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Swanmore College homework instruction sheet Cells – making a model cell. Making a Model cell. You need to make a model of an animal or plant cell (of your choice). Along with the model you will need to produce a description of the cell with all the relevant parts labelled (e.g. cytoplasm, nucleus etc.) as well as explaining how it is able to carry out its role (e.g. sperm cells have a tail to allow them to swim). The model must be no bigger that an A4 sheet of paper and the description should be completed to A4 size also. If completed on computer please use size 12 font (unless otherwise pre-arranged) Due date: 3 weeks after date homework is set. Purpose: Resources: To consolidate pupils understanding of the general structure of plant and animal cells. Library To extend pupils knowledge and understanding of specialised cells, relating structure to function. Old boxes, cardboard, scissors, glue, selloptape etc. to make model cells Internet Suggested timeframe for completion: 3 weeks Success Criteria: Use this to help you complete the work accurately. Tick each part you have covered in your work. Level 3 Made a simple model of a plant or animal cell. Identified a part of the cell correctly. Stated some simple facts about cells, e.g. how you see them, what they do, what they are like. Level 4 Made a model plant or animal cell and have labelled most parts correctly using correct key words. Described what cells are like and what they do. Matched some parts of the cell to their job correctly. Level 5 Made an accurate model plant or animal cell and have labelled all parts correctly. Described what cells are like and what they do. Described the job of each part of the cell correctly. Level 6 Made a model of a plant or animal cell or a specialised cell. Labelled all parts of the cell correctly. Explained the jobs of each part of the cell correctly. Explained simply why the cell is good at its job. Level 7 Made a specialised cell, e.g. a root hair, ovum, sperm. Using scientific detail, labelled all parts of the cell correctly. Using scientific detail, explained the jobs of each part of the cell correctly. Using scientific detail, explained how the cell’s shape helps it do its job. Parental feedback How long did your child spend on this homework? Any comments you would like to make regarding this homework? Teacher feedback: