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Biol 240
Study Guide to Midterm 2
Disclaimer: Not ALL of the questions on the midterm will necessarily be found on this
document, I have attempted to provide complete coverage, but it is possible to miss a
question once in a while. The Study Questions you have been answering for each chapter are
the basis for the midterm questions, but in order to phrase a logical multiple choice question,
i.e. how the question is asked, it may be worded differently – the answer will remain the
Chapter 5 Metabolism
Describe how competitive and noncompetitive inhibitors inhibit enzyme function, and
provide examples of each.
Diagram and describe how enzymes speed up biochemical reactions, and how they
affect the energy required for a reaction to occur. Describe 3 different physical and
chemical factors that can influence enzyme activity?
Explain the differences between: photoheteotrophs and photoautotrophs , and provide
named (Genus and species) examples of each.
Describe how ATP is generated via chemiosmosis in the Electron Transport Chain in
aerobic organisms. Where do the electrons that enter the ETC come from? Describe
the role of protons in ATP synthesis.
Spring 2011
Midterm 1
Biol 240
Diagram and describe how enzymes speed up biochemical reactions, and how they affect
the energy required for a reaction to occur. Describe 3 different physical and chemical
factors that can influence enzyme activity?
What determines the three dimensional shape of enzymes. (review chapter 2). Identify
two factors that can denature the three dimensional shape of proteins, and explain how
they alter molecular structure.
Explain the differences between chemoautotrophs and chemoheterotrophs, and provide
named (Genus and species) examples of each.
Chapter 6 Microbial Growth
Explain the difference between the following; obligate aerobes, facultative anaerobes,
obligate anaerobes, aerotolerant anaerobes, and microaerophiles. Diagram where each
organism would grow in fluid thioglycollate medium.
Before the invention of refrigeration foods were commonly preserved by salting,
drying, or adding sugar. Pick an example of a preserved food and explain how it is
Draw a table in which you describe the following types of growth medium: chemically
defined, undefined, selective, differential, complex.
Spring 2011
Midterm 1
Biol 240
An experiment began with 4 cells and ended with 128 cells. How many generations did
the cells go through?
During which phase of bacterial growth is penicillin most effective?
Diagram and thoroughly define the phases of a typical bacterial growth curve. What is
happening during each phase? [Label the axes of your graph].
Most bacteria have a limited range of pH at which they can grow best. What is the
optimum pH for growth of most bacteria? What name is give to an organism that can
tolerate acidic conditions? What adaptations do these organisms need to possess in
order to survive, and provide an example of such an organism.
Explain the differences between psychrophiles, mesophiles and thermophiles.
What is generation time?
Spring 2011
Midterm 1
Biol 240
Chapter 7 Control of Microbes
Diagram and describe how an autoclave sterilizes hospital equipment. What types of
equipment can be sterilized by autoclaving, and what kinds of equipment cannot be
Describe the process of pasteurization? why are some foods pasteurized rather than
being boiled as a method of preservation?
Contrast the effects of ionizing radiation and non ionizing radiation on bacteria.
Draw and describe how the disk diffusion method would used to evaluate the
effectiveness of Chlorine, Hexachlorophene and O-phenylphenol against
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Chapter 8 Microbial Genetics
Distinguish between the following terms; gene, chromosome, and genome.
Use an example to demonstrate your understanding of the distinction between a
microorganisms’ genotype and it’s phenotype.
Spring 2011
Midterm 1
Biol 240
What are the four nitrogen containing bases of DNA? Identify the double
ring bases and what name is given to this group? Identify the single ring
bases and what name is given to these. What are the complementary base
pairings of DNA?
If a DNA sample contains 13% adenine, what percentage of the sample contains
Draw and describe the process of transcription in bacteria. Explain the difference
between the sense and the anti-sense strands of DNA. List all of the ’ingredients’
necessary for transcription to take place and the three products of transcription.
Explain the relationship between codons and an anticodons and the roles each play in
Describe how Fredrick Griffith discovered the bacterial process of transformation.
Name one antibiotic that works by interfering with protein synthesis, and describe how
does it works
Spring 2011
Midterm 1
Biol 240
Compare and contrast the 3 methods of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria. If DNA is
transferred from donor to recipient cell, does that DNA always become a hereditary
component of the recipient cell? Explain.
Explain the differences between transcription and translation.
Diagram the structure of the lac operon and label and define the function of 5 protein
and DNA components involved in its function and regulation.
What is the genetic code? The genetic code depicts groups of three letters, what do the
letters represent, on which molecule are do the occur, and what name is given to the
groups of three letters.? Describe how the genetic code ‘instructs’ the formation of
polypeptides in cells.
If the series of amino acids coded for by a strand of mRNA is valine-prolinetryptophan-isoleucine what would be a possible sequence of bases on the mRNA?
The sequence of bases on a mRNA transcript is as follows AUG-CCC—UGC-GGG,
what would the anti-codons on the complimentary tRNA molecules, and what four
amino acids would be specified?
Spring 2011
Midterm 1
Biol 240
If the series of amino acids coded for by a strand of DNA is serine-alanine-lysineleucine what is the order of bases on the sense strand of the DNA?
Chapter 9 Biotechnology
What is recombinant DNA and describe a product that is manufactured using
recombinant DNA technology.
What is the function of restriction enzymes that naturally occur in bacterial cells?
Describe the function of a restriction enzyme in creating a molecule of recombinant
What are restriction fragments and how are they produced?
How does PCR work and what does it do?
You have a small gene that you wish replicated by PCR. After 3 replication cycles, how
many double-stranded DNA molecules do you have?
Starting with a human genome explain the process of creating recombinant DNA by
inserting the human gene of interest into a bacterium such as Escherichia coli so that
the bacterium would be able to synthesize the human protein.
Spring 2011
Midterm 1
Biol 240
Describe the reaction catalyzed by DNA polymerase.
Describe the reaction catalyzed by reverse transcriptase.
Why are genes composed of cDNA preferred to genes composed of ordinary DNA when
transferring a eukaryotic gene to a bacterium?
Spring 2011
Midterm 1