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Cell Organelle Collage Project Remember, it takes 3 million cells to cover the head of a pin, but only one cell collage to cover a large part of your Biology grade. Assignment: You must write an original and appropriate analogy between cell organelles/structures and everyday objects. “An analogy is a comparison between two things which are similar in some respects, but are otherwise different. Structure: 1. Draw a plant or animal cell (your choice) on a piece of typing paper and color it neatly. Paste the drawing in the center of your poster board. You must include the following structures: Cell/plasma membrane cell wall (plant only) Cytoplasm chloroplast (plant only) Lysosomes nucleus Mitochondrion golgi apparatus Vacuole endoplasmic reticulum Ribosome Vesicle Nuclear Envelope Vacuole Nuclear Pore 2. Correctly label your cell as a plant or animal cell. 3. Find a magazine, newspaper, or internet picture of an everyday object which has a similar function (or use) as each cell organelle/structure in your picture. Write an analogy to show the similarity between the cell organelle and the everyday object. Be sure to explain the reasoning behind your analogies. For example, the nucleus is like a brain because it controls and coordinates the activities of the whole cell in the same way the brain controls and coordinates activities of the body. 4. Paste the pictures of the everyday objects at the edges of the poster board. Draw a line from your cell organelle in the center of the page to the picture at the edge of the page. Place your neatly written (blue or black ink) or typed analogy under the line you drew to connect the two. Materials Needed: Poster board or giant chart paper, written analogies, analogy pictures, color pencils, etc. Grade: Your collage will be graded on neatness, completeness, and originality.