begin until
(A) the two DNA strands have completely separated and exposed the promoter
(B) the appropriate transcription factors have bound to the promoter
(C) the DNA introns are removed from the template.
(D) the 5’ caps are removed from the mRNA
19. Which of the following is not true of RNA processing?
(A) Exons are excised and hydrolyzed before mRNA moves out of the nucleus.
(B) Methylation is involved in the 5’capping of hnRNA.
(C) RNA splicing may be catalyzed by spliceosomes
(D) A highly conserved sequence AAAUAA is present upstream of the site of poly-A tail, and
provides a signal for cleavage.
第 5 頁,共 9 頁
20. Lac operon in E. coli is actively “on” when
(A) No cyclic AMP; no lactose
(B) Cyclic AMP present; lactose present
(C) No cyclic AMP; lactose present
(D) Cyclic AMP present; without inducer
每題 2 分。共 20 分
21. To insert a DNA fragment (> 100 kb), which vector is the best choice?
(A) bacterial plasmid
(B) bacteriophage
(C) cosmid
(D) yeast artificial chromosome
22. What is the “in situ hybridization”?
(A) determine the cell type that expressing a particular mRNA
(B) determine the cell type that expressing a particular DNA
(C) determine the cell type that expressing a particular protein
(D) none of the above
23. What is the “disadvantages” of using bacteria to express the recombinant eukaryotic proteins?
(A) expensive
(B) time consuming
(C) difficult to purify
(D) no post-translational modifications
24. The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) is used to analyze
(A) different DNA sequence
(B) different RNA sequence
(C) different protein sequence
(D) none of the above
第 6 頁,共 9 頁
25. Which microbe produces “anthrax”, a biological weapon commonly used by bioterrorisms?
(A) Brucella anthracis
(B) Bacillus anthracis
(C) Clostridium anthracis
(D) Ebola anthracis
26. In plant transgenesis, which enzyme is used to make protoplases?
(A) cellulase
(B) amylase
(C) kinase
(D) phosphatase
27. The classical method for producing monoclonal antibody is using?
(A) E. coli
(B) Yeast
(C) mouse hybridoma cells
(D) embryonic stem cells
28. What is “proteome”?
(A) a group of enzymes which cleave proteins
(B) a specific DNA sequence which regulates protein expression
(C) a probe which is used to detect specific protein
(D) the entire complement of proteins in an organism
29. Which technique can be used to “knock down” gene expression?
(A) RNA interference
(B) Southern blot
(C) restriction mapping
(D) marker exchange
第 7 頁,共 9 頁
30. Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary science that involves developing and applying information
technology for analyzing
(A) DNA sequence
(B) RNA structure
(C) protein structure
(D) all of the above
每題 2 分。共 20 分
31. A G protein contains which of the following activity?
(A) GTPase activity
(B) Guanylyl cyclase activity
(C) ATPase activity
(D) Phosphodiesterase activity
32. A response element is a stretch of DNA sequence that?
(A) binds DNA polymerase
(B) binds transcription factor
(C) forms zinc finger
(D) acts as a transcription factor
33. The receptors for steroid hormones are predominantly located
(A) in extracellular space
(B) within cytosol or nucleus
(C) in organelle membrane
(D) in cell membrane
34. Which of the following is a characteristic of G protein-coupled receptors?
(A) protein kinase activity
(B) seven transmembrane domains
(C) GTPase activity
(D) single transmembrane domain
第 8 頁,共 9 頁
35. Which of the following events would mostly likely occur immediately following activation of a
receptor tyrosine kinase by its ligand?
(A) activation of a G protein
(B) stimulation of an adenylyl cyclase
(C) auto-phosphorylation of the receptor itself
(D) stimulation of a guanylyl cyclase
36. Which of the following statements regarding nitric oxide (NO) is not correct?
(A) NO is a gaseous molecule
(B) NO is able to readily diffuse through cell membrane
(C) NO stimulates cGMP production through activation of membrane-bound guanylyl cyclase
(D) production of NO is catalyzed by nitric oxide synthase
37. Which of the following statements regarding protein kinase A (PKA) is not correct?
(A) PKA is composed of regulatory and catalytic domains
(B) PKA is allosterically activated by cAMP
(C) PKA is a membrane-bound receptor
(D) PKA contains intrinsic GTPase activity
38. Which of the following molecules is not a Ca++- binding protein?
(A) calmodulin
(B) troponin
(C) sequestrin
(D) nitric oxide
39. ADP-ribosylation of a Gs protein results in
(A) inhibition of Gs protein’s GTPase activity
(B) activation of Gs protein’s guanylyl cyclase
(C) inhibition Gs protein’s ATPase activity
(D) activation Gs protein’s phosphodiesterase activity
第 9 頁,共 9 頁
40. Which is of the following molecules is usually not present in the mitogen-activated protein kinase
(A) Ras
(D) G-protein
每題 3 分。共 9 分
41. The translation of some mRNA molecules is blocked by specific translation repressor proteins that
bind near the 5 end of the mRNAs, where translation would otherwise begin. This type of
mechanism is called ___________________.
(A) positive translation control;
(B) negative translation control;
(C) repressor translation control;
(D) enhancer translation control.
42. Most mRNAs in a bacterial cell are very unstable, having a half-life of about 3 minutes. What was not
the possible reason to cause of this phenomenon?
(A) Because bacteria need adapt quickly to environmental changes;
(B) Because bacteria will rapidly divided and replicate themselves ;
(C) Because bacteria mRNA are rapidly synthesized and degraded;
(D) Because bacteria life-span is very short.
43. Control of the poly-A tail length affects both mRNA stability and mRNA translation.
What narration about above mention is wrong ?
(A) Most translationed mRNAs have poly-A tails that shorter than 30 As;
(B) Poly-A tails on selected mRNA can be either elongated or rapidly cleaved in the cytosol;
(C) Poly-A length can affect translation in addition to mRNA stability;
(D) Minimum Poly-A length is required for mRNA stability.
申論題(11 分)
44. Describe the roles of the A and P sites on the ribosome during translation.