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Cells and Heredity Ch. 1 Study Guide
1. List the 3 characteristics of a cell
a. All living things are made up of cells.
b. The cell is the smallest unit of a living thing.
c. The cell is the basic unit of function in an organism.
2. Chloroplast is an organelle that uses energy from sunlight to make sugar.
3. List 2 examples of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
a. Prokaryotic: bacteria and archea
b. Eukaryotic: frog and tree
4. Plant cells and animal cells share which of the following structures? (There may be
more than one)
a. Chloroplasts
b. Mitochondria
c. Cell membrane
d. Cell wall
e. Central vacuole
f. Nucleus
5. What domain do almost all multicellular organisms on Earth belong to?
a. Eukarya
b. Bacteria
c. Archea
6. An organ is different tissues working together to perform a particular function.
7. Tissue is a group of similar cells that are organized to do a specific job.
8. Eukaryotic cells store their genetic material in the nucleus, while
Prokaryotic cells store their genetic material in the cytoplasm
9. An organelle is a structure in a cell that is enclosed by a membrane and
that performs a particular function.
10. List the levels of organization for a tree
a. Level 1: Cell – plant cell
b. Level 2: Tissue - bark
c. Level 3: organ – leaf or root or stem
d. Level 4: organ system – leaf, stems, roots
e. Level 5: The organism itself, a tree.
11. Pasteur conducted experiments that confirmed the cell theory.
a. Explain what the cell theory is.
1. Every living thing is made up of one or more cells
2. Cells carry out the functions needed to support life
3. cells come from other living cells
b. Describe one of Pasteur’s experiments and explain how it confirmed the
cell theory and disproved spontaneous generation.
Select the term that best completes the statement
A. Cell
B. Microscope
C. Multicellular
D. Organism
E. Pasteur
F. Telescope
G. Unicellular
H. Van Leeuwenhoek
12. Pasteur confirmed the cell theory by proving that the theory of spontaneous
generation was wrong.
13. When an organism is made up of only one cell, it is called a(n) unicellular
14. Hooke used a(n) microscope to observe cells from the bark of an oak tree.
15. An individual living thing that carries out the activities of life is called a(n)
16. The smallest unit that is able to perform the basic activities of life is a(n) cell.
17. A frog is a(n) multicellular organism.
Select the term that best completes the statement
A. prokaryotic
B. cell wall
C. eurkaryotic
D. nucleus
E. organelle
F. cell membrane
G. scanning electron microscope (SEM)
H. light microscope
18. A modern light micropscope is useful because it allows scientist to look at living
19. The SEM produces a 3-dimensional image of the surface of objects.
20. The genetic material of a eukaryotic cell in found in the nucleus
21. Unlike animal cells, plant cells have a tough outer covering just outside the cell
membrane called the cell wall
22. Any part of a cell that is enclosed by its own membrane is a(n)
23. Identify the type of each cell.
a. Cell 1 Animal Cell
b. Cell 2 Plant Cell
Label each part of the cell and its function.
A. Cytoplasm – holds organelles in place
B. Chloroplast – makes energy from the sun into sugar
C. Nuclear membrane – protects the nucleus
D. Nucleus – contains the genetic material (DNA)
E. Endoplasmic reticulum – begins the process of manufacturing proteins.
F. Vesicles
G. Golgi apparatus – finishes the process of manufacturing proteins.
H. Central vacuole – stores waste and water
I. ribosomes – manufacture or build proteins
J. cell membrane – controls what goes in/out of cell
K. Mitochondria – breaks down sugar to release energy
L. cell wall – extra protection