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Chapter 1 Eukaryotic Cells Section 1.2
Cell Wall – rigid (stiff) structure that gives support to plant cells
Cell membrane – protective barrier that encloses a cell
Cytoskeleton – web of proteins in the cytoplasm that keep the membrane from collapsing
Nucleus – largest organelle in a eukaryotic cell, contains DNA that directs all cell activity
Ribosomes – organelles that make protein
Endoplasmic reticulum – folded membrane where cell materials are made (proteins, lipids) and
moved to different places in the cell
Mitochondria – power source of a cell where energy is produced
Chloroplasts – organelles in plant cells where photosynthesis takes place
Chlorophyll – green pigment in chloroplasts that traps the energy of sunlight
Golgi Complex ( Golgi apparatus, Golgi Body) – organelle that packages and transports protein
Vesicle – a bubble formed from the Golgi Complex that surround material that is moved around
or out of a cell
Lysosome – a vesicle that contains digestive enzymes; they breakdown old organelles, get rid of
wastes and protect the cell from foreign invaders. Mostly found in animal cells.
Vacuole – a large vesicle that mainly stores materials like water or digestive enzymes. In plants
they store water to support the cells (think about leaves when they wilt.)